Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 307 Entering the Cave {2 more}

Chapter 307 Entering the Cave {Second Update}
On the same day, Ling Feng and Ni Qiandie left Shanbei City.

As for Lan Qing and Duo Xiaobao, they didn't follow them, they didn't know where they were going, and they didn't ask much.

It was Wu Yuan, Ling Xiaojie and Ling Xiaoxia.

Ling Feng arranged tasks for them.

In addition to continuing to look for the Five Elements Crystal, there is one more thing, which is to look for fine gold and extract the gas of fine gold for him.


in the afternoon.

Ling Feng and Ni Qiandie arrived at the foot of a group of mountains, so dark that the naked eye could not see the end.

Here is Mount Tai.

The car stopped at the foot of the mountain.

The two hiked up the mountain, and Ling Feng followed Jun Qiandie towards the depths of the forest.

In the past three years, due to the emergence of the Demon Nest, the world has undergone considerable changes.

Like some monsters, they will suddenly appear in the mountains and forests at this moment, just like Wuyin Mountain in Yundu Province.

On the way, Ling Feng encountered several monsters, but the strongest one was a five-star green python, which was not enough for the two of them.

"It's there!"

Suddenly, Ni Qiandie saw a canyon under a cliff in front of him.

The two entered the canyon.

There are dense forests in the canyon, and this place is inaccessible.

Ling Feng frowned slightly: "There seems to be someone in front."

Here, he actually heard the voice of human beings speaking.

"I know them, people who know."

Ni Qiandie also heard the voice:
"It's Teng Yue."

"Teng Yue?"

Ling Feng's heart skipped a beat.

He knew that this person was also a student of East China Martial Arts University. He was ranked 92nd in the East Martial Arts Rankings. He was stronger than Ni Qiandie.

It seems that Ni Qianhong is not the only one who knows about this ancient cave.

Ni Qiandie said softly: "This ancient cave was discovered by a disciple of my Gaoshenghui. I came to investigate here, and it seems that I don't know who leaked the news."

Ni Qiandie frowned slightly: "It's a little troublesome."

It would be better if there is no one, she and Ling Feng can deal with the troubles in the cave.

But now that there is one more Teng Yue who is stronger than her, it is a bit difficult to handle.

Especially after thinking about the baby in the cave...

"We wait for them to go in, and then follow."

Ni Qiandie thought about it.

"No, let's go out, they found us."

Ling Feng shook his head.

He just saw a giant pine on the cliff from the side of the perspective, and a person looked at it sharply.

Ling Feng saw this person, and this person also saw him.

Ni Qiandie did not escape this person's eyes either.

At this moment, a voice came: "Ni Qiandie, I have been waiting for you here for a long time, come out, let's enter this ancient cave together."

Ni Qiandie moved two steps, saw the figure on the giant pine, and sighed: "Go out."

The two arrived under the huge cliff ahead.

There were already three people waiting for him there.

One of them is one of the people on the giant pine, also Teng Yue from Mingxinhui. He is tall and sharp-eyed. As for the other two, judging by their clothes, they are also disciples of Mingxinhui. They came with Teng Yue. The strength of the two It's not bad, they are all eight-star realms. Of course, they are nothing in front of Ling Feng and the other two.

"Ni Qiandie, you seem to be a bit slow in coming."

As soon as they met, Teng Yue laughed.

However, his eyes fell on Ling Feng, and after sizing him up, he suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said: "Ni Qiandie, if I'm not wrong, this person seems to be Wang Lingfeng, a freshman freshman this year, I didn't expect You've become involved with this person so quickly."

Ling Feng was really surprised.

It seems that this rookie king is really attracting attention.

Up to now, among the East China Wu University students I met, there was no one who didn't know him.

This makes him a little helpless, everyone knows himself, sometimes it is not very good, this will expose some things about himself.

"You don't need to know that."

Ni Qiandie's voice was a little cold:

"The news of Mingxinhui is very well-informed. It didn't take long for you to find this ancient cave, and you came here."

Only then did Ni Qiandie see clearly that the clothes of the three of Teng Yue were slightly disheveled, and even the other two youths who followed were covered in several places, and said with a sneer, "I just said, why are you waiting for me outside?" , it turns out that you have already entered once, and you have encountered a monster!"

Teng Yue was not embarrassed at all, and said with a smile: "Indeed, there is a gorilla in this ancient cave. Can kill this orangutan."

"Really, I already have helpers, but I don't need you."

Ni Qiandie said lightly.

Teng Yue smiled: "Are you talking about our freshman rookie king? This person does have some strength. He entered the heavenly realm just after entering school. Even the students in the student union are no match. His strength is comparable to the two-star heavenly realm. Peak, and was accepted as a disciple by Feng Baiyun, is also a man of the hour, but, after all, his strength is much weaker than ours, and that gorilla is extremely powerful, even if you two work together, you must join forces. I can be the only one."

Ni Qiandie felt a little uncomfortable when he came to the ancient cave and saw Teng Yue, but at this moment, the other party was guarding the entrance of the ancient cave, and it was impossible to get rid of him.

It doesn't make sense to say more outside.

We can only go in together.

"Let's go together."

Teng Yue walked into the ancient cave with a young man first, while the other one went outside to guard in the dark.

Ni Qiandie glanced at him, frowned, and followed into the ancient cave.

Under the cliff is a large dense bush, as tall as a person. If you don't get closer, you can't see there is an ancient cave behind.

Ling Feng walked at the back, the cave was extremely dark, but his eyesight was extremely sharp and he could see clearly.

This is also a natural advantage of having the Shenlong system.

Shenlong has night vision.

The section of the ancient cave just entered is relatively cramped, but it widens within a few tens of meters, and it is no problem for seven or eight people to walk side by side. The hall is average, with stone benches, stone beds, stone tables, etc. Obviously, humans have lived here.

However, there are three dark passages at the back of the hall, and it is impossible to see the inside or where it leads.

But at this moment, Ni Qiandie and Teng Yue's hearts arose.

Ling Feng's eyes also fell on a hole on the left.

Silently, a gigantic creature appeared, completely black and more than two meters high. Its black hair was like steel needles, but there was a handful of red hair on its forehead.

It was a gorilla.

This gorilla is very scary, like a ghost, it does not make a sound when it appears.

At this moment, the gorilla stared at Ling Feng and the other three coldly, but did not move.

A terrifying and oppressive atmosphere permeated the hall.

The young man following Teng Yue couldn't help but took two steps back.


Ling Feng said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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