Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 406 Arriving at the Ling Family {2 more}

Chapter 406 Arriving at the Ling Family {Second Update}

Listening to Ling Sudan's words, Ling Feng's face became more and more ugly.

This time, he was certain that his mother was married to Ling Zhantian's younger brother Ling Zhanyun from the Ling family.

Now mother is locked up at Ling's house.

If there is no external force, mother and father will always be imprisoned, especially mother, she has no cultivation, and being imprisoned together in this family of martial arts practitioners, I am afraid it will be very difficult.

"Mother, son, I will rescue you soon, this Ling family..."

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes.

"Hey, you ask so many..."

Ling Sudan looked at Ling Feng, with a look of surprise in his eyes:
"I see you...why do you look a little like my second uncle? Could it be that you..."

Ling Feng's actions not only asked about the Ling family's affairs, but especially when she sensed Ling Feng's faint excitement just now, she paid great attention to it.

She also went to the place where he was imprisoned several times to see the second uncle. It is still clear what the second uncle looks like. She didn't think about it before, but now that she pays attention to Ling Feng, she looks more and more like the second uncle.

"Yes, I am Ling Zhanyun's son."

Ling Feng didn't hide it either, anyway, he was going to the Ling's house now, and he would definitely tell the matter when the time came.


Ling Sudan stopped in his tracks, and looked at Ling Feng in surprise:

"You are really the son of the second uncle. How is this possible? Doesn't it mean that he is dead?"

"Hmph, how could someone like me die so easily?"

Ling Feng snorted coldly.

Ling Sudan burst into laughter with a "puchi": "You must be smug!"

After a pause, he laughed again: "But from what you said, and that you do look a bit like the second uncle, and also have the shadow of the second mother, I believe you are the second uncle's son."

As if thinking of something again, Ling Sudan laughed again: "In this way, I have another cheap brother. This is good. My little brother Ling Feng, come quickly and call me sister."

Ling Sudan looked at Ling Feng, his big nimble eyes almost narrowed with a smile.

Ling Feng laughed: "Although I am Ling Zhanyun's son, I am only his son and have nothing to do with your Ling family."

Ling Sudan was discouraged: "This matter is a family rule, and there are many things that can't be helped."

Ling Feng sneered: "Then this rule should be changed."

Ling Feng does know that some ancient families do have a lot of rules, sometimes like a small country, the family, family rules, family laws, family members must abide by the law, once violated, there will be very serious consequences, But what does that have to do with him?All he wanted was his parents, and anyone who blocked him, no matter what it was, would die.

The two had arrived at Ling's house while they were talking.

The Ling family is at the foot of Yanshan Mountain, in a very beautiful forest.

There are a series of ancient buildings here, which seem to be isolated from the world, like a paradise.

"Brother Lingfeng, do you want to save your second uncle and second mother when you come here this time?"

Ling Sudan shook his head and said:
"I'm afraid it will be difficult. Uncle won't let you take them away."

"Can I see you?"

Ling Feng naturally knows that it is almost impossible to rescue his father and mother now. Since the Ling family has locked up his father for so long, it shows that the Ling family's family rules are very strict, and it is impossible to rescue them just by talking. This is possible.

"This... I don't know either, it should be okay."

Ling Sudan said with some uncertainty:

"Let's talk about this when we see Uncle."

With Ling Sudan around, Ling Feng's arrival at Ling's house went smoothly.

The Ling family was a little surprised to see Ling Sudan bring a young man back. Basically, Ling Sudan would not bring a man back to the family. Could it be that he found a boyfriend?This is a big event. These people's eyes fell on Ling Feng, looking at him. He was very young and handsome, but his body didn't have a trace of breath, hiding his realm?But this person is too young, and everyone in the Ling family thinks that his strength should not be too strong. In fact, he is not suitable for Ling Sudan.

Many people from the Ling family had many thoughts in their heads.

But soon they also noticed the person in Ling Feng's hand, this person...

"It seems, it seems... it can't be Ling Tianyu?"

"It's Ling Tianyu!"

These Ling family members also recognized the person in Ling Feng's hand and exclaimed.

After seeing Ling Tianyu clearly, at this moment, they knew what Ling Feng was doing here.

This is to come to their Ling family to receive the reward.

The news quickly spread among Ling Feng's family.

Ling Feng followed Ling Sudan to the reception hall of the Ling family. After a short while, the high-level officials of the Ling family arrived one after another. Ling Feng noticed that none of these high-level Ling Feng people were lower than the heavenly realm. Except for Ling Sudan, he also Seeing two extraordinary powerhouses from the Ling family, that is to say, adding Ling Sudan, two extraordinary powerhouses Ling Zaitian, and Ling Zhantian a king-level powerhouse, the Ling family has five as far as he knows now. Extraordinary and above the strong.

What a huge force.

"Uncle is here!"

Standing beside Ling Feng, Ling Sudan said quietly at this time.

Ling Feng saw a tall middle-aged man walking in. This middle-aged man's ring was clearly carved out of a knife, and his eyes looked a little empty, but there was a deep divine light. Feeling very scared, this person is Ling Zhantian, Ling Feng's current Patriarch.


As soon as Ling Zhantian came in, all the high-level members of the Ling family, including Ling Sudan, all sat down in their respective seats in an orderly manner, not daring to make any noise.

Ling Zhantian has supreme authority in the Ling family.

Sit on top.

Ling Zhantian's eyes fell on Ling Feng, and he only glanced at him briefly, then looked at the person he was carrying, and said: "Ling Feng, the freshman of Dongwu freshman class is very strong, and he even killed him a few days ago. Xia Jiangliu from the Xia family in South China, a five-star extraordinary powerhouse, died in your hands."

Hearing Ling Zhantian's words, everyone including Ling Sudan was a little surprised.

"Is he five-star extraordinary?"

Ling Sudan felt a little unbelievable.

Xia Jiangliu is known to everyone in Beiwu.

He also died in Ling Feng's hands.

Although she hasn't heard about this matter yet, she knows that her uncle's news is not fake.

"My cheap brother is too scary."

Ling Sudan secretly said:
"No wonder Uncle Tianyu was caught by him."

Ling Feng was also a little surprised.

With the improvement of his cultivation base, when he comes into close contact with Ling Zhantian, a strong man in the king realm, although his tone is very calm, he still has a feeling of fright.

Knowing that he is far from being Ling Zhantian's opponent, it is even difficult to escape.

For a moment, I regretted coming here.

You should not put yourself in a dangerous situation.

Although he is also a member of the Ling family according to blood, but his father's situation and the outdated family rules of this family made him worry about his own safety.

(End of this chapter)

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