Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 282 Invitation {5 updates, please subscribe}

Chapter 282 Invitation {fifth update, please subscribe}
The leading youth glanced at Ling Feng.

He said slowly: "Ling Feng, this year's rookie king, I know you. During the assessment this time, you really stole the limelight."

The young man smiled, and said slowly: "However, even if you are a rookie king or a student of Feng Tuo, you have to abide by the rules. If you want to register as a club, it is not impossible. You must meet the ten-member requirement. That's all it takes."

Duo Xiaobao blushed and said: "That's not the case. According to the requirements of the registered club, the president only needs to have the cultivation level of the heavenly realm, and the number of people should reach two people. How come there are ten people now?"

The young man smiled and said: "Maybe I don't know that the student union has changed the rules. Only ten or more people have the right to register. You don't have this qualification now, but you insist on fighting with us there. For the dignity of the student union, I will I also have to teach you a lesson."

Duo Xiaobao said angrily: "You are deliberately targeting us."

The young man kept smiling: "You can say whatever you want, but the fact is like this."

After a pause, he said again: "Ling Feng, it will be troublesome for you to establish the current wind, it would be better to join a club, for example, our student union, so now, on behalf of the student union, I formally invite you to join our student union, how about ?Our student union is the largest assembly club of Wuhan University in East China, and it belongs to the official club of the school. There are many benefits and conveniences. Joining us will bring many benefits."

"That's right, Ling Feng, although you are the rookie king in the freshman year, it's really not a big deal. Now it's different from the past. East China Wuda has gone through three terms. It will be very difficult even for the rookie king if you want to stand out."

"That's the reason. It's actually an honor for you to be officially invited by our student club to join the club. You should be obedient."


The five people still looked at Ling Feng with smiles.

Ling Feng smiled lightly: "Then you think highly of me. If so, I'll go to the student union to have a look."

This time Ling Feng agreed, which surprised the young people.

They didn't expect that Ling Feng agreed.

Because of what they never thought would happen.

How could a rookie king submit to the student union?
However, it was a surprise that Ling Feng seemed to agree.

In this case, the president will definitely be happy when he finds out.

As for Zhou Zijie who invited them over before, forget about the grudge, they all become members of the same club, and let Ling Feng publicly apologize to him at that time, that's all.

Thinking of this, the young man said with a smile: "It's refreshing, I have to say, Ling Feng, your choice is correct, let's go."

Duo Xiaobao was a little confused.

Brother Feng won't set up a wind club?

What exactly is going on?

Senior rookie Wang Zhou Ziyang, now in the Nine-Star Heaven Realm, may step into the Transcendent at any time.

Freshman Wang Zhonghui in his junior year is now in the Transcendent Realm.

Wang Xueyao, a sophomore rookie, is now in the Transcendent Realm.

Ling Feng, freshman king, and Zhou Ziyang have all achieved such a high level after two or three years, so he will be no worse.

And he, Xiaobao, is following the other party now, and after two or three years, he will be a hero, and there will be no shortage of good friends.

But now, Ling Feng actually...

"Brother Feng..."

Duo Xiaobao hesitated to speak.

Ling Feng waved his hand, telling him not to speak.

He said to several youths, "Wait a minute."

The young man was stunned.

Ling Feng smiled and said: "I promise to go with you, but there is one thing that needs to be resolved before that."

"what's up?"

The youth subconsciously said.

Ling Feng smiled: "Xiao Bao, who hit you just now?"

When the young man heard Ling Feng's words, he had a bad feeling.

Duo Xiaobao was overjoyed: "He, he, him!"

pointed to three people.

In addition to the youth, there are two other people.

The young man frowned and said, "Ling Feng, this person is a waste of a mere four-star realm, why should he care? Since you want to join our student union, why do you care what he does? Do you still want to deal with me?"

The young man laughed when he said this: "And I have the same cultivation level as you, a one-star celestial realm, and soon I will be able to step into a two-star celestial realm, and you can't do anything to me!"

Since he dared to bring the beaten Duo Xiaobao over, he was naturally not afraid of Ling Feng.

In fact, if Ling Feng agrees, he will definitely make a move here, and he will also take it to the student union to apologize to Zhou Zijie himself.

"is it?"

Ling Feng smiled.

The next moment, the person was gone.

A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of the young man.

The young man was taken aback, it was too fast, and he arrived in front of him like a ghost.

Instinctively, the youth flashed back.


boom!The young man only felt a pain in his lower abdomen.

The whole person flew upside down, 13 meters away, and fell heavily on the ground.

This punch almost knocked out the young man's stomach, and he lost his breath.

"Brother Yong!"

The four of them hurried to this Brother Yong, helped him up, and looked at Ling Feng in horror.

Wu Yong is a one-star martial artist. In front of Ling Feng, he was hit with a single punch, and he didn't even have a chance to resist.

Their brother Yong's level can't be this good, right?
Or Ling Feng's strength is too strong.

But Ling Feng is indeed a one-star celestial realm. During the previous assessment, many teachers could see it clearly.

"Ling Feng, you dare to attack me!"

Wu Yongzhen retreated the four of them with an ugly expression on his face.


He didn't believe that he was not Ling Feng's opponent.

Whoosh!Wu Yong fled and shot again.

It's a pity that it was still the same as before, still being punched by Ling Feng, puff!Spit out all the food they had just eaten at noon, and two of the people who came with them felt their eyes darkened, their faces felt hot, and a fishy smell came to their nostrils. Food in the stomach.

Wow!The two bowed their heads, their stomachs were about to vomit.

But Wu Yong rolled his eyes and passed out directly.

Ling Feng looked at the other four people, especially the two people Duo Xiaobao pointed at.

These four people didn't even think about running, and they ran straight away without even thinking about vomiting.

But just as soon as they moved, they fell to the ground like leather bags one by one, clutching their stomachs and unable to stand up.

"Brother Feng, Xiaobao has revenge!"

Bang bang bang!
When Duo Xiaobao stepped forward, he beat and kicked the four of them.

In an instant, the four of them became pig heads.

Duo Xiaobao didn't let Wu Yong go.

bang bang bang!Poor Wu Yong was woken up by the beating, his eyes were so swollen that he could barely see what was in front of him.


Wu Yong was about to cry, with panda eyes on his face, trying to fight back, but he had no strength at all.

It's extremely embarrassing for a heavenly realm to be bullied like this by a little fat guy with a four-star realm.

"All right."

Ling Feng waved his hand, a little funny.

However, he was a little surprised that this little fat man was so courageous that he dared to attack directly.

Although he is covering him, it is impossible for him to be at school all the time.

If you're not at school, why don't you get revenge?
(End of this chapter)

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