Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 387 Devour {1 more}

Chapter 387 Devouring
Zhou Ziyang used 20.00% of the blood in his body to deliver the strongest blow.

This blow was very strong, but Ling Feng still took it.

"Zhou Ziyang, is this your last resort? It's a bit powerful, but it still can't help me."

At this moment, Ling Feng used the blood burning technique, but it actually consumed a lot.

Burning at once also used 30.00% of the blood in the body, if it was an ordinary person, it would have been unbearable for a long time.

Even for him, the blood cannot be recovered in a day or two.

Of course, Zhou Ziyang suffered a greater loss than him. What this person consumes is blood essence, which is more precious than blood. Like ordinary martial artists, blood essence in the body is equivalent to about one percent of the blood volume. Once too much is consumed, it will not only affect the cultivation of the physical body, but also damage the foundation.

Like now Zhou Ziyang has burned 80.00% of his essence and blood, basically his own foundation has been severely damaged. Under normal circumstances, it will be difficult to recover within a few years.

On the contrary, Ling Feng only lost 30.00% of his blood. Although there was some loss, it was nothing, and he could recover within a few days.

This shows how powerful his blood burning technique is.

"You are a mere martial artist in the nine-star celestial realm, and you actually have this strength."

Zhou Ziyang couldn't calm down anymore.

He no longer has the strength to fight anymore, besides, even if he converts all the essence and blood in his body into the strongest blow in the end, he still can't hurt Ling Feng.

He never thought it would end like this.

"Ling Feng, I didn't know about your family's affairs at the time. In fact, it has nothing to do with me. It was something other people in my Zhou family did."

Zhou Ziyang said:

"Tell me, which people in my Zhou family attacked you at the beginning, and I handed them all over to you, so let's forget about it, how about it?"

Hear Zhou Ziyang's words.

Before Ling Feng expressed his opinion, Zhou Zijie became anxious.

At the beginning, he was directly involved in the person who attacked Ling Feng. If so, wouldn't it be death.

"Ling Feng, aren't you still living well now? If you didn't have me back then, you wouldn't be able to achieve what you are now."

Zhou Zijie said loudly:

"You were a blessing in disguise. For this matter, let it go. I will apologize to you and even compensate you. You let us go."

Who would have thought that the situation would suddenly reverse.

In the end, Zhou Ziyang still lost.

An extraordinary person lost to a martial artist in the nine-star heaven realm.

Everyone in the Zhou family looked a little terrified.

"Sounding words."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled:
"I said, today, I will not let anyone from the Zhou family go. Zhou Ziyang, you just accept your fate."

Ten ice arrows condensed into shape and shot towards Zhou Ziyang.

Each ice arrow contains infinite power of destruction.

It is the arrow of death.

At least it was like this in front of Zhou Ziyang.

Zhou Ziyang's face changed drastically. He couldn't catch the ten ice arrows. He was powerless and had no choice but to dodge, but there were still four ice arrows that could not be dodged. They were about to pierce through his body. But at this moment, a figure Appeared and stopped in front of him, this person turned out to be Zhou Ziyang's father Zhou Jiankong.

It's just that his strength is too weak, and the eight-star celestial realm is nothing in the eyes of Ling Feng after performing the blood burning technique.

It easily pierced Zhou Jiankong's chest.

A one-hit deadly Frostbolt.

"My son, run away!"

Zhou Jiankong barely said a word, and he fell to the ground, dead.


Zhou Ziyang exclaimed, and flashed in front of Zhou Jiankong with a sad expression on his face.

He looked at Ling Feng angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

escape?Can you escape?

He couldn't escape, now that he was seriously injured, the other party could easily catch up.

There was only one way, which was to notify his tutor to come and save him, but it was too late, and his tutor was not at school, so he couldn't be contacted now.

Puff puff!
Ling Feng was unmoved, and once again condensed ten ice arrows and shot them.

This time, because of Zhou Jiankong's death, Zhou Ziyang was sad, and he didn't realize it for a while, six ice arrows entered his body and were pierced.


Zhou Ziyang's body shook, and he knelt down in a pool of blood, dying.

Ling Feng ignored it, opened his bloody mouth, and swallowed Zhou Ziyang in one gulp amidst Zhou Ziyang's desperate expression.

At the moment of swallowing, Ling Feng got the information from the system.

Sure enough, this Zhou Ziyang has a system, the Supreme Glory system.

It was also because of this system that Zhou Ziyang was able to improve so fast, but unfortunately, he still died in his hands in the end.

Ling Feng didn't have any regrets about Zhou Ziyang's death, he died as soon as he died.

In fact, he wanted to just get rid of this person, but the other party might have a system, so he couldn't let it go.

"Drip! The dragon energy value is 1023863502. It has reached the evolution condition. Do you want to evolve?"

"Not evolving for now."

Ling Feng was overjoyed, but denied it.

Now, things are not over yet.

And the next evolution is the Raptor class, and there will definitely be many changes at that time, so it is inconvenient here.

After killing Zhou Ziyang, the Zhou family members will follow.


When Ling Feng devoured Zhou Ziyang just now.

Whoosh whoosh!Several figures entered the Zhou family compound.

These people turned out to be members of the student union. They came over after getting the news, and happened to see this scene.

Their student council president was devoured just like that.

This is an extraordinary powerhouse!

The members of the student union were dumbfounded.

His eyes fell on Ling Feng, horrified, unbelievable, disbelieving, and finally turned into a look of fear.

"Are you here to avenge Zhou Ziyang?"

Ling Feng looked at these people with a half-smile.


"No, Ling Feng, we're just taking a look, let's go, let's go!"

He was swept away by Ling Feng's gaze.

Many members of the Student Union shuddered tremblingly. After realizing it, they turned around and left Zhou's house.

They don't want to die here.

Zhou Ziyang's death was a pity to them, but that was all.

But Zhou Ziyang's death, everyone in the student union knew that it would definitely cause a big earthquake in Tobu.

People from the student union came and went quickly.

Ling Feng smiled and didn't stop these people.

His eyes fell on Zhou Jianjun and other members of the Zhou family.

Zhou Jiankong, once the father and son Zhou Ziyang died, the rest of the Zhou family was nothing to him.

The members of the Zhou family were terrified when they saw the death of Zhou Kong and his son. After realizing it, they ran for their lives, knowing that Ling Feng would not let them go, but could they escape?

Bang bang bang!

Tang Hongxue, Qian Ling'er, Lan Qing, and Hei Lang took action.

Those who fled outside were also stopped by Ling Xiaoxia and the others.

There were screams one after another, and the members of the Zhou family, as long as they were martial arts practitioners, were all abolished at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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