Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 411 Ji Yingying's Strength

Chapter 411 Ji Yingying's Strength
Ling Feng raised Ji Yingying to a five-star heaven.

The five-star celestial realm is enough to deal with that woman.

Feeling the full strength in her body, Ji Yingying was a little excited.

It's not surprising that she knows that Ling Feng can improve the strength of others.

With this strength, it is enough to deal with this unreasonable woman opposite.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was a bit strange that Ji Yingying's aura exploded and then returned to calm again.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

The woman continued to attack the two of them.

But this time Ling Feng didn't dodge, nor did he make a move.

Ji Yingying took a step forward and punched out.

The fists and claws intersected, and the woman was directly shocked back.

The woman was stunned, and looked at her in disbelief: "How is this possible, weren't you still in the one-star celestial realm just now, why are you in the five-star celestial realm now?"

Not only her, but others also didn't believe it.

However, they soon realized that it might have something to do with Ling Feng's actions just now, and they were teaching Ji Yingying skills again.

"There are so many impossible things."

Ji Yingying's strength skyrocketed.

She was not willing to swallow the woman's anger at her just now.

At that moment, she made another move, taking the initiative to attack.

The woman's face changed slightly.

However, with her mere four-star celestial realm cultivation, she was no match for Ji Yingying.

After receiving more than ten moves, she was beaten by Ji Yingying. If Ji Yingying hadn't improved her strength too much and was not familiar with it at once, she would be able to defeat her in one or two moves at most.

The woman fell to the ground and was also beaten by Ji Yingying and vomited blood.

"How about it?"

Ji Yingying looked at her condescendingly:
"Don't think that you are very great, make trouble for no reason, bully others at will, like your man is bad, do you think that I just like you?"

Ji Yingying was annoyed at the woman's words, now that she was in control of the situation, she became rude in speaking.


The woman is furious:
"Do you know who I am? I am Yang Zhifeng's younger sister. If you hurt me, my brother will not let you go."

"Your brother is Yang Zhifeng?"

Ji Yingying's face changed slightly.

Of course, Yang Zhifeng knew that the second-ranked strongman in the Central Plains Wuda's Zhongwu list was very strong, five-star extraordinary.

No wonder this woman is unreasonable.

Looking at the expressions of those martial practitioners around, one can tell that this woman is right.

Ji Yingying couldn't help looking at Ling Feng worriedly.

"It's okay, five-star extraordinary is nothing."

Ling Feng said:
"You just avenge yourself, Yang Zhifeng came and I'm here."

"What a big breath!"

Just as Ling Feng finished speaking, there was a voice.

Hearing this voice, many people looked sideways.

Seeing the person coming, the woman exclaimed in surprise, "Brother, you are here!"

The person who came was a middle-sized young man with ordinary appearance, but he was much better-looking than this woman, and the two brothers and sisters were not alike at all.

"Brother, these two people bullied me, you have to help me out!"

The woman pointed at Ling Feng and Ji Yingying.

"Of course, I will help you teach them a lesson."

Yang Zhifeng smiled at the woman, a look of doting and distress flashed in his eyes.

His eyes fell on Ling Feng, and a cold light flashed:
"Boy, you..."

Yang Zhifeng was at a loss for what to say next.

He stared blankly at Ling Feng.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

The woman said strangely.

Yang Zhifeng didn't speak, looked at Ling Feng, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then said slowly, a little dry-mouthed: "You are Ling Feng who ranks first in the Dongwu list!"

Although Yang Zhifeng had never met Ling Feng, the news of Xia Jiangliu's death was spread among the senior officials of the four Wuhan Universities, including those elites who knew that Ling Feng had killed him. I paid special attention to some.

The person in front of him is obviously Ling Feng, there is nothing wrong with it.

Xia Jiangliu of the five-star heaven realm is dead, so naturally Yang Zhifeng, he, will not be an opponent.

"Brother, what are you talking about, what is Ling Feng, what is the number one in the Tobu list, is he stronger than you?"

The woman came over:

"Brother, you want to avenge me!"

Yang Zhifeng shook his head, smiled wryly and said, "Sister, I'm no match for this person, let's forget about it."

Yang Zhifeng looked at Ling Feng and said, "Ling Feng, I won't talk about this matter, forget it, how about it?"

Ling Feng frowned, and now he could see it too. Yang Zhifeng looked at his sister as if he was looking at his own daughter. Obviously, this woman seemed to have some mental problems. After understanding this, he didn't bother to worry about it. Glancing at Ji Yingying, Ji Yingying nodded, almost as if she could see that there was something wrong with this woman.

Comparing with this kind of person, it will appear that you are deceiving people.

Instead, she felt a little pity in her heart.

"Forget it."

Ling Feng shook his head:

"Let's go."

Ji Yingying picked up the fine gold on the ground and followed.

Yang Zhifeng was explaining to his sister, and looked at Ling Feng and the others who left with lingering fear.

"Ling Feng, thank you again this time!"

Ji Yingying bit her lip and followed beside her.

"How much fine gold did you find?"

Ling Feng asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Including these, it weighs almost thirty catties."

Ji Yingying replied like this.

"Thirty catties!"

Ling Feng was also a little surprised, not a lot.

Reminiscent of what happened to her today, Ling Feng knew that Ji Yingying really did a lot of hard work in order to repay the fine gold owed to him. In comparison, people like Hei Lang and Duo Xiaobao did their best. , how could Ling Feng not give her the greatest benefit?

"There were a lot of people there before, so it might be a little troublesome."

Ling Feng said:
"I'll help you improve your strength now."

Can not help but say.

Ling Feng pressed Ji Yingying's Mingmen acupoint with his palm, and streams of dragon energy poured into it.

Ji Yingying's strength is improving.

After a while, they also arrived at the Nine Star Heaven Realm.

"If you want to step into the extraordinary in the future, it depends on yourself."

Ling Feng thought for a while, then took out two pills and handed them to her:
"This is the Xiantian pill. After you have polished your foundation and reached the peak state, if you take the pill, there is still a certain probability that you will enter the extraordinary realm."

Nine Star Heaven Realm!

Ji Yingying felt the more vigorous zhenqi in her body than before, but she didn't react for a while.

This is a realm that is difficult to achieve in a lifetime, but now it is possible.

"Ah! Ling Feng, I can't take it anymore. I am very grateful to you for helping me improve so much!"

Ji Yingying's face flushed slightly.

"Really no more?"

Ling Feng looked at her with a smile that was not a smile:
"If you don't want it, I'll put it away!"

"Take it, without the elixir, it is basically impossible for you to step into the extraordinary by yourself."

Ji Yingying hesitated for a moment, but still took the pill.

Stepping into the extraordinary, she will have greater strength to repay this kindness.

"Brother Feng, I can't see it. Your methods are endless. Her strength has been raised to a great level by you in such a short time. I think you can raise me too."

Su Xiaobai's eyes were also hot while watching, and he couldn't help but speak.

(End of this chapter)

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