Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 348 The most fun dance {1 more}

Chapter 348 The Best Dancing {One Update}
in the suite.

"This person seemed to have malicious intentions just now, you should pay more attention."

Close the door.

Tang Hongxue frowned and said.

"Don't worry, if he comes to offend again, I will make him look good."

Ling Feng laughed.

Tang Hongxue nodded.

At the moment, the two of them are in the room quietly, and a strange feeling spreads for a while.


Ling Feng spoke.

Suddenly, he remembered what happened to the two of them at the Wuyin Mountain villa in Jiangcheng.

Ling Feng's mouth was a little dry.

"I'm in."

At some point, a faint blush appeared on Tang Hongxue's face, and when she heard Ling Feng's words, her heart trembled like an electric shock.

She ignored it, walked into one of the bedrooms, and slammed the door shut.

Ling Feng froze for a moment, then smiled wryly.


The next day.

Ling Feng and Tang Hongxue left Qimen.

They want to go to the ancient ruins of Wuhuazong to see what is going on.

The specific location of the ruins can be easily found through mobile phone navigation. It is more than 40 kilometers away from Qimen. Originally, this distance is not far, but because it is in the deep mountains, it took the two of them nearly an hour to find it. arrive.

The location of the ruins is in a canyon, with dense woods, towering trees, and lush greenery.

But on the north side of the canyon, there was a thick fog, and it was hard to see what was inside.

Ling Feng could tell that this was the formation that inspired the ancient ruins, and the formation operated automatically.

As long as this formation is broken, the ruins inside will be revealed.

However, no one has been able to break this formation until now.

Ling Feng absorbed the knowledge of the treasure chest, and also knew a little about formations.

Turning around the canyon, he also saw that this is an innate ecstasy formation. If a person has no luck after entering, it will be difficult to get out, and he will die in it. Outside this ecstasy formation, there should be a concealment formation, just like The formation he obtained from Teng Yue is the same, but the concealment formation has obviously been destroyed for a long time, and the formation is naturally destroyed. This is why the ecstasy formation appeared, and people can see that there are relics here.

The foundation of this ecstasy formation cannot be seen from the outside, so it must be found in the mist.

However, Ling Feng didn't intend to go in.

First, even if he knows the formation, he still needs to spend time looking for it.

Secondly, even if you find the foundation of the formation, it is not so easy to destroy it. The person who arranged this formation is powerful, and the energy filled in it is violent and chaotic, and you may be injured at that time, which is not worthwhile.

The important thing is that in a few days, this innate ecstasy formation will collapse on its own after absorbing the power of Yuehua.

He could already feel the power of the raging moonlight in the mist, and there might be riots at any time.

"It doesn't matter if we wait a few more days. When the time comes, there will be me and Hongxue. I believe there are not many people who will be our opponents."

Ling Feng was not worried.

In his state, his strength is comparable to that of the Seven Star Heaven Realm, and he can indeed be regarded as a real master.

Looked around.

Around the canyon, Ling Feng also found many martial artists.

There are heavenly realms, earthly realms, and even human realm martial arts practitioners.

These martial practitioners are all waiting for the formation to collapse, so that they can enter the ancient ruins as soon as possible, but, with their cultivation...

Ling Feng shook his head.

Cultivation base is too weak, not so easy to explore.

Weaker martial practitioners, not to mention confrontation, will be killed even if the aftermath of some strong ones is affected.

Ling Feng was preparing to return.

But his footsteps suddenly stopped, and a ray of light shot out from his eyes: "You have been with me for so long, why don't you come out?"

"Hehe...boy, your sense of smell is so keen that you can actually spot us."

Ling Feng spoke.

The people in the woods didn't hide anymore, they just walked out.

A total of five people.

These five people were the ones led by Yan Mosheng, and the young man surnamed Tang was also among them.

"What are you trying to do?"

Ling Feng looked at these people and chuckled lightly.


"What do you mean, boy, let me tell you the truth, our young sect master has taken a fancy to that woman in red and is here to kill you today."

The young man surnamed Tang stared at Ling Feng like a dead man, with a cruel taste:
"Yesterday, you slapped me, didn't it feel good? Today, before you die, I will let you have a good taste of my tricks."

"That's right. In fact, our Young Sect Master wasn't afraid of you yesterday, but just let you go for a while."

"Here today, no one can save you."

"That's right, you're going to die here today."

The other three youths also spoke one after another.

Several people have surrounded Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's expression remained unchanged.

With a smile on his face: "Yan Mosheng, do you think so too?"

Then he said: "I have already seen that you are planning to do something wrong. Originally, if the flags and flags die down, this matter will be ignored. I don't care about it with you. Now it seems that I am thinking too much. Since you dare to have thoughts about Hongxue , and want to kill me, you people, none of you will have to live today."



"He's going to kill us?"

"Is this a joke?"

The young men surnamed Tang looked at Ling Feng in disbelief.

Ling Feng wants to kill them?

Although Ling Feng is very strong, Tang is not his opponent.

But among these people, he is actually the weakest one.

The other three are stronger than him, of course, the four of them are nothing.

Yan Mosheng is the most powerful.

Four-star heaven, an invincible powerhouse.

How could Ling Feng be an opponent?

"Are you crazy?"

The young man surnamed Tang sneered and said:

"If you want to kill us, wait until the next life, no, it's impossible in the next life!"

"is it?"

Ling Feng smiled:
"In the past two days, you've been the happiest dancer, so I'll get rid of you first."

Ling Feng has disappeared.

The next moment, he was already in front of the young man surnamed Tang.

The young man surnamed Tang had experienced Ling Feng's power yesterday, and his ghostly figure made one's heart shattered.

"Young sect master, save..."

The young man surnamed Tang shouted and rushed towards Yan Mosheng.

Unfortunately, at this moment, the neck tightened.

Ling Feng had already stuck his throat, and Ling Kong lifted it up.

"Tell me, can I kill you now?"

Ling Feng looked at the young man surnamed Tang.


The young man surnamed Tang blushed, said "ho ho ho" and was speechless.

"Let him go!"

"Let Brother Tang go!"

"You are looking for death, let go!"

The three young men were shocked when they saw Junior Brother Tang being pinched by Ling Feng in a flash, the speed was too fast.

If he was facing them just now, he might not be able to hide himself.

However, with Yan Mosheng here, they are not afraid.

Yan Mosheng's eyes narrowed slightly, he didn't expect Ling Feng to make a sudden move, and when he realized, Junior Brother Tang had already been arrested, which made him a little surprised: "What kind of footwork is this, it's a bit powerful."

Although surprised, Yan Mosheng quickly regained his composure, showing strong confidence: "Boy, let Brother Tang go, I can spare your life."

(End of this chapter)

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