Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 338 Dragon Flame {4 more}

Chapter 338 Dragon Flame {Fourth Update}
Ling Feng was fighting Shi Jiuyin.

At this time, he saw Tang Hongxue's smile. For a moment, he was stunned for a moment, and said, "Hongxue, you look so pretty when you smile. It would be great if you behave like this every day from now on!"

Tang Hongxue was slightly taken aback, as if someone had seen his inner thoughts.

Embarrassed and annoyed, he said angrily: "Ling Feng, you can do your own thing... Be careful!"

Tang Hongxue said later, when she saw that Shi Jiuyin had an extra dagger in his hand at some point, with a blue light shining slightly, it was obviously poisonous on it, and he shot towards Ling Feng, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Hmph, fighting with me, and still wanting to talk about love, is really courting death!"

Shi Jiuyin's voice was cold.

This time the sneak attack came by surprise.

He thought that Ling Feng would definitely not be able to escape, but that it was a sure blow.

But the next moment.

In Shi Jiuyin's eyes, a light blue dragon more than ten meters long appeared.

As soon as the dragon came out, it had already passed the dagger that was flying.


Shi Jiuyin seemed disbelieving on his sickly face.

Ling Feng once again exceeded his expectations.

"Dragon Bloodline!"

Shi Jiuyin reacted.

"That's right, this Shenlong swallowed you today!"

There was a sneer in Ling Fengshuo's longan, brush!The next moment, snap!
It was so fast that there was no way to react when it was almost there.

Shi Jiuyin didn't even have time to hide.

The whole person was hit hard, click!The two resisting arms were severed.

This is not over yet, a Shenlong wags its tail and lands again.

Click!This time, there was no way to resist it, and the spine was directly snapped off.

Shi Jiuyin screamed, flew upside down like a scarecrow dozens of meters away, and fell to the ground hard, with only half his life left!

Seeing Ling Feng's eyes fell on him again, he shouted: "Don't kill me, I have a secret to tell you!"


Ling Feng paused in the air.

Staring at Shi Jiuyin: "What secret, tell me!"

"I'll tell you a secret, you have to forgive me."

Shi Jiuyin said.

Shi Jiuyin looked terrified.

Ling Feng Hualong is too strong, he is not an opponent at all, he is completely crushed by one side.

And he, Shi Jiuyin, still doesn't want to.

With a fear emotion processing system, he will dominate the heavens and all worlds in the future, and let everyone live under his terrifying shadow. How can he die now? He can't die, and he won't die.

Puchi!A water arrow condensed out of thin air and fell directly, piercing through Shi Jiuyin's thigh bone and pinning him to the ground.

Shi Jiuyin let out an earth-shattering howl.

"Speak out, you have a chance to survive, if you don't speak out, you will only die!"

Ling Feng's voice was a little cold.

Seems to make another move.

"I said, I said!"

Shi Jiuyin hurriedly said:

"Do you know that in Wandao Province, there is a relic in the eastern central mountain range. It is said that this is the relic left by an ancient sect in the Ming Dynasty. This ancient sect was very strong back then. Infinite treasure, if you let me go, I will take you to find this ruin."

Shi Jiuyin added: "Only I know this ruin, if you kill me, you will get nothing."


"There are ancient Zongmen relics in the Eastern Central Mountain Range of Wandao Province?"

Ling Feng suddenly remembered that when he and Ni Qiandie went to the ancient cave in Taishan, they gained a lot. Not only did they get a pool of psychic liquid, but they also got two yellow-grade psychic fruits.

There may indeed be treasures in the ruins of such an ancient sect.

However, it would be very troublesome for this person to take him to Bay Island Province, and none of the people on the martial arts wanted list is easy for this kind of person, and it is dangerous to stay with him. Of course, the most important thing is that if he wants to Devouring this person, because devouring the other party can immediately make him evolve to a fifth-level mad dragon.

But if so, he can see that this person will obviously not tell him the secret of it now.

Ling Feng thought about it, and decided to spare his life first, and it would not be too late to kill him after the Eastern Central Mountain Range.

But at this time, Tang Hongxue sneered: "You alone know? It seems that this is not the case. How did I hear that the ruins of this ancient sect seem to be called the Wuhua Sect, and it is indeed located in the Eastern Central Mountain Range, but the specific In fact, the location has not been found, but when it comes to you, it becomes only you who knows it?"


Shi Jiuyin suddenly raised his head and looked at Tang Hongxue in surprise.

Only a few people know this secret, and he also paid a lot of money to sell the news.

But he didn't expect Tang Hongxue to know.

As soon as he said this, Shi Jiuyin knew something was wrong.

Shi Jiuyin didn't care about the pain anymore, his body exploded, and he pulled out the ice arrow nailed to his thigh, and fled towards the distance.

It's a pity that even under normal circumstances, he couldn't outrun Ling Feng, let alone now.

Ling Feng opened his bloody mouth wide.

It devoured towards Shi Jiuyin.

"Shi Jiuyin, let you taste my terrifying shadow!"

The huge faucet opened its bloody mouth, and Shi Jiuyin was indeed under Ling Feng's shadow.


"Do not kill me!"'

"I am destiny..."


Ling Feng bit off Shi Jiuyin's body and swallowed it into the dragon's belly.

"Drip! The host's life is passing away, irreversible, and the fear emotion processing system is being logged out... The logout is complete, the host is too disappointing for me, a waste, goodbye!"

Shi Jiuyin fell into endless darkness.

"Drip! The dragon energy value is 12754. The host has reached the evolution condition. Do you want to evolve?"


"Evolving...evolution complete!"

At this moment, Ling Feng's dragon body swelled up again, reaching nearly 18 meters in length, and the dragon's power burst out. If you look closely, you can see the nearby insects, ants, birds and beasts crawling on the ground, trembling.

Level [-] mad dragon!

Ling Feng's strength has become stronger.

After evolving to Mad Dragon, it took nearly a month to evolve to five levels.

This speed is terrifying.

And this time evolution.

Ling Feng discovered a new change.

In the mind, a virtual panel appeared.

Host: Ling Feng

Race: Human (can transform into a dragon)

Level: Level [-] Mad Dragon

Kung Fu: Shenlong Transformation
Abilities: Water Control, Burning Blood, Dragon Flame (Fire Control)

Skills: Dragon Might Dominion, Devouring the Essence of All Things (including all life), Xiaolong Piyi Fist, Swimming Dragon Step, Kuanglong Jianjue, Furious God Fist, Infinite Evolution
Dragon Qi: 12754 Mi

Dragon Palace: Main Palace: Gold Qi: 532/10000 points; Secondary Palace: 4320/4900 points.

Ling Feng discovered that there was an extra supernatural power.

Longyan, that is, the fire control technique.

He knew this. He originally thought that the supernatural powers of the second-level mad dragon and the third-level mad dragon would come, but he waited until the fifth-level mad dragon.

With this Long Yan, he will be able to refine spirit weapons in the future.

Moreover, the change of fire control technique can also be used against the enemy.

This supernatural power is very important.

There is another point, unknowingly, the Qi of the Five Elements required by the Vice Palace is only less than a thousand points, which is almost enough.

This is also from Xu Jiang, and from Bai Dandan, a total of [-] catties of Five Elements Crystal, otherwise, it would not be so fast.

When the Dragon Qi value reaches 4900 points, one more Dragon Palace can be condensed.

(End of this chapter)

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