Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 408 Air transportation system {2 more}

Chapter 408 Air Transportation System {Second Update}
Among the information given by the system, the system Ling Zaitian owns is called "Qi Luck System".

"Host, this person's system is a great threat to you. He can plunder other people's luck. The faster this person grows, the greater the consumption of your luck."

The system voice came:
"So you'd better devour this person immediately, no matter what the cost."

Ling Feng was speechless.

His current strength lies here, no matter how he is no match for this person, even if he evolves to a fourth-level raptor, it will be a bit difficult, unless it is a fifth-level raptor, but it is still early.

However, the fact that Ling Zaitian actually has a luck system made him feel different.

Luck, that is a very magical thing.

Ling Zaitian can plunder other people's luck, which means that this person's luck will be very good. This kind of person will save himself from danger when he encounters danger, and sometimes he may even be hit on the head by a cake falling from the sky while walking on the road .


In Ling Zaitian's eyes, his world is different from what others see.

In addition to what ordinary people can see, he can also see everyone's luck. This luck is like wolf smoke. People with strong luck will have "wolf smoke" billowing into the sky, while people with thin luck will Just like a hair, everyone's luck is different, but they all have luck.

But no matter how he looked at Ling Feng, he didn't have the slightest bit of luck in him.

People without luck, this is something he has never thought about, nor has he seen it.

This also makes it impossible to plunder Ling Feng's luck.

Ling Fenghualong soared into the sky, and Ling Zaitian chased after him.

It's a pity that Ling Zaitian couldn't catch up with him no matter how fast he used the sky piercing cloud technique.

He could only watch Ling Feng leave helplessly.

"Is this the blood of the dragon? It's a bit powerful."

Ling Zaitian stood still in the air and did not chase after him.


three days later.

In a deep sea hundreds of nautical miles away from Tobu.

Ling Feng turned into a dragon, devoured a group of long-haired sea apes, and finally evolved again.

Originally, the evolution of a fourth-level raptor was only about a hundred ku of dragon energy. After refining the piece of spirit stone obtained from the Ling family, it was almost a thousand ku. This will go to the sea and swallow some sea beasts, and the evolution will also happen. It's a matter of course.

"Hey, remind the host, the dragon energy value is 1013, does it evolve?"


"Evolving...evolved successfully!"

Tier [-] Raptors.

At this moment, Lingfeng's body has grown to about 13 meters long, and his body is full of dragon energy.

With his current strength, the ordinary seven-star supernatural can also deal with the situation of transforming dragons.


Ling family.

On this day, Ling Sudan finally found an opportunity to go to a cave in the mountain behind the Ling family.

This cave is on a cliff, looking at this cave, it seems that a strong man split open it, it is not a natural cave.

Inside the cave, Ling Zhanyun and his wife were imprisoned.

Ling Zhanyun, a middle-aged man with a resolute face and a very friendly face, but because he has been in the cave for more than ten years, his face looks a little pale. Beside him is a middle-aged woman. She has charm, but her face is a little haggard now. This middle-aged woman is Ling Feng's mother, Yang Bisha.

"Bisha, don't be too sad, it's been almost four years, Fenger's life is bad, and there's nothing he can do now."

Ling Zhanyun took her hand:
"In the future, I will go out to avenge Feng'er."

"My wind."

Yang Bisha looked sad:
"Back then, I shouldn't have only cared about the company's affairs, and I shouldn't have done such a big business. Ordinarily, Feng'er would not have been framed by the Zhou family. It was all my fault. It was me who harmed Feng'er."

A teardrop slid down his cheek.

Ling Zhanyun wiped away the tears from Yang Bisha's face, hugged her with one hand, and comforted her: "It's not your fault, it's my fault. I should have gone far away with you back then, and I shouldn't have returned to Ling's house. , otherwise these things would not happen, and I am outside, and no one dares to bully you."

Yang Bisha shook her head.

"Second Uncle, Second Mom, I'm here to see you!"

Just then, a voice came.

It was Ling Sudan who walked into the cave.


Ling Zhanyun let go of his hand, Yang Bisha wiped the corner of his eyes, and said with a smile:
"Sultan, come, sit here."

In the Ling family, Ling Zhanyun and his wife are only Ling Sudan who comes to visit them often, and she is also very strong, she is an extraordinary powerhouse.

As soon as Ling Sudan came in, the two hurriedly greeted him.

"Second Mom, you miss my brother Ling Feng, right?"

Ling Sudan sat in front of Yang Bisha and said with a smile:
"This time I came here to bring you good news."


Ling Zhanyun said:

"What good news has the Sultan brought me?"

Yang Bisha also looked at her curiously.

"Second Uncle, Second Mom, let me show you a video."

Ling Sudan took out his mobile phone with a smile.

Ling Zhanyun and Yang Bisha are a little strange, watching the video?What's so good about a video.

However, since Ling Sudan said it, the eyes of the two still fell on Ling Sudan's opened cell phone.

It was a recorded video of a young man, about 16 years old.

When the two of them saw the young man, they were startled.


Ling Zhanyun looked at the young man in front of him, why did he look so much like him.

"This is, this is... Feng'er?"

Yang Bisha snatched the phone, but she could tell at a glance that the young man in the video was her son. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it. Although she hadn't seen her in the past four years, as a mother, the kinship between flesh and blood was revealed. You can feel it in the video.

"Feng'er, is he Feng'er?"

Ling Zhanyun was imprisoned in the cave not long after Ling Feng was born, and basically never saw Ling Feng, so he still hesitated.

"It's Feng'er...it's him!"

Yang Bisha spoke incoherently with excitement, took Ling Sudan's hand, and said:

"Sudan, Feng'er is still alive, your video..."

Yang Bisha looked at her expectantly.

"Second Mom, you are right. He is Ling Feng. He is still alive. He found our Ling family two days ago. He wanted to see you, but was stopped by uncle."

Ling Sudan said:

"Because of this, he asked me to shoot a video for you, and let me tell you not to worry about him."

"Feng'er is really still alive!"

Yang Bisha wept with joy.

"It seems that Feng'er is lucky, Bisha, don't be sad in the future."

Ling Zhanyun also said happily.

"My wind has grown so big."

Yang Bisha watched the video back and forth several times, as if she wished she could get into the video and meet her son.

But now the two are imprisoned in the cave, and it is impossible to get out.

"Second Uncle, Second Mom, don't worry, Ling Feng has now entered the three-star supernatural, and has the blood of the dragon, and he will rescue you in a short time."

Ling Sudan laughed.

"Samsung Superb!"

Ling Zhanyun exclaimed, "

"My son is an extraordinary powerhouse of Samsung!"

It seems that I can't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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