Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 344 Transaction {1 more}

Chapter 344 Transaction {One Update}
Duo Xiaobao rolled on the ground.

Tang Hongxue and Bai Dandan came out after hearing the movement, and they were all a little strange when they saw it.

What the hell is going on, Xiaobao.

Hearing Ling Feng's explanation, he smiled in relief.

"Xiaobao, you can't stand the pain, it's too embarrassing."

Bai Dandan said.

"Dandan, it's so itchy, you're still laughing at me."

Duo Xiaobao hummed miserably.

Ling Feng found that Bai Dandan's attitude towards Duo Xiaobao seemed to have changed a bit.

Somewhat strange.

But I don't know that half of the reason why Xiaobao was beaten nine days ago was also for Bai Dandan.

Li Yi didn't know these things.

He didn't care too much.

"Hey, Hongxue, what's your cultivation?"

Only then did Ling Feng notice.

Tang Hongxue had already stepped into the six-star celestial realm, very fast.

"Not as good as yours."

Tang Hongxue said, but a smile appeared in the corner of his eyes.

At this moment, she is one level higher than Ling Feng, which obviously makes her very satisfied.

Ling Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "You can protect me from now on."

He could probably guess that Hongxue was able to go so fast because of refining the terrifying power in her body.

Also happy for her.

"Dandan, has Ling Feng come out of retreat?"

At this moment, a voice from outside came in.

Hearing the voice, Ling Feng knew who was coming.

It was Ji Ziying from Seventh Group.

Ji Ziying walked in and saw Ling Feng and Duo Xiaobao rolling on the ground at a glance. It was a bit strange, but she didn't ask any more questions, and said with a smile: "You are all here, Ling Feng, I brought the things."

Ji Ziying was holding a wooden box.

Open the wooden box, and there are pieces of ore inside.

There are meteorite gold and rock gold.

"There are a total of forty catties of fine gold here."

Ji Ziying said.

Ling Feng nodded, and took out a jade bottle from his pocket: "Drug, take it."

Ji Ziying took the jade bottle, poured out the elixir and looked at it. It was indeed fifteen middle-grade earth elixir. With these elixir, after a short period of time, he would hit the heavenly realm with greater confidence. After finishing, Ji Ziying looked very happy, and said: "Ling Feng, I didn't expect that I would go back, and you would make such a big commotion here, even Duan Renjun is not your opponent."

Ling Feng beat Duan Renjun and forced him to apologize.

Many martial arts practitioners saw this incident at the time. This was big news, and it spread everywhere like snowflakes. Many well-informed martial arts practitioners knew about it.

As for Nandong Province, they also know that there is a freshman king from East China Wuda University, who is already a real strong man in the sky at a young age.

Ji Ziying also soon heard about it.

She secretly rejoiced in her heart, fortunately she was cautious at the beginning, although she calculated the other party once, Ling Feng didn't seem to know.

Or, I know, maybe it's because she has some relationship with Ji Yingying that she didn't settle the case with her.

"I'm also Yingying's friend, but he doesn't seem to be that friendly to me. Dandan is Duo Xiaobao's friend, but he is more friendly to Dandan."

Keiko Sakura thought.

It is very possible that Ling Feng already knew about this, otherwise, it would be impossible to treat her indifferently.

If there hadn't been such a thing at the beginning, maybe forty catties of fine gold would not only be exchanged for fifteen middle-grade Yuandans.

But it's too late to regret now.

"That's natural. Brother Feng's ability is beyond your imagination."

Duo Xiaobao scratched his face and said something.

It doesn't itch much now, and white pointed flowers have emerged from each tooth.

"Brother Feng, the pulp tooth pill is really effective. After a while, new teeth will grow."

Duo Xiaobao laughed.

"Naturally, the elixir I made will not be bad."

Ling Feng waved his hand.

"Is this pill still available? Can you sell me one?"

At this time, another voice came, and it was Liu Feng who walked in.

"One of my younger sisters accidentally broke her teeth during a sparring with someone. It's been several years. She never imagined that there would be a elixir that can make teeth grow back in this world."

Liu Feng was surprised.

Looking at the box of pure gold on the ground, his heart moved, and he said with a smile: "Lingfeng, do you need fine gold? Just right, my Chiyangmen seems to have a few catties, maybe less than ten catties."

"Oh, I do."

Ling Feng laughed and said:

"In this way, you give me the fine gold, and I will give you one of the pulp tooth pills."

"it is good."

Liu Feng was overjoyed and returned immediately.

No 10 minutes, it appeared again.

In his hand are three dark ores, which are meteorites.

"My Chiyang Gate doesn't have that many, here is only eight catties."

Liu Feng said.


Ling Feng nodded: "Go on."

Two pills fell into Liu Feng's hands.


Liu Feng's pupils shrank.

Two elixirs, one elixir, he knew, was the Diyuan elixir, but it turned out to be top grade, as for the other one, it was naturally the pulp tooth elixir.

"Ling Feng, you gave me a high-grade Yuandan."

A top-grade Yuandan is worth a thousand times.

This has far exceeded the value of eight catties of fine gold.

Originally, he thought it would be enough to change to a pulp tooth pill, but who would have thought that he would also get a top-grade Yuan pill.

"These few days your Chiyang Sect has treated you well, please accept it."

Ling Feng didn't care anymore.

He didn't care anymore, but someone was jealous.

"Ling Feng, you are too biased."

Ji Ziying couldn't bear it anymore, she said aggrievedly:
"I will give you forty catties, and you will give me fifteen middle-grade Yuandans, which is equivalent to one and a half top-grade Yuandans, and his eight catties of pure gold is only one top-grade Yuandan, and pulp tooth pills." Well, this kind of rare elixir must be worth a lot, half a top-grade Yuan elixir is also worth it, you, you just like this..."

Ji Ziying was about to cry.

This is simply bullying.

"You accepted it before, I didn't force you."

Ling Feng glanced at her.

Ji Ziying had no choice, she didn't want to stay here for a moment, so she turned and left.


Bai Dandan called out, but unfortunately Ji Ziying had gone far away.

A wry smile.

What can I say about this?
"All right."

Ling Feng clapped his hands:

"Xiaobao, Hongxue and I are going to Wandao Province now, how about you?"

"I'm not going."

Duo Xiaobao will learn to behave now, and said quickly:

"I'm going to go back with Dandan and send her off as well, for fear that she will be in danger."

When Bai Dandan heard it, he chuckled: "It's just you, you still protect me, yourself..."

Speaking of the latter, Bai Dandan stopped talking.

What a little treasure, the strength is a little weaker, but the courage is still there.

Ling Feng was also a little funny: "In that case, see you at school."

In fact, he doesn't recommend Duo Xiaobao to go with him. This time, there will definitely be some powerful people in the ruins of the ancient sect in Wandao Province. At that time, he won't be able to scruple. With Duo Xiaobao's strength, he will meet stronger martial practitioners , casually hit, will die.

"Ling Feng."

Liu Feng hesitated for a moment, then interjected:
"Well, our sect master wants to meet you, by the way, he is outside!"

It turned out that it was also because Ling Feng defeated Duan Renjun on the Three Fingers Peak.

This incident was also a big shock in Chiyangmen.

Naturally, some people wanted to make friends.

(End of this chapter)

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