Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 326 Flying Crane Martial Arts {4 more}

Chapter 326 Feihe Martial Arts {four more}
It's like going out and coming back this time, evolving from a first-level mad dragon to a fourth-level mad dragon. If you stay in school, you are still a first-level mad dragon, and there will be no progress at all.

And even if he went to the sea to devour it, he could only evolve to a second-level wild dragon at most.

Not only devouring sea beasts, but also takes some time.

"Okay, let's go to your house."

Ling Feng agreed.

"That's great!"

Duo Xiaobao is overjoyed:
"We'll be leaving tomorrow."


Duo Xiaobao's home is in Yundong Province.

It borders Jindu City and Yundu Province, but the distance is not far away.

There are three major factions in Yundong Province, Feihe Martial Arts, Shadow Moon Martial Arts, and a Jing Family.

And Duo Xiaobao is the son of Duo Yu, the master of Feihe Martial Arts.

the next day.

Originally, Ling Feng wanted to take Ling'er and Lan Qing out, but Ling'er said that Yu Ziyan was going to take them to the Demon Cave for training, so he had to give up.

On the way, there were only him and Duo Xiaobao.

In the car, Duo Xiaobao was a little excited and kept talking: "Brother Feng, I know Yundong City best. I can take you there if you want to play, for example..."

Duo Xiaobao winked at Ling Feng.

Basically, we are men and we all understand.

"Do you think I need it?"

Ling Feng said unhappily.

"Brother Feng naturally doesn't need it. Let me see, sister-in-law Qian Linger, sister-in-law Lan Qing, if Brother Feng wants to accept, I can have another sister-in-law Ji Yingying..."

Duo Xiaobao's smile was a bit cheap, sensing Ling Feng's dangerous eyes, he quickly shut up, paused, and couldn't help but say:

"Brother Feng, I don't think it's Qian Linger's sister-in-law or Lan Qing's sister-in-law, they don't seem to have... Are you..."



Duo Xiaobao screamed.

Immediately, two eggs stood on the top of the head, like a foot, and it seemed that the two ears of a giant panda were on top of the head.

"Brother Feng, you are too ruthless, how can you tell me to go home and meet people?"

Duo Xiaobao scratched his face and said.

"You have a cheap mouth, no one is to blame."

Ling Feng smiled but not smiled:

"Besides, I'll give you some more!"

Duo Xiaobao shut up.


magic cave.

Deep in the spiritual domain.

In the endless desert, there is an ancient city, to be precise, it is the ruins of an ancient city.

Among the ruins, there is an ancient pagoda intact.

At this moment, the silent ancient pagoda suddenly brightened with golden light.

Then the golden light disappeared.

Outside the ancient pagoda.

A beautiful woman appeared, with red hair, red dress, and red high-heeled shoes, she was strange and beautiful.

This woman was none other than Tang Hongxue.

The moment Tang Hongxue appeared, a middle-aged man with white hair approached her from a distance.

"Hongxue, you have finally accepted the inheritance of your ancestors."

This white-haired middle-aged man was none other than Tang Hongxue's grandfather, Tang Zheng. Looking at the granddaughter in front of him, he smiled: "Five-star heaven, yes, once you absorb all the power of the bloodline left by the ancestor, you will be able to step into the extraordinary. Even higher, when the time comes, you will be able to stand out in next year's seed selection battle and go to Tianlong Continent."

Hearing Grandpa's words, Tang Hongxue frowned slightly, but she was not at all happy.

"Are you thinking about that boy Ling Feng?"

Tang Zheng seemed to see what his granddaughter was thinking, and said with a smile:

"This kid has the blood of the dragon. If there is no accident, he will go to the Tianlong Continent, but it may be too late next year. I'm afraid it will have to wait until the next year. Hongxue, grandpa, let me say that this kid is actually not suitable for you. When you get to Tianlong In the mainland, there are not no people who are more talented than him, you can..."

"Grandpa, stop talking!"

Tang Hongxue interrupted Tang Zheng:

"Let's go out!"

Tang Zheng was helpless: "Let's go."


Yundong City.

Feihe Martial Arts.

A Mercedes-Benz parked outside the venue.

The two young men got out of the car.

It was Ling Feng and Duo Xiaobao.

"Hey, Xiaobao, haven't you been admitted to East China Wuda? You came back in just a few days. Did you get bullied?"

Just as Ling Feng and Duo Xiaobao got off the car, a young man just happened to come out of the venue. Seeing Duo Xiaobao, he was a little surprised and said with a smile:
"Little Treasure, I know that you are kind and easy to be bullied. Tell Brother Fei that Brother Fei will make decisions for you. Even if Brother Fei is not good, Brother Hong can still make decisions for you."

When Duo Xiaobao saw this Brother Fei and listened to his words, his face became very ugly.

"Xu Fei, my Duo Xiaobao is doing very well in Tobu, there is no such thing as being bullied, so you don't need to worry about these things!"

Duo Xiaobao's voice was a little cold.


"What a treasure, you dare to talk to me with such an attitude, is the earth turned upside down?"

Xu Fei frowned:
"Usually, you follow Brother Fei and me. Brother Fei tells you to go forward, but you won't go backward. Brother Fei tells you to go left, but you won't go right. After going to Tobu, you will dare I challenged Brother Fei, huh? That’s good, let me see if this young man is the thug you called back this time, do you want to make a comeback?"

Xu Fei's eyes fell on Ling Feng.

A cruel smile appeared on his face: "Boy, do you know Duo Xiaobao? Cowardly, timid, lazy, talkative, liar, you were tricked by him, right? It's a pity that he used him as a thug , People like this were all abolished by Brother Hong in the past, what a pity! Since you are here today, don’t think about leaving. If you want to stand up for this kid, then I will abolish you first!"

Speaking of the latter, Xu Fei let out a sinister laugh.

Outrageously shot.

Grabbing it with a big hand, he reached towards Ling Feng.

The shot is sharp and shows no mercy.

Ling Feng was stunned.

He glanced at Duo Xiaobao.

This guy is the son of the master of Feihe Martial Arts, is that what he is?

As a guest of mine, I have not yet entered the door, so my cultivation is going to be abolished?

It just doesn't make sense!

However, in this brief moment, Ling Feng knew why Duo Xiaobao tried his best to invite him to Feihe Martial Arts this time.

This little fat man...

Seeing Xu Fei's claw reach out to his face.

Ling Feng grinned grimly: "Things like waste, dare to make false claims about my cultivation?"

He just came to Feihe Martial Arts School, no matter how you say it, if there is a conflict, he shouldn't take action to abolish people's cultivation, and for such people, Ling Feng has always been an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye, let these people know, I am not vegetarian either.

Ling Feng reached out with a big hand.

Grabbed Xu Fei's paw and exerted force.

"Ah!" Accompanied by a scream, before Xu Fei could react, he was lifted up by Ling Feng with a lock of hair, papapapa!
"Aren't you going to abolish my cultivation base? Then I will let you taste what it feels like to be abolished."

Xu Fei's head was buzzing, and he was in chaos.

pain, bewilderment...

In the end, there was pain in several large points on the chest and abdomen.

Ling Feng casually threw Xu Fei to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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