Chapter 419
Ling Feng smiled.

Said: "Really, I will naturally fulfill you."

Seeing that the two were about to fight together again.

But at this moment, a voice came: "You two, what do you want to do? If you don't do business, how can you fight at a time like this?"

A man and a woman came towards this side.

The man is a white-haired middle-aged man, and the woman is dressed in red.

When Ling Feng saw these two people, he was taken aback.

The people who came were Tang Zheng and Tang Hongxue.

He has already seen that Tang Zheng, the number one powerhouse on the Huaxia Martial Arts Rankings, has earth-shattering strength and is also the head of Skynet.

It can be seen that it is obviously Tang Hongxue's grandfather.

To his slight surprise, Tang Hongxue's strength had also improved rapidly in the past few days, and now he had stepped into the extraordinary.

However, she still has the inherited power in her body, and as long as she refines it, she can improve her realm, which is normal after thinking about it.


Seeing Tang Zheng's arrival, everyone in the room greeted him.

Even Ling Zaitian followed everyone respectfully.

Tang Zheng is very majestic in the Chinese martial arts world.

Tang Zheng waved his hand and walked in.

However, his gaze stayed on Ling Feng for quite a while.

Although the expression on Tang Zheng's face was very natural, his heart had already been turned upside down. Because of his granddaughter, he naturally paid more attention to this young man. Before, he thought that this young man was not worthy of his own. Granddaughter, especially after accepting the inheritance of her ancestors, her granddaughter will be able to step into the extraordinary in a short time, and she will definitely leave the earth in the future.

But now?

It's not just extraordinary, they are all in the realm of six-star extraordinary.

The seven-star extraordinary martial artist is no match in front of him.

If this goes on like this, he will soon be able to step into the realm of kings, and maybe catch up with him at some point. This is entirely possible.

In this way, Ling Feng is more likely than his granddaughter to stand out in next year's seeding competition.

Don't wait until next year, even with Ling Feng's current strength, there is basically no big problem.

"Everyone knows about it."

Tang Zheng withdrew his thoughts and said, "The next time we face the demons, it will be the same as the demons in the Tak Desert last time. The main thing is that we, the superpowers above the extraordinary, lead the elite troops and kill the demons. .”

Everyone has no opinion.

Tang Zheng also allocated the places where the superpowers needed to go.

This channel of the Kunlun Demons is tens of kilometers long, and it is impossible to swarm to kill the Demons together, and each person must be responsible for a certain area.

Everyone divided the area.

Tang Zhengdao: "Okay, without further delay, let's go down!"

out of the room.

As Ling Feng was walking, suddenly a figure followed him unknowingly: "Brother Ling Feng, how did your strength improve so quickly? Now even Ling Zaitian doesn't seem to be your opponent. You must have some secrets. Why don't you share some with me, after all, I'm your sister too!"

"I do have a secret, but only I can use it, you can't use it."

Ling Feng smiled.

"is it?"

Ling Sudan sighed softly:

"I knew that was the result."

However, a smile soon appeared on her face: "Look what I brought you?"

Ling Sudan took out his mobile phone and shook it in front of Ling Feng.

Ling Feng froze when he saw the video on his phone.

In the video, a man, a woman, and a woman, he couldn't be more clear that it was his mother, Yang Bisha. For a moment, Ling Feng's eyes were slightly moist, and he felt panicked in his heart.

Four years ago, when she was less than 40 years old, my mother looked like a girl in her 20s, with shiny skin and long black short hair, she looked capable, but now, her face is haggard and pale, Especially when he saw that his mother had black hair, but now he could vaguely see the white hairs.

Mother is only in her early forties.

"No, I have to improve my strength as soon as possible to rescue my mother. This Ling family is really hateful!"

There was a gleam in Ling Feng's eyes.

His eyes also fell on the middle-aged man.

Indeed, he was somewhat similar to his father whom he had never met.

For this person, Ling Feng didn't have much feeling, and even only had hatred in his heart.

However, now that he was no longer a child, seeing his mother snuggling in his father's arms, it seemed that his mother still loved his father, and the hatred in his heart also faded a little.

"Send me the video."

Ling Feng said.

At some point, Tang Hongxue quietly appeared by her side.

She also seemed to see something.

"Ling Feng, do you want me to let my grandpa..."

"No, I'll take care of this myself."

Ling Feng understood what she was going to say.

It won't be long before his parents' affairs can be resolved by himself.

Ling Feng is unwilling to ask others to help unless it is absolutely necessary.


In the devil's cave.

Like the Devil's Lair in the Tak Desert, the sky was gray.

At first glance, a desolate, monotonous, uninteresting scene.

At this moment, the popularity in the Devil's Nest is boiling.

Ling Feng took Duo Xiaobao, Xu Jiang and other eight heavenly realm experts headed towards one of them. Behind them, there was a team of 600 people from Skynet, and 200 students from Tobu Earthenvironment experts. .

This time, Ling Feng and Duo Xiaobao took the lead to kill the strong demons at the front, and the other two Tianjing led others to kill ordinary demons behind.

After advancing for more than ten kilometers, Ling Feng and others soon saw a dark patch of demons.

These demons are fighting with some celestial and extraordinary powerhouses on the front line.

But in these heavenly realms, the number of superpowers is limited after all, and they are forced to retreat step by step. If a few more hours pass, they will retreat to the entrance.

"So many demons!"

Duo Xiaobao was shocked, his body trembled, and he found that everyone around him was looking at him, he smiled embarrassingly, and waved his hand: "These demons are nothing, although there are many, but they are all a group of chickens and tiles." Dogs can easily destroy them!"

Several heavenly powerhouses were a little strange.

You, little treasure, are at least a strong man in the Nine-Star Heaven Realm. You are only one step away from becoming an extraordinary person. When you see the demons, you are so afraid that you have not yet started a war. Have you cultivated all your cultivation to a dog? ?
However, if you think about it again, this guy's strength has improved too fast, and he may not have adapted to his current identity and worried personality, and he can't change it.

"What Duo Xiaobao said is right. These demons are all chickens and dogs. We want to kill them like chickens. Don't be afraid, go ahead and kill them!"

Ling Feng glanced at Duo Xiaobao with a half-smile, and before Duo Xiaobao could react, he flew up lightly and fell towards the demon clan in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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