Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 259 Set Up {1 More}

Chapter 259 Set Up {One More}
"Yes, yes!"

With candied haws in her mouth, Ling Xiaoxia echoed:

"I also want Diyuan Pill."

Ling Feng was a little helpless: "You guys are indispensable."

One person gave them four Earth Yuan Pills.grunt!Ling Xiaojie swallowed it in one gulp, and smacked his lips: "Palace Master, this Yuan Pill is not tasty, it has no taste, can you give me some more?"

"Is this what you ate?"

Ling Feng glared.

Ling Xiaojie can see him eating wherever he goes, except for eating.

Ling Feng found out that after not seeing him for a while, Ling Xiaojie had gained a lot of weight, almost becoming a little Maitreya Buddha.

However, the strength of the two has increased rapidly, and now they are at the two-star level, and it has only been less than a month.

Of course, this is not enough.

This time he decided to raise the strength of the two of them again.

Ling Xiaojie swallowed four Earth Yuan Pills and was able to speak just now, but now his face was flushed and he stammered: "Palace Master, it's so hot!"

A child with a two-star realm swallowed four Earth Yuan Pills at a time, and his body would definitely not be able to bear it for a while.

Ling Feng grabbed Ling Xiaojie's ear with two fingers and dragged him over: "You are greedy, even Bajie can't compare to you."

Ling Feng poured dragon energy into Ling Xiaojie's body one after another, refining the medicinal power of the Earth Pill for him, and at the same time using the dragon energy to enhance his strength, he did not forget to say: "Look at Xiao Xia, you have to learn from her, you know Well, you only know how to eat all day, and you can eat pigs without you!"


Ling Xiaoxia laughed so that Xiaoyue's eyebrows arched and she narrowed her eyes:
"Palace Master, Ling Xiaojie has almost eaten up the big black face during this time. Let me count. He has eaten an average of 3000 roast ducks every day for a month, and one of them has eaten more than [-]. Several times because of Several shopkeepers had no stock, and the quantity was not enough. He even beat up people, and attracted people from two major families. We were almost arrested!

I suggest that the Palace Master lock him up so that he can't eat roast duck for a month! "

Wu Yuan's face darkened.

Am I dark?

Ling Xiaojie was speechless at the moment.

But hearing Ling Xiaoxia's words, Xiao Xiaolu's eyes glared fiercely, but Ling Xiaoxia didn't seem to see it.

Ling Xiaojie could only look at Ling Feng pitifully.

If you really want to lock him up for a month, he will die.

At this moment, Ling Xiaoxia stopped talking very quickly, and stared at Ling Xiaojie with her big agile eyes.

At this moment, Ling Xiaojie's cultivation was improving at a visible speed.

Samsung situation!

Four-star realm!


The pinnacle of the six-star realm!

Ling Feng stopped at this time.

In fact, Ling Xiaojie's cultivation could be raised directly to the Nine Star Realm, but that would be too fast, and he had to wait for a while to consolidate.

"Ling Xiaoxia, how dare you slander me!"

As soon as Ling Xiaojie let go, he rushed towards Ling Xiaoxia angrily, intending to beat her up.

But just before taking two steps, Ling Feng raised his arm and threw it, bang!The fleshy little meatball was stuffed directly under the bed, humming "woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " the little fleshy ball is stuffed under the bed directly.


Ling Xiaoxia ran in front of Ling Feng, her little red dress fluttering:
"Palace Master, help me improve my strength too, I'm the most obedient!"

"it is good."

Ling Feng also began to inject dragon energy into Ling Xiaoxia's body.

Less than an hour.

Ling Xiaoxia has also been promoted to the seven-star realm, one level higher than Ling Xiaojie.

"Ling Xiaoxia, take care of Ling Xiaoxia from now on, if he is disobedient, punish him!"

Ling Feng asked.

"Got it! Got it! I'll deal with him now!"

boom!Ling Xiaoxia's pink fists landed directly on Ling Xiaojie's face.

Ling Xiaojie screamed, and his eyes immediately turned into panda eyes and swelled up.

Ling Feng had a bad premonition, whether he did something wrong, neither of these two people was a fuel-efficient lamp.

Wu Yuan stood aside, but his eyes were full of envy.

The realm that ordinary martial arts practitioners can't reach in a lifetime of cultivation, in Ling Feng's hands, becomes so easy, helping others to advance.

People are so different.

In Wu Yuan's heart, Ling Feng grew taller and taller.


Chang family.

in the courtyard.

A bearded young man hung up the phone.

"Have you come? That's good. Master Jiang Chengling, who has the blood of the dragon, hasn't come back for several months. I, Yundu Province, have such a genius. It just so happens that this time I will testify with the life of a genius."

A smile appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth:
"Zheng Feihong's trash can't be caught by a mere eight-star realm martial artist. Fortunately, he is still a heavenly realm martial artist. No matter how strong he is, he sometimes has to act with his head. This time, let's watch me slay the dragon." !"

"Indeed, after Senior Chang slays the dragon this time, if he refines the blood of the divine dragon, he may be able to catch up with Zheng Feihong, or even surpass him. By then, Senior Chang may also have a chance to win the title of Transcendent."

Standing beside the young man was a fat man who was slightly smaller than him.

Youth is often homely and mighty.

Chang Weimeng heard the words, and sneered: "Supermanence is natural, but this is not enough, a higher realm is required. In short, there is no limit to martial arts, and never give up!"

"Senior Chang has the heart of martial arts, and he will definitely become a peerless powerhouse in the future. Even Tang Zheng, the head of Skynet, the number one powerhouse in China, can stand shoulder to shoulder with him."

The chubby young man smiled.

"It's too early. This person has become a king very early, and his strength has reached an unfathomable level."

Chang Wei waved his hand fiercely:

"Let's not talk about this now. This time, let Ling Feng fall into the trap. The important part depends on you. I am from the Chang family. Once I show up, I will definitely be recognized by him. Then all plans will be useless. Don't worry. , if it succeeds this time, the benefits will be indispensable to you, and you will also have a share of the dragon's blood."

"Naturally go all out!"

The chubby young man's eyes flashed, and he nodded.


It was already afternoon.

Seven Days Hotel.

The seven-day auction will be held in this hotel.

They are all industries under the [-]th Group, basically providing one-stop service.

Ling Feng came to the Seventh Hotel.

main entrance.

Ji Yingying was already waiting for him.

The two came to Yundu City together, but they separated when they arrived in the city. Ji Yingying went to see Ji Ziying for the five-element crystal.

Ji Ziying did not break her promise.

Ten catties of Five Elements Crystal was indeed given to her, and as a friend, I gave her a [-]% discount.

"I'll give it to you first, and wait until the twenty catties are auctioned off."

Ji Yingying handed Ling Feng a box.

There are ten catties of five elements crystal inside, which is not bad.

Ling Feng took it, and the two entered the Seventh Hotel together. He went to the bathroom with an excuse to extract the Qi of the Five Elements.

The Qi of the Five Elements column: 7906 points for the Qi of Metal, 8012 points for the Qi of Wood, 8066 points for the Qi of Water, 7923 points for the Qi of Fire, and 8037 points for the Qi of Earth.

The Qi of the Five Elements is 10000 points away, each with a difference of more than 2000 points.

Ten catties of five-element crystals can provide about 500 points each, and another forty to fifty catties of five-element crystals can provide 10000 points of five-element qi.


Ling Feng secretly sighed: "The twenty catties of five-element crystals extracted at the auction will have almost 9000 points of five-element energy each."

(End of this chapter)

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