Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 362 Here Comes! {1 more}

Chapter 362 Here Comes! {one more}
eleven o'clock noon.

This time is the life and death battle time agreed by Zhou Zihao and Ling Feng.

But now it was ten fifty, and there was no sign of Ling Feng. People from the student union went to the dormitory to look for him, but there was no one.

Someone also asked Duo Xiaobao and Xu Jiang, because these two people lived on both sides of Ling Feng's dormitory, but they didn't know Ling Feng's whereabouts, and even if they knew, they wouldn't say anything.

Seeing that it was almost eleven o'clock, the students couldn't help feeling a little impatient when they saw that Ling Feng hadn't come yet.

"It's not that you're afraid."

"It's obvious, otherwise he would have appeared long ago."

"Since you're afraid, don't agree to a life-and-death battle with Zhou Zihao in the first place, and let us waste time waiting for nothing."

"That's true. Fortunately, he is still the freshman king, so I dare say I dare not be the king."


Even those students who are optimistic about Ling Feng feel a little uncomfortable seeing that he has not come at this moment.

No one is happy to be put dove.

Zhou Zihao, who was standing on the stage of life and death, opened his slightly closed eyes at this moment.

"Aren't you coming?"

Zhou Zihao felt a little pity.

Ling Feng was a life-and-death battle that he had verbally agreed upon, and if Ling Feng didn't come, he had nothing to do.

But this also shows that the opponent is afraid of him, and his strength is not as good as his own.

If there is no chance to solve the opponent in a life-and-death battle openly, then we can only find another way.

At this moment, some people have already dispersed. At this time, Ling Feng obviously won't come.

However, at this moment, someone shouted: "Ling Feng is here!"

All eyes turned to the side of the square.

I saw a young man walking slowly, it was Ling Feng, he had just come out of the sea, and he had calculated the time so that he would not miss the battle of life and death.

No one expected that Ling Feng would arrive at this time. Looking at the time, it was only 1 minute away from eleven o'clock, so it would really be a time lag.

But as long as they come, it will be fine, they can watch another peerless battle.

A group of students in the square chattered again, staring excitedly at the two people in front of the stage of life and death.

Ling Feng jumped onto the stage of life and death.

The two stood facing each other, looking at Zhou Zihao with a natural expression.

"It's finally here. I thought you were too timid to appear in front of me."

Zhou Zihao smiled and said:
"It seems that you have a lot of confidence today, but what I want to say is that since you have come, you will definitely die."

"is it?"

"There were many people who said this before, but in the end it was himself who died."

Ling Feng smiled:
"You are no exception!"

"See the real chapter under your hand."

Zhou Zihao smiled coldly.

Under the gaze of all the students and instructors, Zhou Zihao made a move, took a step forward, boom!With one punch, it seems that the gods descended from the earth, cracking the mountains with one punch, and breaking the river with one punch.

Zhou Zihao's casual punch produced earth-shattering power. From a distance, all the students could feel the terrifying power on the stage of life and death, it was too strong.

Especially those mentors, they are of high realm, and they have a clearer sense of Zhou Zihao's strength. Among these mentors, this time the battle of life and death, the extraordinary mentors have come out, but they are not in the square, but in a building. There were a total of five people standing on the teaching building, and without exception, they were all experts in the Transcendent Realm.

Among them, if Ling Feng saw three of them, he would know them.

Two of them are vassals and Fang Chengkong.

These two people appeared when he was just entering school to choose a tutor. After he showed his strong strength and talent, these two people were still vying to choose him. Unfortunately, Ling Feng chose Feng Baiyun, while the other It was his teacher Feng Baiyun.

"Feng Baiyun, you student has made a lot of noise since you came to the school. Not only did you offend the student union, but you killed a genius Zheng Feihong. Now it's not enough, and you have to add Zhou Zihao. Isn't this kid too good-for-nothing? Self-righteous, is Zhou Zihao something he can handle now?"

Fang Chen looked at the stage of life and death below, frowned and said:
"You don't give him a good ideological work. This is a real genius. It would be a pity to be killed."


Fang Chengkong agrees:

"When we first met him just now, he was only at the one-star level, but I heard that he is now at the five-star level. I don't know if it's true or not, let alone how he cultivated. This speed is too fast. .”

All the mentors in the Transcendent Realm were horrified.

They had never seen such a monstrous genius.

However, it happened to be discovered that Ling Feng's strength has improved rapidly, but the foundation is still very stable.

"That's what he meant, and I can't control it."

Feng Baiyun smiled and didn't say much:
"Look, how much strength he has improved this time."

The vassals shook their heads.

You, the mentor, are not good enough.

At this moment.

Ling Feng had already started sex with Zhou Zihao.

Facing Zhou Zihao's punch, Ling Feng also punched him.

boom!The two punches struck together, and the whole stage of life and death shook, and a wave of energy spread towards the surroundings, and the students who were close to each other retreated one after another. Who won, the blow just now exposed some of the strength of the two of them.

Both are very strong!

Zhou Zihao needless to say.

As for Ling Feng, as soon as he made a move, the aura on his body radiated out.

Six-star heaven!

Some instructors exclaimed, with shock in their eyes.

It's only been a month, and Ling Feng has stepped into the six-star celestial realm from the three-star celestial realm. It's really terrifying to cross three realms in one month.

A group of students were also surprised and speechless when they heard the instructor's words.

That's genius, real genius.

However, the outcome of this battle between six stars and eight stars is still unknown.

According to the truth, it is far from possible for a six-star to be the opponent of an eight-star heavenly realm expert, but Ling Feng is different. This person can burst out with strength several times stronger than his own realm. I am afraid that the result is unpredictable. Of course, this is only a part Some people think that eight stars are eight stars after all, maybe Zhou Zihao will win in the end.

You know, the last time Ling Feng killed Zheng Feihong, he was only one level stronger than Zheng Feihong.

But now there are two realms.

"Sure enough."

Zhou Zihao's pupils shrank slightly:
"Ling Feng, you should refine the psychic fruit and the spirit stone you snatched from Zhang Jianfei, otherwise, it is impossible to have this strength, but it is useless, you must die today!"

Zhou Zihao made another shot while speaking.

Thousands of generations of shocking boxing!
After finding out the opponent's strength, Zhou Zihao let go and displayed his unique skill. He wanted to kill the enemy in front of him with thunder.

But Ling Feng was not afraid at all.

Furious Fist!

Boom boom boom!The two collided together, without any dodge, head-to-head, punches burst everywhere, and the entire stage of life and death was filled with terrifying power.

(End of this chapter)

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