Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 357 Pursuit {2 more}

Chapter 357 Pursuit {Second Update}
As soon as Zhang Jianfei turned around, he saw a pair of big copper bell eyes staring greedily at him.

He had heard that Ling Feng had the blood of a dragon.

But actually seeing it was a little shocking.

That monstrous aura, an invisible coercion, made him very afraid.

However, he thought of something.

It would be great if I can get a little dragon blood. After refining, not only can I improve my strength, but also my talent can be improved. There are many benefits. Of course, I just thought about it.

"Ling Feng, it's impossible for you to want my spirit stone."

Although Zhang Jianfei was a little apprehensive, he was not afraid.

"It seems that you are unwilling to give it, so don't blame me for being rude."

Ling Feng's ambition for Lingshi is Bi De.

Only he can have this spirit stone.

Ling Feng made a move!The dragon wags its tail!

The dragon's tail is like a hurricane, fast and fierce, making it difficult to dodge.

Although Zhang Jianfei is a six-star powerhouse, Ling Feng can deal with him even if he doesn't transform into a dragon. After transforming into a dragon, he is even stronger. Even the powerhouses of the seven-star heaven are no match for him.

Boom boom boom!
Zhang Jianfei dodged again and again, and then drew out his sword, but the sword energy only left a faint mark on the dragon's body, and it couldn't hurt it.

Zhang Jianfei's face gradually changed: "Ling Feng, you are so powerful after transforming into a dragon!"

The sword of the six-star powerhouse could not cause substantial damage to Ling Feng.

Zhang Jianfei was secretly startled.

"Many people have already learned how powerful I am, and you are not the last one. Hand over the spirit stone obediently, or you will suffer a lot."

Ling Feng didn't stop while speaking, and his strikes became even heavier.

Zhang Jianfei couldn't dodge being hit by his tail, and flew upside down, hitting a big hole in the wall of this hall.

Zhang Jianfei gasped in pain all over his body, and his body seemed to be falling apart.

But he couldn't care less about the pain.

"This person's dragon blood is really extraordinary, completely beyond my expectation, I can't do anything to him."

Zhang Jianfei crashed into the wall of the main hall, his face was ashen, he flicked bullets with his hands to cover his eyes and hair, and fled towards the outside.

"You can't escape!"

Snapped!Ling Feng hit Zhang Jianfei again with his tail.


Zhang Jianfei screamed and broke seven towering trees before rolling and falling to the ground.

He felt that he was about to be whipped to death by this tail.

Seeing that Ling Feng was about to draw down again.


Zhang Jianfei roared.

If you smoke again, you may die.

Ling Feng stopped.

"I'll give you the spirit stone, don't make a move!"

Zhang Jianfei had no choice but to take out the three spirit stones from his pocket, his eyes were full of reluctance, this is his spirit stone, it can make him break through to the seven-star heaven realm, but now he has no way to keep himself Things that have to be sent to others.

Seeing the spirit stone falling into Ling Feng's hands, Zhang Jianfei's heart was bleeding.

"That's good. If you have to ask for trouble, you can just give it to me before."

Ling Feng swallowed three spirit stones in one gulp, and he was not in a hurry to refine them. There may be other treasures here, and we will wait until the collection and exploration are finished.

However, he circled around, but he didn't see any more eye-catching things. They were all low-level pills, and a few spiritual weapons were obtained by several martial practitioners, but they hadn't warmed them up yet. It was snatched away by Zhang Jianfei. Zhang Jianfei saw Ling Feng from a distance, like a cat seeing a mouse, and hid far away.

Ling Feng smiled.

Fly to the uninhabited woods not far away.

Three spirit stones were directly refined.

"Drip, the dragon energy value is 163456, and the evolution condition has been reached. Do you want to evolve?"


"Evolving...evolved successfully!"

Level [-] mad dragon!

Ling Feng has evolved to a sixth-level mad dragon!

The dragon's body swelled up again, and it was about 26 meters long, and strong forces surged in its body.

With his current strength, even if he doesn't transform into a dragon, he can crush Zhang Jianfei.

He also had absolute confidence in the life-and-death battle with Zhou Zihao afterwards.

"This is very good. If it continues like this, it won't be long before it can evolve again."

Ling Feng is looking forward to it.

After the wild dragon is the raptor, which is equivalent to a strong man in the super-mortal realm. Transcendent, that is the real strong man. At that level, he is already a top figure in the world of martial arts.

Ling Feng recovered his body, walked out of the woods, looked around, and suddenly frowned: "Where is Hongxue?"

He searched around but didn't see Tang Hongxue.

When he transformed into a dragon before, Tang Hongxue separated from him. Both of them are not weak, so there is no need to worry about each other's danger. They can find more treasures by separating, but where is Hongxue now?

With Hongxue's strength, it was unlikely that he would be in danger, but Ling Feng still couldn't let it go.

"Look again."

This time, Ling Feng directly transformed into a dragon into the sky, and searched within a radius of more than ten kilometers, but there was still no trace of her.

Ling Feng knew that it was impossible for Tang Hongxue to leave without telling him. Did something really happen?But something happened, this relic was only as big as a radius, and he knew it a long time ago.

Ling Feng was a little puzzled.

"Is there any secret place here?"

With a heartbeat, he knew that there are many strange things in the world of martial arts. In addition to the formations hidden in one place, there is also a real alien space, which is placed in another space other than this space. Some martial arts practitioners call it small The world, if this is possible, it is necessary to find a space node to enter the small world, but he has no way to find it now.

"By the way, that guy Zhang Jianfei didn't see him either, could it really be..."

Only then did Ling Feng realize that Zhang Jianfei was gone.

He was a little worried. If Hongxue met Zhang Jianfei, if they fought, they might not be opponents. After all, although they were both in the same realm, Hongxue had only broken through to six stars before, so he was still weaker than Zhang Jianfei. He thought, if it is true If so, he will kill Zhang Jianfei.

While thinking about this, he suddenly felt a sudden movement in his heart, and he felt a violent fluctuation of energy.

Then, seeing the waterfall explode violently, splashing water everywhere, a figure rushed out from inside in a panic, Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, this person was Zhang Jianfei.

As soon as Zhang Jianfei came out, he saw Ling Feng directly in front of him at a glance, his face changed, and he fled to the right side.

"Don't go, give me back the psychic fruit!"

With a shriek, another figure leaped out of the waterfall.


Ling Feng was overjoyed when he saw this figure.

He guessed wrong, there is actually a hole behind the waterfall, Hongxue obviously explored this hole just now, no wonder he couldn't find it, and there is no such thing as a small world here. There is no need for formations to hide the ruins here.

However, what Hongxue said just now...

"Spiritual fruit, is there a psychic fruit in it?"

Ling Feng was a little surprised.

"Ling Feng, stop him for me, he stole my psychic fruit!"

Tang Hongxue's pretty face turned frosty, her red shadow flickered, and she chased after Zhang Jianfei.

(End of this chapter)

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