Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 270 Appears {3 more}

Chapter 270 Appears {Third Update}
Ling Feng was very unhappy.

With himself in front of him, he didn't like someone talking to Ling'er and Lan Qing.

Especially in Tao Beichen's eyes, looking at the two women, although he hid it well, he still felt the aggression.

Isn't this looking for death?

Ling'er has long been his man.

As for Lan Qing, although he didn't have a clear relationship, he didn't want other people to get involved.

It may sound selfish, but selfishness is selfishness.

"Ling Feng, you are so domineering."

Lan Qing gently pursed her rosy lips and smiled charmingly.

"Brother Ling Feng is like this."

Qian Ling'er followed with a smile and said, like a bud, pure and flawless.

As for Tao Beichen, neither of them had any further concerns.

But the faces of all the young people in the hall who were preparing for the assessment changed, showing pity on their faces.

This is the Tao family Tao Beichen, one of the five major forces in the Golden City. In addition to his deep background, his own strength is also super strong.

As for Ling Feng, he couldn't see his cultivation, he seemed to be an ordinary person.

But if you can come in here, it’s definitely not. It’s obviously hiding your strength, but no matter how you hide it, look at Lan Qing and Qian Ling’er, a three-star realm and a one-star realm. It will be stronger than Tao Beichen.

Saying such things as soon as he came in, offended Tao Beichen, and Jindu City is the headquarters of the Tao family, isn't this courting death?


Tao Beichen's face immediately turned cold: "Friend, tell me where you are from, which family you belong to, or which sect you are from!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said, "I have no family or sect, and I'm from Yundu Province."

Tao Beichen laughed, with a hint of cruelty: "Yundu Province, if I remember well, the strongest is the [-]th Group, and the Rainbow Tower, especially that Zheng Feihong, I also know some, but Yundu The genius of the province is nothing more than that. In addition, even people from the [-]th Group or the Rainbow Building would not dare to talk to me like that. Do you want to die, huh? And you two girls, to show you face, you don’t want me. It seems that I, Tao Beichen, have to use some means to let you know how powerful I am, and beg me sometimes... ..."

Tao Beichen spoke slowly, condescendingly.

Walking towards Ling Feng step by step.

Let's clean up Ling Feng first.

"The intention is not right. I'm not here to talk to my woman. If I'm here, I still do it. Maybe that's why you think you're from the Tao family. I have no connections and can't be messed with, huh?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and suddenly shouted:

"What are you, and what is the Tao family, kneel down!"

Ling Feng shouted violently.

It was like a thunderbolt from the blue.

blah blah blah!

Tao Beichen knelt on the ground!

All the young people were a little confused.

What the hell is going on? Why did Tao Beichen kneel on the ground after Ling Feng yelled?
Was Tao Beichen bewitched?
Could it still be that Ling Feng's strength is too strong, making Tao Beichen kneel on the ground, but how is this possible?

Everyone felt a little unbelievable.

The scene in front of him was too weird.

Tao Beichen was also a little confused. Just as Ling Feng stopped drinking, suddenly a dragon appeared in his mind. This dragon was thousands of miles long, and the huge longan eyes were as big as a planet. When he glanced at him, he couldn't help it. kneel down.

He didn't even react when he knelt down.

Until this dragon shadow disappeared.

It was Ling Feng who shouted loudly and displayed his domineering aura.

Now he is already at the mad dragon level, a mere seven-star martial artist, no matter how much he can resist, even a nine-star can't resist.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?"

Tao Beichen woke up and found himself kneeling on the ground, he couldn't help being shocked and angry.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Ling Feng. It must be Ling Feng's fault, otherwise, he would not be able to kneel down.

This time, being seen by so many people is simply a shame.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a voice coming from outside the door: "Haha, Tao Beichen, you were knocked down on the ground by a nameless man, it really embarrasses the face of our three big families!" It's all over, I think this matter will soon spread among our big families, Tao Beichen is a waste!"

Following this voice, several young people walked in.

The leader is a young man with long hair, black and shiny, extremely handsome.

Seeing this young man, some people changed their expressions slightly and whispered:
"Zhou Zijie from the Zhou family!"

"He's here too. This person is the same as Tao Beichen. This time he's applying for the East China Military University, and he's younger than Tao Beichen. He's less than 20 years old, but he's even stronger. territory!"

"That's right, every time this Zhou Zijie has crushed Tao Beichen to death, even this time the rookie king may be him."

"Of course, the eight-star realm is not far from the heaven realm. It's all right for him to be the rookie king!"


"Zhou Zijie!"

Tao Beichen stared at him fiercely, with a flash of murderous intent in his eyes, but with a look of jealousy:

"Spoken nonsense here, sooner or later, you, Zhou Zijie, will kneel in front of me and beg for mercy!"

"Really, I'm waiting."

Zhou Zijie smiled lightly, and didn't care anymore:
"However, you'd better settle the matter in front of you. Kneel down in front of a small person. I feel ashamed to be with you."


Tao Beichen was furious.

Unfortunately, he is not Zhou Zijie's opponent either.

After saying a harsh word, Tao Beichen's eyes fell on Ling Feng, not only him, but Zhou Zijie was also observing Ling Feng.

He didn't know if it was an illusion or something else. He felt that Ling Feng's face looked familiar, but he couldn't tell where he had seen it.

But Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The Zhou family, they showed up so soon!
This Zhou Zijie, he was very impressed, the other party may not have an impression of him, or, at that time, Ling Feng was just a small person, not worth paying attention to, and three years have passed, some things have long been forgotten, but Ling Feng will not forget.

At the beginning, Zhou Zijie was a student in the third class of junior high school, and he was a student in the first class of junior high school.

Zhou Zijie tricked him off-campus, and then he didn't know anything for no reason. When he woke up the next day, Wang Qianqian was lying naked with him on the big hotel bed, and it was filmed on video. On the same day, her mother founded The stock prices of listed companies plummeted and trading was suspended.

In the end, under the pressure of all parties, the mother had to leave the company, and the shares in her hand were forced to be transferred at a low price.

My mother struggled for most of her life, but in the end she ended up like that.

All of this is a conspiracy designed by the Zhou family behind the scenes.

(End of this chapter)

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