Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 256 Spirit Crystal {3 more}

Chapter 256 Spirit Crystal {Third Watch}
Ling Feng smiled, but was a little curious.

What good stuff is in such a small box.

Ling Feng opened the box.

The box was made of jade, and it was tightly sealed. Just when a gap was exposed, a strong aura emanated from it, which was refreshing.


Ling Feng frowned.

Pick up the lid, and inside the box is a translucent crystal the size of a walnut.

"Spirit crystal!"

Ling Feng said in surprise, with surprise in his eyes.

He knew the spirit crystal.

It is the same quality as the spiritual liquid. If the spiritual liquid is a liquid, the spiritual crystal is the aura solidified by the spiritual liquid. A small piece of spiritual crystal contains much more energy than the spiritual liquid.

In addition to spiritual energy, there is also water in the spiritual liquid, but the spiritual crystal only has spiritual energy.

Although this small piece of spiritual crystal is not as good as the pool of spiritual liquid that Ling Feng absorbed in the third spiritual domain, it is not much different. That is to say, he can evolve to the ninth level by refining this piece of spiritual crystal. dragon.

Ninth level dragon!

"It's really good stuff."

Ling Feng was very satisfied.

In fact, the only natural treasures that can attract him are spiritual fluids, spiritual crystals, and other good things, and he doesn't have much desire for them.

Just like the psychic fruit he obtained, others can take it and step into a higher realm, but it is difficult for him, not to say that it has no effect, but his evolution requires too much energy, if he really takes this emerald product A psychic fruit may need six or seven, or even more, to evolve.

Of course, if there is a yellow-pin psychic fruit, then he can evolve with only one.

This kind of spiritual fruit is not so easy to find, and when he evolves to a higher level, a yellow-grade psychic fruit will not work.

"This spirit crystal is the last treasure of my Ji family. It is reserved for the masters of the family to break through the heavenly realm. It is a pity that the Ji family has not had a nine-star peak martial artist in the past few years. Now it is cheaper for you."

Ji Yingying said sourly.

"It's a fair deal."

Ling Feng took a look at Ji Yingying: "I rescued you three times and saved your father. You owe me a hundred catties of Five Elements Crystal, and you help you repel the Rong family, Lu family, and Seven Killing Gates. I will return the treasure house of your Ji family." , It is such a truth, but, your Ji family actually has spirit crystals, which is beyond my expectation, as far as I know, there seems to be no spirit crystals on Earth."

"It's true, this spirit crystal was brought back from an alien planet by an ancestor of my Ji family who participated in the battle of seed players in the last few sessions."

Ji Yingying said.

"Battle of the Seeds, Aliens?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not too sure about this, it's recorded in the family tree."

Ji Yingying shook her head.

Ling Feng nodded: "Okay, you have spirit crystals, this time I did take some advantage, obviously, the Ji family would rather be cheaper than me, so tell me, Ji Yingying, I will give you two choices One is one hundred catties of five-element crystals, let’s count half of your amount, fifty catties! One is to give you a chance to help you step into the eight-star or even nine-star realm, but in this way, you will break through the sky realm in the future It's going to be hard!"

One hundred catties of five element crystals is not a small amount. Without the treasure house of Ji's family, it is basically impossible for Ji Yingying to find so many. In his current situation, at most a five-element crystal of about sixty catties can complete the five-element qi needed by the Dragon Palace.

As for the opportunity to send Ji Yingying, it is to use dragon energy to enhance her strength.

The energy contained in the spirit crystal is huge, enough for him to evolve to a ninth-level dragon. At that time, with a few million deniers of dragon energy, Ji Yingying can be forcibly raised to a nine-star realm.

Millions of Dragon Qi points are not too much for him now.

In fact, this time, instead of talking about his help, Ji Yingying's benefits, and talking about himself, it was definitely a profit.

Ling Feng only counts his own benefits, just like a developer builds a building and sells it to a speculator for 5000 million. There are not as many hard-earned ones as there are speculators, but the developer only counts it as his own, as long as he earns it himself, there is no need to be jealous.

For Ling Feng, whether it was saving Ji Yingying in the devil's lair or helping Ji's family this time, it was a matter of little effort, and there was no need to take any risks. It was very good to have such benefits.

Ling Feng held the spirit crystal in his hand, and with a thought, he activated the dragon transformation and absorbed the spirit crystal directly.

"Drip! The dragon energy value is 122600466 deniers! The evolution condition has been reached, do you want to evolve?"


"Evolving...evolved successfully! The host is already a level nine dragon!"

Ninth level dragon!

Although the evolution process was painful, Ling Feng was happy.

Finally level nine dragon!
Evolved to a ninth-level dragon, Ling Feng's strength has improved a lot at this time. Originally, when he was an eighth-level dragon, if he really wanted to fight with a one-star heaven-level martial artist, he could only fight. After receiving the opponent's few moves, it will not be the opponent, only the life of escape, but when you reach the ninth level of the dragon, it will be different.

Although one-star heaven realm martial arts practitioners cannot be dealt with personally, after transforming into a dragon, they can fight, and it is not even known who will win or lose.

Like the last time in the Devil's Cave, if you meet that ancient senior again, you don't have to leave directly, and it's even possible to kill him.

"One more level of evolution, it's a mad dragon!"

Crazy Dragon!

There was also a slight look of anticipation on Ling Feng's face.

The mad dragon is equivalent to a martial artist in the heavenly realm. This is a real strong man.

To be honest, although martial arts practitioners in human realm and land realm are not weak, as long as they have a little bit of talent, they can step into it.

But Tianjing not only needs talent, but also needs some opportunities.

Heaven, it's not that easy.

Moreover, if it evolves to the mad dragon, the system will definitely have new functions.

Speaking of which, there are no new changes in the system in the current several levels of evolution. The further you go, the fewer new functions will be released.

Of course, it is the treasure chest, the two functions of devouring all life, leaving countless geniuses behind, even other system owners do not have it.

This can be seen from the fact that he can see who owns the system, but the other party cannot see that he owns the system.

Ling Feng looked up.

I saw a slender hand dangling in front of my eyes.

"Ling Feng, Ling Feng!"

Ji Yingying was a little strange.

What's wrong with Ling Feng, his face is painful for a while, laughing for a while, and dazed for a while.

If she didn't know Ling Feng's identity, she would have thought that she was mentally ill.


Seeing Ling Feng raised his head, Ji Yingying said.

"is it possible?"

Ling Feng said unhappily:

"Have you made up your mind?"

"Think it over, think it over!"

A gleam of joy appeared on Ji Yingying's face: "Just help me improve my realm!"

After a pause, there was still a trace of disbelief on his face, and he asked suspiciously: "Ling Feng, is what you said true?"

(End of this chapter)

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