Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 346 Strange Gate {3 more}

Chapter 346 Odd Door {Third Update}
The members of the Shadow Moon Sword Sect also want Luo Yixuan to become the elder Keqing.

Speaking of which, this matter is still related to Ling Feng.

Under Ling Feng's guidance, Luo Yixuan could only refine inferior Yuan Dan, but now he is able to refine low-grade Yuan Dan, and the success rate of each batch of low-grade Yuan Dan is around 50.00%.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Yixuan became famous.

After Qimen knew the news, the head of the sect personally sent someone to contact Luo Yixuan, wanting him to become Qimen's guest secretary.

Who would have thought that they would encounter the interception of the Shadow Mountain Sword Sect on the way.

Although Luo Yixuan notified Qimen at the moment of crisis, he couldn't come here for a while.

Ling Feng nodded.

Luo Yixuan continued: "Brother Feng, you came to Wandao Province for the relics of the Wuhua Sect's ancient sect, right?"

Ling Feng was a little surprised: "You know that too?"

Luo Yixuan actually knew the news.

Ling Feng smiled, it seems that many people are aware of the ruins of this ancient sect.

"I don't know who said this. The whole Bay Island has spread."

Luo Yixuan smiled and said: "I heard that many martial practitioners have arrived near the ancient ruins, but the ancient ruins are surrounded by a large formation, and no one can break through the formation yet, only to wait until the fifteenth day, the night of the full moon, to absorb the formation." With the power of Yuehua, that formation should collapse on its own."

Luo Yixuan came.

Seems to know a lot about this matter.

Ling Feng nodded on the side.

He got two pieces of news from Luo Yixuan's words.

This time, because of the ancient ruins of the ancient Huazong, many martial arts practitioners came.

In addition, the formation covering Gu Huazong has not been broken.

It also gave him a chance.

"Brother Feng, this time, since you are here, come to Qimen with me. Qimen has more information, and it is not far from the ancient Huazong ruins."

Luo Yixuan smiled and said:
"There are still five days until the fifteenth, so I just stay at Qimen."

Ling Feng glanced at him.

For Luo Yixuan to say that, it seems that he is already very familiar with Qimen.

He didn't refuse: "Then let's go together."

Luo Yixuan was overjoyed.

"Uncle Luo, we can go by ourselves, why should we go with him?"

At this moment, Cai'er, who had been standing quietly by the side, spoke angrily.

"Cai'er, what are you talking about?"

Luo Yixuan stared and said:

"Brother Feng just saved us."

"I don't want him to save me."

Caier said:
"He killed Sister An'an, and Sisi is gone now. I can't find her, and I don't know that she is now..."

As she spoke, tears rolled down the corners of Cai'er's eyes.

Caier and Yang Sisi are very good friends, they have known each other since childhood, she often went to Hongyiwan, Yang Anan was nice to her, but was killed by Ling Feng, and Sisi disappeared.


Luo Yixuan's expression changed, and he shouted.

Quickly apologized to Ling Feng: "Brother Feng..."


Ling Feng waved his hand:
"Let her tell, Yang An'an and Li Shenglong wanted to kill me, so I can only kill them."

"But you are not weaker than her, can't you save her life?"

Cai'er wiped away her tears and said.

"Whoever wants to kill me will die no matter who they are."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled:

"You are still young, you will understand when you grow up."

"I'm not young anymore."

Cai'er stood upright.

"Let's talk in the car if you have something to do."

Ling Feng laughed.

The four got in the car.

On the way, what made Ling Feng a little funny was that at some point, Cai Er actually talked with Hong Xue, and he heard something while sitting in front. , chatting with Hongxue for a while, it seems that he doesn't hate him so much anymore.

Ling Feng knew that Hongxue would speak for him again.

Even though Cai'er thinks whatever she thinks, whether she hates him or not, it doesn't hinder him or have any influence on him, but what Hongxue did made him feel a little touched.

three hours later.

The four of Ling Feng appeared under a group of mountains.

Beside a road not far away, there is a group of white buildings. This is where Qimen is located, and there is a small town nearby. Their car was parked at the intersection of the town. As soon as they got off the car, several people greeted them. Come over, headed by a man in blue clothes.

When Ling Feng saw this middle-aged man, he was stunned. He saw this middle-aged man as if he saw Xu Jiang. The two were so similar.

He guessed that the middle-aged man in front of him was probably Xu Jiang's father.

"Brother Luo, you are finally here, are you okay on the way?"

Several middle-aged men came over with smiles on their faces.

After receiving a call from Luo Yixuan, they hurriedly prepared to rescue him.

But just after leaving the house for a while, I received a call from Luo Yixuan, and the danger had been lifted, so I didn't go again.

"Brother Xu, thanks to Brother Feng's rescue this time, he was out of danger."

Luo Yixuan said:

"This time, brother Feng and I will bother you."

"Brother Luo, you are being polite, let's go, I will clean up the dust for Brother Luo."

The middle-aged man surnamed Xu laughed.

He glanced at Ling Feng and the two, seeing that Luo Yixuan didn't introduce him, and didn't ask any more questions.

This is actually what Ling Feng requested.

East China Martial Arts University is the strongest force in East China, and many sects in East China have paid attention to it. Ling Feng is the rookie king in his freshman year. He killed Zheng Feihong on the stage of life and death before. If people know that he is here, it will be very troublesome and affect his exploration of ancient ruins.

After talking to Luo Yixuan, originally, he didn't plan to live in Qimen either.

However, many martial arts practitioners came to the town, and there were no spare rooms in the hotel, so Ling Feng had to live in Qimen.

Luo Yixuan and Xu left middle-aged.

"Two, follow me this way."

A young man led the way, he glanced at Ling Feng and the two, You Qi paused on Tang Hongxue for a while, his eyes flickered.

The three of them came to a building. Behind the building, there was a small door. The young man opened the small door.

"You two, you have been living here for the past few days."

The young man laughed.

Ling Feng walked to the door and took a look, raising his eyebrows.

The small room has a clear view, a small bed, a table, not even a bathroom, and there are traces of drying on the top of the wall after rain. This is a hut that leaks.

Qimen took people to live in such a hut.

Ling Feng was not a person who cared much about the living environment, as long as he could live.

But the situation in front of him is obviously making things difficult for others.

Even Tang Hongxue frowned when she saw it.

Ling Feng smiled angrily: "This room seems to be a little too simple, please change it for us."

The young man smiled and said: "No, this time because of the ancient ruins, many martial arts practitioners came, and many of them stayed at my Qimen. There is no room left. There is only this one. I can only wrong you to stay here." it's here."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is that really the case? Let your sect master come and talk to me."

The young man chuckled: "When you see the sect master, who do you think you are? If you tell the sect master to come over, he will come over? It's just a joke."

(End of this chapter)

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