Chapter 415 Qi Gu
The woman lying on the bed was none other than Qin Yiyun.

It is also the same as what he saw in the video given by Su Xiaobai, even worse in reality.

Ling Feng could see that according to Qin Yiyun's aura, her current strength was in the five-star heaven realm. Normally, her strength improved very quickly, which was far beyond what ordinary martial practitioners could compare. This can also be seen After coming out, Yun Hongyue put a lot of thought into Qin Yiyun.

However, for Yun Hongyue, these are not really intended to improve Qin Yiyun's strength, but to absorb the essence and strength of Qin Yiyun after her strength is improved.

It is also because of this that Yun Hongyue's strength can be promoted so quickly.

These, without thinking, can be guessed.

Ling Feng didn't speak, but gently stroked Qin Yiyun's head, and a stream of warm dragon energy injected into his body.

However, at this moment, he suddenly turned around, and said to Yun Hongyue, "Why, you want to attack me, can't you sneak attack me?"

Yun Hongyue's body trembled slightly.

Just now, he really planned to do so.

Maybe, as soon as his thoughts came out, Ling Feng sensed them.

"No, how dare I?"

Yun Hongyue smiled delicately, with a fawning smile.

"Hmph, if you think about it again, I will kill you."

Ling Feng snorted coldly.

"Don't dare!"

Yun Hongyue shrank back.

At this moment, Qin Yiyun slowly woke up.

At first, Qin Yiyun was still a little confused.

Earlier, according to Yun Hongyue, she wanted to attack Ling Feng.

Ling Feng, he found her and wanted to save her.

This is what Qin Yiyun did not expect.

A year later, Ling Feng actually found her.

But before Qin Yiyun got excited, he heard Yun Hongyue's words, and wanted to kill Ling Feng.

How does this work?
I haven't met Ling Feng a few times, but Ling Feng changed her fate and saved her life. Now that the other party has found her, how can I let Yun Hongyue kill him? No matter how much he resisted, it was useless. In the end, he was knocked out by Yun Hongyue.

"Ling Feng, run away!"

Just as Qin Yiyun woke up, he instinctively blurted out, with an anxious look on his face.

However, just as she opened her mouth, she froze.

I saw a young man sitting beside her bed, looking at her with a deep smile.

"Ling Feng!"

Qin Yiyun saw the young man in front of him, and his eyes showed surprise.

Really, Ling Feng came to save her.

However, soon she saw a person standing behind.

Cloud Red Moon.

"Ling Feng, hurry up, it's dangerous here!"

Qin Yiyun said anxiously.

He even got up to stand by Ling Feng's side.

But at this moment, a thick palm lightly pressed on her shoulder: "Qin Yiyun, it's fine."

Ling Feng said with a smile.

Qin Yiyun looked at Ling Feng, and then at Yun Hongyue behind him, a little disbelieving.

She is very clear about Yun Hongyue's strength. In her eyes, she is simply invincible. As for Ling Feng, she has been a martial artist for more than a year now. When she was taken away, Ling Feng The strongest is nothing more than the realm, I am afraid that no matter how much she cultivates, she will not be as strong as she is now.

But the situation in front of me is...

"Yiyun, you are free now, and you will be Lingfeng's man from now on."

Yun Hongyue laughed.

Qin Yiyun still can't see why.

Yun Hongyue wanted to kill Ling Feng, but now she said such a thing, she guessed what it meant.

However, the other party's words still made Qin Yiyun's face flush slightly.

"Qin Yiyun, how has this woman treated you this year, is she very unfriendly?"

Ling Feng glanced at Yun Hongyue:
"Just say one word, and I'll kill her, and the fate of this person will be on you."

Yun Hongyue's face changed drastically: "Ling Feng, you can't do this!"

But it's a pity that Ling Feng ignored her at all.

"Yiyun, although I have taken some of your blood essence over the past year, I have also helped you improve your strength. As long as you use some pills, natural materials and earth treasures, you can still make up for the blood essence that was consumed. ,look……"

Yun Hongyue said hurriedly.

She knew that her life was now in Qin Yiyun's hands.

She said that if she let herself die, she would really die.

When she said this, Yun Hongyue showed a pleading look on her face.

It's hard to imagine that this strong woman who dominates one side will show such a fragile side now.

Although he stands tall in front of others, he is no different from ordinary people when his life is in danger.

Now, Qin Yiyun could see clearly that this woman who had taken her own blood for a year was suppressed by Ling Feng to death, and there was no possibility of a comeback at all.

This is one thing that is hard to imagine.

Ling Feng's strength is so strong.

She knows what it means, and that strength is above six stars, seven stars, or even eight stars, nine stars.

"Ling Feng, forget it."

Qin Yiyun shook his head:
"Although she took my blood, my strength has also improved a lot. She has not treated me badly this year."

Ling Feng shook his head.

The same girl from the big sister next door is still so kind.

If it was him, this person would have been dealt with long ago.

But Qin Yiyun said so, and he couldn't say anything. Of course, it was impossible for him to let this woman go like this: "My friend, you can't be hurt like this. Capital crimes are inevitable, and living crimes are inevitable. From now on, you will follow Qin Yiyun." Be her servant girl by your side!"

While speaking, Ling Feng moved.

In a flash of lightning, he arrived in front of Yun Hongyue.

A palm slapped Yun Hongyue's chest, and she couldn't dodge it in time. Just as she was about to make a move, Ling Feng yelled: "If you move, you will die."

Yun Hongyue's eyes showed a look of struggle, but she still didn't move.

Ling Feng injected a stream of dragon energy into the opponent's body, and condensed into a caterpillar-like true energy form, as if he had really turned into a worm living in the body. With a slight movement, this "caterpillar" traveled back and forth through the opponent's meridians .


Yun Hongyue screamed and fell to the ground, rolling back and forth, her long hair loose, like a devil.

This "caterpillar" is actually a strange art called "Qi Gu", which has a similar function to a Gu insect, but it is not a real Gu insect, but a "Gu insect" formed by the condensed dragon energy, which is very magical.

When the "caterpillar" moves, the whole body feels like being bitten by thousands of ants. The pain is unbearable. Even the strongest martial artist can't bear it. falsehood.

"what did you do to me?"

Yun Hongyue said in horror.

"It just makes you more obedient."

As soon as Ling Feng pointed out, a stream of dragon energy injected into the opponent's body.

The itching on Yun Hongyue's body disappeared.

At this moment, Yun Hongyue was already dripping with sweat, exuding the scent of a mature woman's sweat.

He stood up tremblingly.

When Yun Hongyue looked at Ling Feng again, it was like looking at a devil.

(End of this chapter)

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