Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 332 Understanding {2 more}

Chapter 332 Getting to Know {Second Update}
Ji Ziying didn't expect that Ling Feng had a higher-grade pill in his hand.

This casually took out a top-grade Yuandan.

In her opinion, this far exceeded the value of ten catties of Five Elements Crystal.

You must know that the last time in Yundu City, at the auction of their Seventh Group, only 280 pieces of defective earth yuan pills were auctioned by twenty catties of Wuxingjing.

And a high-grade Yuan Dan, if exchanged for a inferior-grade Yuan Pill, is a thousand.

This simply cannot be compared.

The gap is too big.

"It's actually a top-grade Yuandan."

Bai Dandan looked at the almost pure to perfect elixir in front of him, and couldn't believe it.

The effect of the top-grade Yuan Dan is much better than that of the middle-grade Yuan Dan.

Originally, she is now at the pinnacle of the Nine-Star Realm, but she has been unable to break through to the Heaven Realm. In fact, it is because she has taken inferior-grade pills in the past, and there are many impurities in the meridians in the body, which block the meridians. The difficulty of breaking through has been increased. If you still use low-quality elixir, the blocked meridians will not be able to pass through once the energy is charged. In this way, the meridians will burst, let alone think about breaking through the realm.

But if it is a high-grade pill, there will not be many impurities, but it will moisten the meridians and make it easier to impact the realm.

With this high-grade Yuandan, the probability of Bai Dandan breaking through the realm can be increased by at least ten percent.

If there are a few more, she will be [-]% sure of breaking through the heavenly realm.

"Thank you, Mr. Ling."

Bai Dandan was very happy.

Ten catties of Five Elements Crystal is useless if thrown in the warehouse. In her eyes, it is not worth much.

But now I can exchange for a high-grade Yuandan.

At this moment, she wished for more Five Elements Crystals.

Of course, she didn't know that if it wasn't for Duo Xiaobao's relationship and her straightforwardness just now, Ling Feng would not have taken out a top-grade Yuandan.

Ling Feng has already seen that Duo Xiaobao seems to like this Bai Dandan.

"Brother Feng, I didn't expect you to have high-grade pills."

It was also the first time for Duo Xiaobao to see a high-grade elixir, Baba said:

"Give me one too."

Ling Feng ignored him, and said with a smile: "If you are still pure gold, you can also exchange it with me."


Bai Dandan's eyes lit up slightly, but then he shook his head again: "I used to have some in Shadow Moon Martial Arts, but they were all sold!"

Bai Dandan felt a little regretful.

Previously, the Shadow Moon Martial Arts Hall had more than ten catties of meteorites, and thousands of inferior Yuan Pills were exchanged, but it couldn't compare to this high-grade Yuan Pill.

"Adamantine, I have it here!"

At this time, Ji Ziying interjected:
"My [-]th Group has a lot of fine gold, look at Ling Feng..."

"How much pure gold is there?"

Ling Feng said.

"About thirty catties!"

"Thirty catties is not a lot. In this case, I will give you fifteen middle-grade Yuandans, and you give me these fine golds."

Ling Feng said.

He still knows the market price of fine gold. Thirty catties, [-] defective Earth Yuan Pills are needed. The value of this fine gold is higher than that of Five Elements Crystal, but the extracted fine gold energy is relatively much less. This made him a little helpless, but it was easier to find fine gold than five element crystals.


Ji Ziying frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable.

If Bai Dandan took out ten catties of Five Elements Crystal, he could exchange it for a high-grade Yuandan, which was several times the premium.

As for her, she offered the same value and treated them differently.

"If you don't want to, forget it!"

Ling Feng said.

"I am willing."

Ji Ziying hurriedly said.

Although the price given by Ling Feng is the same as the market price, the problem is that it is a middle-grade Diyuan Pill. There is no such quality of pill in the market, and one of the purposes of her visit this time is to get along with Ling Feng. Trading, although the high-grade pills are not available, the middle-grade pills are not bad, using these pills to break through, fifteen pills, can also increase the probability by about [-]%.

"Very good, since this is the case, I will give you the elixir when you bring the fine gold."

Ling Feng nodded.

"it is good."

Ji Ziying agreed, thought for a while and said:
"The day after tomorrow, our Seventh Group will cooperate with Chiyangmen in Nandong Province to hold a trade fair. It will be in Yishan. At that time, there will be martial arts practitioners. The sect will bring some of its own treasures to trade. Some pure gold and five elements crystal are not necessarily, if you are interested, but go there, I will be there the day after tomorrow."


Ling Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Ziying is very right. There are indeed many good things in this kind of trade fair. I have been there before. Today she came to me because of this."

Bai Dandan smiled and said:
"I'm going there too, Ling Feng, if you're okay, you can come with us."

"Brother Feng, let's go and have a look, there is nothing to stay here now."

Duo Xiaobao interrupted.

"it is good."

Ling Feng smiled and said, he didn't refuse. He came out to find resources. If there is such a thing, he will naturally go to see it.

"That's it."

Ji Ziying said: "Dandan, you and Ling Feng go first, I have to go back to Yundu."

Bai Dandan nodded.

Everyone knew that she was going back to fetch the fine gold.

"Dandan, Ziying, you are all here."

Just when Ling Feng and Duo Xiaobao were about to leave, a young man walked in. This young man seemed to be a regular visitor here, and no one stopped him when he came here.

However, when Duo Xiaobao saw this young man, his face changed slightly, and he instinctively stood behind Ling Feng, but he seemed to think of something quickly, stood up again, and said loudly: "Jing Shaoliu, you What are you doing here, I'm here today, you don't have to come here, go back to me!"

Jing Shaoliu came in and was slightly taken aback when he saw Duo Xiaobao.

However, what surprised him even more was that Duo Xiaobao dared to talk to him like this.

Bai Dandan knew the grievances between the two.

Regardless of whether it is Duo Xiaobao or Jing Shaoliu, they like to go to the Shadow Moon Martial Arts Hall when they have nothing to do. There is no other reason, the only reason is that there are many girls in the Shadow Moon Martial Arts Hall.

But there is one thing, as long as Jing Shaoliu comes when Duo Xiaobao is around, basically Duo Xiaobao will leave with his tail between his legs, otherwise, he will be beaten up, and not less.

"What did you say, little treasure, did I hear you wrong?"

Jing Shaoliu picked out his ears:

"When I was here before, you ran as far as you could. Today, you have the guts, huh? Let me see, who gave you the guts!"

Jing Shaoliu walked towards Duo Xiaobao step by step.

Duo Xiaobao hid behind Ling Feng again.

"Jing Shaoliu, open your eyes and take a good look. This is Brother Feng, the president of the Fenghui. You know, it's Brother Feng. If you dare to touch me, Brother Feng will slap you to death!"

Duo Xiaobao roared:
"Fortunately, you are also a student of East China Wuhan University. Your brother Jing Shaojiang knows him, but you don't?"

"President of the Wind Club?"

Jing Shaoliu frowned slightly, and looked at Ling Feng, as if he had seen it somewhere.

But soon his face changed and his pupils shrank: "Freshman Wang Lingfeng!"

(End of this chapter)

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