Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 266 Devour {3 more}

Chapter 266 Devouring
Chang Weiquan and the three confronted Ji Yingying.

Ji Yingying gritted her teeth: "Please wait a little longer."

Chang Weiquan's face was ugly: "Ji Yingying, it seems that you are really going to be an enemy of our Chang family?"

Ji Yingying didn't pay any attention to it at the moment.

Chang Weiquan and the three had no choice but to hope that Chang Weimeng could defeat Ling Feng.

During this period, Ke Yu quietly took out his mobile phone to make a call, but Ji Yingying saw it, snatched it, and smashed it to pieces.

As for Chang Weiquan, Dongfang Jun's cell phone was smashed by Ling Feng before.

At this moment.

Chang Weimeng vomited blood.

Has suffered internal injuries.

Originally, he was also going to run towards the entrance of the passage, but was stopped by Ling Feng.

The basement was prepared to prevent Ling Feng from escaping.

Now it has become his hindrance.

"Ling Feng, let me go! Let's forget about this matter. You killed my Chang family members before, and my Chang family will not care about it in the future. We will not violate the river water."

Chang Weimeng dodged again and again and said.

Ling Feng sneered: "Do you think it's possible? This time, you count on me. After killing you, it won't be long before your Chang family will be destroyed!"

Although he was talking, Ling Feng didn't stop at all.

A dragon wagging its tail, combined with the Frost Arrow, became the most powerful weapon.

Originally, Chang Weimeng has suffered serious injuries.

At this moment, under Ling Feng's constant bombardment, he was already at the end of his strength.


Chang Wei violently charged left and right, and bombarded the wall above his head as soon as he found an opportunity.

After all, he is a martial artist in the heavenly realm, and at this moment, Ling Feng bombarded it with the dragon's body several times, and finally couldn't bear it.


The basement collapsed.

Chang Wei jumped up into the sky violently, swinging the spirit knife in his hand through the broken walls and cement blocks, trying to escape towards the outside.

Unfortunately, it hasn't landed yet.

Snapped!Chang Weimeng was directly hit by the blow and hit the sky.

Ling Feng jumped out, and the dragon's body had already reached high altitude.



Amidst the shrill screams, Chang Weimeng was bitten into two pieces by Ling Feng, swallowed into his stomach, and transformed into billowing dragon energy.

The dragon energy value has increased by nearly [-] million deniers.

Not bad for being a strong man in the sky.

Ling Feng killed Chang Weimeng before he landed and transformed into a human being.

Ji Yingying and Chang Weiquan walked out of the passage, just in time to see Ling Feng devouring Chang Weimeng at high altitude.

The three of them slumped on the ground, trembling.

Chang Weimeng of the One Star Heaven Realm was swallowed by Ling Feng just like that.

where are they?
"Master Ling, please forgive me, this matter has nothing to do with me, Chang Weimeng asked me to do this."

Ke Yu knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly, his head was swollen.

Dongfang Jun was similar: "Master Ling, Ji Ziying asked me to come here. She said that Chang Weimeng would kill you. On behalf of the Qiri Group, I can also get some of your dragon blood. It has nothing to do with me." , please forgive me."

Chang Weiquan followed up and said: "This is what my brother did. He called me here. I didn't know this happened before. Please let Master Ling let me go."

The three wagged their tails and begged for mercy on the ground.

Ling Feng smiled and didn't even look at the three of them.

Moan!The next moment, the three of them were directly swallowed and transformed into pure dragon energy.

Ji Yingying was dumbfounded.

In such a short while, Chang Jiachang mighty, Chang Weiquan, Dongfang Jun, and He Yu died.

You must know that there is a strong man in the sky among them.

Ling Feng's strength is actually so strong.

And obviously, it's just the cultivation base of the nine-star realm.

"What are you waiting for, let's go."

Ling Feng laughed.

He picked up a long knife on the ground, which was Chang Weimeng's spiritual weapon, as well as the psychic fruit that Chang Weiquan had auctioned off, and some inferior Yuandan.

This time, it is worthwhile to kill all these people, especially the nearly 3000 million deniers of dragon energy extracted from Chang Weimeng, and nearly 221204566 million deniers of Chang Weiquan's three people. It is [-] denier dragon energy, but it is about [-] million deniers away from one billion deniers before it can evolve.

The only way to go is to go to the sea to devour sea beasts.

Of course, before that...

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes.

He is going to the Seven Killing Gates.

This person actually doesn't know how to live or die, and follows the Chang family to calculate himself, so he can't be blamed for being rude.

There is also the Chang family, which he can do nothing about for the time being. The head of the Chang family stepped into the heavenly realm very early, and no one knows how strong it is. With his current strength, a one-star heavenly realm can kill him, but a two-star heavenly realm can still kill him. No, you have to evolve to a mad dragon.

As for Ji Ziying that Dongfang Jun mentioned.

This Ling Feng didn't know if what the other party said was true, and he didn't see it with his own eyes, but there was a high probability that there was nothing wrong with it, but this woman was smart and asked Dongfang Jun to be a substitute, just in case, but she didn't show up , he is temporarily unable to start.

After Ling Feng and Ji Yingying left.

Not long after, a woman appeared in the ruins, it was Ji Ziying.

Ji Ziying's face turned pale, with rejoicing in his eyes, and then he was terrified: "Chang Weimeng of the One Star Heaven Realm is not his opponent. He died here. This person is really cruel, and he killed a person without any scruples Fortunately, I didn't come early, otherwise, I would have died."


After Ji Ziying left, several figures landed on the ruins.

This is because some nearby martial artists sensed the energy fluctuations here and came here.

"Hiss! This is how intense the battle was to create such a scene. I'm afraid it was a fight between the powerful in the heavenly realm. Did any of you see it?"

"I saw it, a white dragon, and a young man, that young man seemed to be Chang Jiachang mighty and mighty, I didn't see his face clearly, but I heard his voice, he should be good!"

"Really, it's actually these two people. The white dragon is obviously Master Jiangcheng Ling. He appeared at the [-]-day auction before, and he started fighting with others in the blink of an eye. That's right. Impossible."

"By the way, what happened to the two of them?"

"It seems that Chang Weimeng was swallowed by the white dragon!"


"Have you seen it clearly? How is this possible? Chang Weimeng is a one-star celestial realm powerhouse, how could he die so easily?"

"But that's the truth. I saw it too. Chang Weimeng let out a scream, and then he was bitten into two pieces by the Shenlong and swallowed it in his stomach."

"Is this really the case, it seems right!"

"This Master Ling is so powerful that he can't even match against a strong man in the heavenly realm. It's terrifying!"

"The bloodline of the dragon is terrifying, this person must not be provoked!"

"Once Chang Weimeng died, the Chang family lost a Heaven Realm. If the head of the Chang family knew the news, he would probably go crazy."

"Yes, this matter has nothing to do with us, just watch."

"Cloud City is going to be in chaos!"


The porcelain cup in his hand fell to the ground and became fragments.

"Is Wei Meng really dead?"

The head of the Chang family, Chang Mingjun, stood up, his eyes bursting with a strong light.

(End of this chapter)

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