Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 401 Goodbye Sister Yin {2 more}

Chapter 401 Goodbye Sister Yin {Second Update}

Qi Wende also sat down, with a slight smile on his face: "Thank you for taking care of Longyin before."

Ling Feng waved his hand: "He is my elder sister Yin."

Then he said, "I want to see Sister Yin now."

Qi Wende shook his head: "I'm sorry, she is retreating now and is at a critical juncture. You may not come at the right time. When she leaves the seclusion later, you can come again!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Retreat, I won't disturb her, but I must see her."

Qi Wende's face turned cold: "Young man, Long Yin is not something you can meet whenever you want, leave here now, and I won't make things difficult for you, do you understand?"

Ling Feng sneered: "I will definitely see her today."

"Good boy, then I'll see if you have the qualifications to speak."

Qi Wende snorted.

He sat on the chair, didn't stand up, just reached out with his big hand, boom, a paw print condensed out of thin air, and grabbed Ling Feng.

An infinite power radiated out, and the chair beside Ling Feng was shattered into powder before he got close.

But the strange thing is that the chair that Ling Feng sat on was intact.

"Is this your method?"

Ling Feng smiled dismissively.

He opened his mouth and exhaled in one breath.

Wow!As soon as the horse formed by a stream of dragon energy charged, the paw prints that fell were scattered away.

Qi Wende's face changed slightly.

"You can also give me a paw."

Ling Feng stretched out his claw casually, covering Qi Wende.

The majestic power made Qi Wende's face change drastically.

He hurriedly stood up to resist, but just as he moved, the paw prints had already fallen, so he could only attack immediately.

boom!All the chairs, including Qi Wende's, were smashed to pieces.

Qi Wende sat down directly on the ground, with a gray face and sawdust all over his face, but he didn't have time to care about this. He looked at Ling Feng with a look of shock in his eyes: "Chaofan, you are a superpower, how is this possible?"

The aura that Ling Feng showed just now can only be found in superpowers.

Qi Wende felt it clearly.

However, he didn't know exactly how many stars were extraordinary.

"Yes, I have already entered the Transcendent Realm."

Ling Feng proudly said:
"Tobu University, freshman student Ling Feng, you may be ignorant and don't know, but I can tell you now that at the age of 16, I have three stars. A few days ago, Zhou Ziyang who was on the Tobu list was killed by me. Oh, and Zeng Wuyuan, who was on the most wanted list in martial arts, also died in my hands, Ling Wailing Tianyu was also subdued by me, this is my method, you are far beyond comparison."

Ling Tianyu who was in a coma was thrown to the ground by him.

After a pause, Ling Feng continued: "Take me to see Sister Yin now!"

"16 years old, Samsung is extraordinary!"

Qi Wende's expression kept changing, as if he didn't believe it.

Qi Jing stood aside with an expression of disbelief.

The first time I came to Jiangcheng with Xia Jiangliu, when I saw Ling Feng, I was not yet in the realm, and now I have stepped into the extraordinary. This is simply an incredible thing, but it happened like this.

Looking at the people on the ground, they are indeed "Big Flame Demon" Ling Tianyu.

Qi Wende's complexion changed for a while, before he said: "Longyin is retreating in the back mountain to accept the inheritance of my ancestors of the Qi family. Now she is at a critical juncture. In about two days, she should be able to come out. You can wait for a few days until she arrives." When the time comes, you will naturally see Long Yin."

"is it?"

Ling Feng stared closely at Qi Wende, as if he wanted to see if what the other party said was true.

He knew that Qi Wende hadn't lied.

Apparently, Sister Yin was somewhat similar to Tang Hongxue, having received some inheritance from the family.

Since it was a few days to wait, Ling Feng didn't say much. He happened to use the remaining spirit fruit to refine a batch of Xiantian pills when he was free.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise, as if something collapsed.

Qi Wende, Qi Jing's expression changed.


The two fled out of the living room.

Ling Feng frowned and followed out.

Soon someone came to report to Qi Wende.

The Five Ancestor Cave in Houshan collapsed!
The Five Patriarch Cave is exactly where Qi Longyin retreated.

Qi Wende's expression changed, and he headed towards Wuzu Cave.

At the back of the mountain, most of the mountainside was almost emptied to form a huge hollow, and there was a five-story stone pagoda inside. This stone pagoda seemed to be chiseled out of a single stone, but now it has collapsed!
Ling Feng also heard the report from the disciples guarding the cave, and knew that sister Yin was also buried in the collapse.

Boulders were raised one after another, and soon Ling Feng saw a woman in light blue clothes.

"Sister Yin!"

Ling Feng exclaimed.

Sister Yin was pressed on her body by several big rocks, her body was covered with blood, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

"Sister Yin."

The boulder on Sister Yin's body shattered, and Ling Feng carried Sister Yin out.

Look again, the corner of Sister Yin's mouth is overflowing with blood, and her chest is bright red, Ling Feng can't tell, it's not just being injured by a stone, in fact, he feels the strong aura on Sister Yin's body, she is already a strong person in the Seven Star Heaven Realm, With this cultivation level, no matter how big the head is, it won't hurt her.

Sister Yin has just gone mad.

Now the true qi in the body is still running around in the body, destroying the meridians in the body.

Ling Feng didn't have time to say anything else at this moment, the dragon energy in his body sank into his body from the palm of his hand along with his thoughts.

Ling Feng straightened out the true energy in Sister Yin's body, but she didn't wake up.

Sister Yin's insanity was very serious this time, and half of the meridians in her body were almost destroyed. If she came later, the consequences would be disastrous, and she might become a disabled person in the future, unable to practice.

Moreover, only his dragon qi can help Sister Yin to straighten out the zhenqi in her body and run stably. If it were anyone else, she would basically be helpless now, until the rest of the meridians are destroyed by zhenqi, then there is no way to recover.

Qi Wende obviously also saw this situation, and his face was very ugly. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until his daughter's vital signs stabilized.

"Fortunately, you are here, I never thought you could straighten out Longyin's true energy."

Ling Feng snorted softly, but he couldn't speak well.

The reason why Sister Yin is like this is that the speed of absorbing energy just now is too fast, and the foundation is unstable all at once, which is why this happens.

He gave her a top-quality health-preserving pill.

On the next morning, Qi Longyin slowly opened his eyes.

Ling Feng has been by Sister Yin's side all day, but he has not been idle, and spent a day refining the Xiantian Pill. This Xiantian Pill is pale yellow, crystal clear, the size of a mother's finger, and each one is best.

Qi Longyin had a long dream. Since she left Jiangcheng, she returned to the Qi family and accepted the inheritance that her father said. She originally thought that the inheritance could be completed in a day or two, but she didn't expect that it was not a day or two at all. It is a matter of several months, or even a year, during which she thought about suspending the inheritance, but it was impossible. If she forcibly stopped, her body would be smashed to pieces by the impact energy, and her body would die. An inheritance is tormenting, and finally at the end, maybe I was a little excited, maybe I thought of my little brother, the energy was absorbed too fast, I didn't pay attention, it hit the meridian, and I was severely injured immediately, the energy exploded, Shattered the stone tower.

"Little brother, sister can't see you anymore!"

Qi Longyin felt bitter.

(End of this chapter)

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