Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 316 Life and Death Battle {4 More}

Chapter 316 Life and Death Battle {Fourth Update}
"Zheng Feihong?"

Zhou Zihao frowned slightly:
"I heard that he recently broke through to the three-star realm, and this person has good talent. Although he is three-star, he can display the power of nearly four-star. He is a character."

"Do you know why he had a conflict with Ling Feng?"

"This...it seems that Ling Feng killed his fiancée, and Zheng Feihong wants to avenge her."

"Anything like that?"

Zhou Zihao smiled and said:
"Then it seems that this is a life and death enmity."

"You go over now, pay close attention to this matter, find out the details of this matter, and report to me when the time comes."

"Okay, senior."

After the student union leaves.

Zhou Zijie immediately said: "This person is indeed a troublemaker. He has offended people everywhere. Zheng Feihong also wants to kill him. Brother Zihao, what should we do now?"

"Watch what happens."

Zhou Zihao pondered for a moment, then said:
"Zheng Feihong will definitely not let him go. When the time comes, when both of them are hurt, it will not be too late for us to take action. In that case, it will not only be our students who will bear the pressure. After all, this person is a student of the wind instructor after all. He has done too much. It may make the other party unhappy, which is actually not good."

"That's the only way!"


Ling Feng went back to school.

Before reaching the door, he saw a beautiful figure in the distance.

"Brother Lingfeng!"

This beautiful figure jumped up and down in front of Ling Feng, and threw himself into his arms.

The little head kept digging into Ling Feng's arms.

The person who appeared was Linger.

She went home and went back to school.

As for Ling Feng, it was just after receiving a call from Ling'er that he rushed back to school. He hadn't seen Ling'er for a few days and missed her very much.

"My sweet soul."

Ling Feng hugged Ling'er with both hands, and kissed her on the forehead:
"Ling'er, I haven't seen you for a few days, and your strength has improved again. This is a nine-star realm, how come so fast?"

Only then did Ling Feng notice Ling'er's cultivation, and he was immediately surprised.

The last time we met and left Ling'er, Ling'er's cultivation was at the five-star level. In just a few days, she has soared to four levels in a row, which is simply unbelievable.

Ling'er giggled: "This is because the instructor gave me enough five-element crystals. My dragon balls have been condensed. With dragon balls, my evolution will be much faster. It won't be long before I should be able to enter the heavenly realm. Compared to brother Lingfeng, that's still quite a bit worse."

"I see."

Ling Feng came to a sudden.

But then the tone became a bit sour: "Your mentor is too kind to you. My mentor is an iron rooster. He doesn't pluck his feathers. I can only rely on myself."

Ling Feng felt a little unbalanced, and this mentor was far behind the mentor.

However, this is just a slight complaint.

With his means, he doesn't need the material help of a mentor, as long as he can follow him if he causes trouble in the future.

"It doesn't matter whether the tutor helps you or not."

Ling'er laughed.

Ling Feng held Ling'er's hand and walked towards the dormitory area together.

But after a few steps, he stopped.

It was a young man who blocked their way.

"Ling Feng, I really didn't expect that you also came to East China Wuda and became the rookie king."

The young man's eyes fell on Ling Feng with sharp eyes:
"Let me figure it out, how long it took, less than two or three months. At the beginning, you seemed to be in the eight-star realm, but now you are already a strong man comparable to the three-star realm. I have to say, you are a Genius, unfortunately, if you didn't kill my fiancée, then I would be willing to make a friend with you. But that's not the case, we can only face each other life and death now!"

The young man who appeared was Zheng Feihong.

When he came out of retreat, he learned the news.

It was also a surprise at first.

Ling Feng became a student of East China Wuhan University.

Feng Baiyun accepted him as his student.

Defeat Ye Bin of the [-]-star Heaven Realm of the Student Union.

This one thing was beyond his expectation.

It is getting harder and harder for him to avenge his fiancée.

If you missed that opportunity at the beginning, it will be even more difficult later.

"Life and death face each other?"

Ling Feng laughed and said:

"Zheng Feihong, I'm not talking about you, you no longer have that qualification."


Zheng Feihong narrowed his eyes slightly:
"Ling Feng, do you think you are my opponent?"

Zheng Feihong looked up and down.

Suddenly he smiled: "In that case, Ling Feng, let me ask you, do you dare to fight me to the death on the stage of life and death?"


"Life and death battle!"

"Zheng Feihong is going to fight to the death with freshman Wang Lingfeng!"

Ling Feng is the rookie king of freshman, and Zheng Feihong is also the proud son of East China Wuda University. They are both celebrities. When they were talking, many students came over and watched from afar. When they heard Zheng Feihong's words At that time, I was quite surprised.

How much hatred is there to fight to the death on the stage of life and death?

However, they also heard clearly.

Zheng Feihong's fiancée was killed by Ling Feng, which is indeed a life and death enmity.

"Life and death battle?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly:
"Zheng Feihong, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Not bad!"

Zheng Feihong narrowed his eyes and said:


As Ling Feng's strength improved faster and faster, Zheng Feihong felt that it was becoming more and more difficult for him to kill the opponent, especially if the opponent could transform into a dragon, there was only one chance, which was a life-and-death battle. If he lost the other party, the school would not blame him, and in the battle of life and death, Ling Feng would not be able to escape, so his chances were much greater.

This is what Zheng Feihong had already thought about.

Li Yi cannot be allowed to continue to grow.

Ling Feng was naturally clear about Zheng Feihong's thoughts.

But how could he be afraid.

Originally, the last time he was in Tomato, he was chased by this person like a stray dog, and he almost died.

This matter has always been brooding in Ling Feng's heart.

This time, it happened to be solved together.

"Agreed, why not agree? Since you want to die, then I have to fulfill you."

Ling Feng laughed.

hiss!All the students of East China Wuda gasped.

Ling Feng actually agreed to fight to the death!
This is a battle of life and death, not a joke!
"The two of them are really going to fight to the death?"

"A rookie king, a genius on the Tobu list, in a battle of life and death, who wins and who loses?"

"Regardless of winning or losing, in the end, one person will die."

"Zheng Feihong is already a three-star celestial realm, comparable to a four-star powerhouse. There is no doubt about his strength, Ling Feng is not bad, and a two-star celestial realm is not his opponent. However, is this too urgent? With his strength It is not Zheng Feihong's opponent, who risked his life in a life-and-death battle, and lost his life in vain."

"I think so too. With his talent, there is no need to agree at all. After a while, he will definitely catch up with Zheng Feihong. It would be too hasty to do so."

"That's it."

"Ling Feng, I don't think you need to agree!"

"Yeah, you are the rookie king of our freshman year, so you don't have to take such a risk!"


A group of students were discussing.

Some people couldn't bear it and advised each other.

(End of this chapter)

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