Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 310 Oriole {1 more}

Chapter 310 The Oriole {One More}
Ni Qiandie originally thought that he could get two yellow-grade psychic fruits at his fingertips.

But who would have thought that another Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway.

This is Huangpin psychic fruit.

Not to mention getting this fruit now, even my own life is in danger.

However, Ni Qiandie didn't intend to disturb Ling Feng. When the orangutan found her, Teng Yue and the two of them fled towards the opening of one side of the hole. She wanted to lure the orangutan to another place, and then called Ling Feng. Two people came to help, so that no one could find the psychic fruit here.

Unfortunately, this time, the orangutan only chased her for a while before returning.

When the orangutan returned, Ni Qiandie also stopped.

She quietly followed, and the orangutan sat down beside the spirit pool, staring intently at the two psychic fruits.

This psychic fruit is its.

No one can take it away.

Ni Qiandie followed behind. Seeing this scene, she felt helpless. If the orangutan did not leave, she would not be able to get the psychic fruit, but she could not kill the other party by herself. Ling Feng, or Teng Yue's arrival, the psychic fruit would have to share a piece of the pie, which she didn't want.

Ni Qiandie's dark and beautiful eyeballs turned around, and she appeared, a sword qi directly slashed at the orangutan.

With a sword, he angered the opponent, then turned around and ran away.

She wants to lead the orangutan to a farther place.

But the other party returned after chasing him for a short distance, unwilling to leave the spirit pool at all.

Tried twice, nothing worked.

"This gorilla is disgusting!"

Ni Qiandie gritted her silver teeth, unable to do anything.

At this moment, I can't wait for her to come up with a solution.

Because the orangutan has already moved and walked towards the spirit pool, as if he wanted to pick two psychic fruits in it.

Ni Qiandie was startled.

The psychic fruit was swallowed by the gorilla, so it's okay, wouldn't my hard calculations be in vain?

Immediately, ignoring other things, he attacked the orangutan.

The sword energy is like rain, like fog, continuous and continuous, it can pierce through the hardest King Kong, but it can't do anything to it in front of the orangutan.

And Ni Qiandie was almost crushed and beaten.

This orangutan is stronger than the one he killed before, and he was at a disadvantage as soon as he touched it. If Ni Qiandie hadn't dodged in time, he would have been injured by the other orangutan. If things go on like this, he will lose sooner or later. , if you don't leave, you may die here.

"I can only call one person over!"

Ni Qiandie sighed slightly.

It is impossible to swallow two psychic fruits alone today.

However, just as she was about to speak, a figure suddenly flashed at the entrance of the cave, and rushed towards the spirit pool at an extremely fast speed.


Ni Qiandie was startled suddenly, she didn't expect that there were still people hiding in the dark.

Whether it is Ling Feng or Teng Yue, after getting the psychic fruit, they make wedding dresses for others.

Ni Qiandie was shocked and angry.

The orangutan's reaction was faster than her, and as soon as the black shadow appeared, it rushed over.

In the afterimage, the orangutan seemed to collide with each other.

Then the black shadow was startled, and it stepped back seven steps, revealing its shape.

"Teng Yue, it's you!"

Ni Qiandie gritted her teeth and said:

"You're fine. I'm here to fight to the death, but you want to find a way to steal my things."

She couldn't help but not be angry, if the orangutan hadn't stopped in time just now, the two psychic fruits would have been in the hands of the other party, and it would be impossible to get another one from this person.

"Each each other!"

Teng Yue smiled:
"Qiandie, I didn't expect you to find such a treasure in the cave, the Huang Pin psychic fruit, this is the spiritual fruit we consume in the heavenly realm, if I get one, I can immediately enter the four-star heavenly realm."

The excitement in Teng Yue's eyes was unbearable.

Sure enough, Ni Qiandie also found something good here.

Speaking of which, the psychic fruit is much better than his pool of psychic liquid. This psychic fruit is quick to take effect. In addition to improving the state, it can also improve the aptitude. It can also be taken for serious injuries. It has several effects. It is like a carrot Vitamin C can be supplemented, and carotene can also be supplemented, which has more than one effect.

But the effect of spiritual liquid is relatively simple.

"Ni Qiandie, you can't eat these two psychic fruits alone. Now we are the only ones who will kill this orangutan together, and each of you will have one."

Teng Yue smiled and said:

"Cooperate, each person will get a share, if you don't cooperate, it will get the psychic fruit, and our hard work will be in vain."

"Then kill it first."

Although Ni Qiandie was unhappy, that was all he could do at this time.

"That's it!"

Ni Qiandie and Teng Yue attacked at the same time.

One sword qi rained down like raindrops, while the other sword qi was extremely fierce. The swords in the hands of both of them were spirit swords, and their cultivation bases were not weak. Together, they resisted the attack of the orangutan, but for a while Can't do anything about it.

The orangutan's skin was rough, and its claws were like sharp weapons. Even if the spirit swords in their hands touched, they couldn't cut them off.

Moreover, the flashing speed of the orangutan is very fast, making it difficult to attack.

But in the end, both of them are the favored children of heaven. Although the orangutan is strong, his intelligence is not as good. Teng Yue betrayed a loophole, thinking that there is an opportunity to take advantage of it, but he doesn't want to, puchi!
Ni Qiandie took the opportunity to land with a sword. Although the orangutan dodged quickly, one of his left arms was still removed by the sword energy, and blood gushed out.

The orangutan roared in pain, and frantically attacked Ni Qiandie, but Teng Yue's sword was in front of him again, so he could only dodge it. It was injured, and its actions became slower, puff!Teng Yue found a chance and pierced the orangutan's chest with a sword, but a black and cold paw also came to him, whew!A piece of flesh on his chest was torn off, dripping with blood.

Teng Yue gasped.

At this time, Ni Qiandie dropped another sword, and the orangutan's head flew up and rolled to the ground.

The two teamed up and finally killed the orangutan, but both Teng Yue and Ni Qiandie were injured and suffered serious injuries, mainly due to the large consumption of zhenqi in their bodies.

The two just breathed a sigh of relief.

But right now...

Another black shadow flitted out, and the speed of this black shadow was faster, more than twice faster than Teng Yue's moving speed before, and it appeared even more silently, the two of them didn't notice it at all.

When I saw it again, the two psychic fruits in the pond were gone.

This black shadow picked the psychic fruit, and rushed directly into the hole on the other side, and quickly disappeared.

Both Ni Qiandie and Teng Yue were stunned for a moment.

Looking at the bare psychic fruit tree.




The two were so angry that they chased after that black shadow without even thinking about it.

I worked so hard to kill the orangutan, but I didn't expect to make a wedding dress for others.

"Who is this person? How dare he take advantage of us, I will kill him!"

Teng Yue gritted his teeth.

Ni Qiandie was also very angry, her eyebrows were raised slightly: "It's Ling Feng!"

(End of this chapter)

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