Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 275 Shocking the audience {3 more}

Chapter 275 Shocking the Audience {Third Update}
At this moment Zhou Zijie was a little dazed.

This is just being smoked?
Faced with so many instructors and so many students.

The scene he worked so hard to create wanted the attention of everyone, his glory, not his shame.


Zhou Zijie glared at Ling Feng, with killing intent in his eyes.

Although he was angry before, he didn't take Ling Feng seriously.

But at this moment, his murderous intentions rose.

"The Immovable King Fist!"

Zhou Zijie made a bold move.

Once again, Zhou Zijie didn't hold back anything. Although he didn't use his full strength just now, it wasn't something a martial artist could casually take over.

Moreover, he was relatively close to Ling Feng, and the fleeting breath had already been seen. This person's strength might not be weak.

Of course, he didn't think he would lose.

This punch was Zhou Zijie's true mastery.

With one punch, the center is as motionless as a mountain. Zhou Zijie seems to have transformed into a giant Buddha, and he will remain motionless despite the wind and rain.

But this punch is unpredictable, it is clearly moving, but it looks like it is not moving, giving people a strange illusion.

And this punch had already arrived in front of Ling Feng, and it landed brazenly.

A cruel look appeared in Zhou Zijie's eyes.

Facing this punch, Ling Feng didn't seem to care about it at all: "This punch is good, but in the hands of a waste like you, the power it exerts is too small. I can break it with only one hand. Just watch it!"

between talking.

Finally, Ling Feng revealed a shocking aura.

He didn't hold back any more, and his momentum spread.

An aura exclusive to the heavenly realm blasted out, shaking the sky and the earth.

As soon as the breath was released, the martial practitioners who were closer backed back again and again, looking at Ling Feng in disbelief.

The faces of the other mentors also changed, and their eyes were sharp.

Facing Ling Feng's breath directly, Zhou Zijie showed even more horrified expression on his face.

He wanted to dodge, but unfortunately, Ling Feng's slap had already landed on his head.

At this moment, his brain seemed to be disobedient.

Ling Feng landed a firm palm on his forehead.

Zhou Zijie flew upside down and fell to a distance of eight meters. Stars flashed in his eyes, and his three souls and seven souls seemed to be scattered in fear at this moment.

There was no time to say a word, and he passed out directly.


The entire Martial Arts Field was silent.

They stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of them, as if all this was a dream, unbelievable.

Zhou Zijie, who was as strong as the Nine Star Realm, was knocked out by Ling Feng's slap.

Such strength is simply terrifying.

But the aura that Ling Feng exuded just now was much stronger than Zhou Zijie's.

That only illustrates one problem.

"He, he is a strong man in the sky!"

"Yes, that's right. My father is a heavenly realm. I am familiar with this aura. This person is truly a heavenly realm."

"I think he is only about 16 years old, and he has stepped into the heavenly realm. This, how is this possible?"

"But the truth is, this person is a monster, an absolute genius monster!"

"It's terrible. He stepped into the Heavenly Realm at such a young age. No wonder he dared to be so arrogant before. The Heavenly Realm, all of us together can't do anything to him."

"That's right, the heaven realm is much stronger than the earth realm!"


After recovering, a group of students looked at Ling Feng with shocked expressions.

He had a bad look before, but now he no longer has it.

Those who are strong in the heaven realm do have the qualifications to look down on them, especially when they are still so young.

"What, what's going on?"

Tao Beichen was dazed and murmured:

"He is actually a strong man in the heavenly realm. How can this make sense? He is an unknown person, and he is stronger than me."

Tao Beichen couldn't accept it.

No wonder the previous assessment teacher didn't need the other party's assessment, so he passed it directly.

That's right, it doesn't matter if you are a strong person in the heavenly realm, whether you are assessed or not, this kind of genius is needed wherever you seek it.

And Tao Beichen thought of one more thing, if the assessment teacher hadn't come in time before, then he would have been lying on the ground like Zhou Zijie, humiliated.

Although he was also very embarrassed before, kneeling in front of Ling Feng, but fewer people saw it.

But this time, it was different.

After a lot of planning, Zhou Zijie has attracted the attention of all the people, and he is about to become the new rookie king.

It was at this moment that Ling Feng came out and slapped the man unconscious.

If Zhou Zijie stepped on Xu Jiang and the others to rise to the top, then Ling Feng stepped on Zhou Zijie to rise to the top. Everything Zhou Zijie did before was making a wedding dress for Ling Feng.

It's like a boxing champion who has worked so hard and fought so many fights to become famous as a boxing champion.

But I don't know where a little-known little person came from, and then he defeated the boxing champion directly in a fight, becoming the boxing champion of the generation, becoming famous in one fight, and stepping on others to achieve his own prestige.

And Xu Jiang and the others also showed horror in their eyes.

They were not at all happy because Ling Feng stepped on Zhou Zijie, but all of them looked solemn.

To say that although Zhou Zijie was strong before, he was still within their tolerance range. Zhou Zijie was only a small level higher than himself. In the future, there will be opportunities to catch up, but Ling Feng is different. This is a big level. barrier, and the other party is still so young.

It is too difficult for them to catch up.

"Where did this person come from? I've never heard of such a number one person before. When did it become so easy for Tianjing?"

The eyes of Xu Jiang and the others fell on Ling Feng, with a pensive look on their faces.

And this moment.

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another figures landed in front of Ling Feng.

They are all tutors of East China Wuhan University.

All of these people's eyes were bright, and they looked at Ling Feng with burning eyes.

A layer of goose bumps appeared on Ling Feng's body, and the gazes of these people were really unbearable.

However, this is also what he wants. The reason why he attacked Zhou Zijie and said these words just now is that the Zhou family members cannot forgive him.

"Your name is Ling Feng, right? Would you like to be my Li He's student? I can teach you my unique skill 'Po Ri Fist'!"

"Become my Wang Gang's student, and I can teach you the 'Zhaokong Swordsmanship'. This is my unique skill. Few people can match my swordsmanship!"

"Become my Zhao Qing's student, I can teach you alchemy..."



Mentors introduced themselves in front of Ling Feng, and looked at him with smiles like Maitreya Buddha.

There is no need to doubt that in front of these mentors, Ling Feng is definitely a good talent and beautiful jade, young and strong. There are really few people who can match such a talent in East China Wuda. This kind of person will step into Chaofan in the future. The thing that is certain, once your students step into the extraordinary, or even become stronger, then for their mentors, not only can they gain fame and satisfaction in their hearts, but they will also get real benefits. There is an extraordinary student, Can you not take care of your mentor?
(End of this chapter)

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