Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 422 Impermanence System {2 more}

Chapter 422 Impermanence System {Second Update}
I haven't seen Ling'er for a while, and her strength has improved rapidly. She was still in the Nine-Star Heaven Realm before, but she broke through to the Transcendent Realm while fighting the demons.

Ling Feng was also a little surprised.

Lan Qing has also reached the eight-star celestial realm, and her strength is not weak.

"Ling Feng, I have also joined the Fenghui now, you see, can I also improve my realm."

Ni Qiandie spoke at this time.

During this time, she also kept paying attention to Ling Feng's movement here.

What a treasure, I also heard about Xu Jiang's promotion to the Nine-Star Heaven Realm. She didn't believe it before, but she believed it after seeing the strength of the two with her own eyes. When I reached the Nine Stars Heaven Realm, I couldn't sit still. I had worked so hard to practice for so long, and since I got the psychic fruit from Ling Feng last time and raised a level, I stopped moving forward.

But these three people were far behind her before, and now she is far behind them.

This is what she doesn't want to see.

"This is fine, but it needs to be exchanged with pure gold, at least fifty catties."

Ling Feng laughed.

Regarding the matter of fine gold, he himself did not specifically look for it during this period of time, and handed it over to Duo Xiaobao, Hei Lang and others.

With them looking for it, it is actually not slow.

At this moment, the gas of adamantine displayed on the system has 7603 points.

Another 2000 points of pure gold energy will be complete, and some unbelievable changes will probably occur at that time.

"Fifty catties, okay, that's the deal!"

Ni Qiandie was overjoyed.

This is simply a pie that fell from the sky.

What else did she object to?

"Let's go, let's go to Lingyu to take a look."

Ling Feng waved his hand.

An air shield formed by a ball of dragon air enveloped several people, and they walked towards the sky deep in the demon clan.

There is only one entrance to the spiritual domain in Kunlun's magic cave, which is still somewhat different from the magic cave in the Tak Desert.

When Ling Feng and the others arrived here, many martial practitioners had already entered the spiritual domain.

There are too many people.

Fortunately, he is now the top powerhouse on earth, and there are no people who are stronger than him, except for a few powerhouses in the king realm.

But there are only a few strong kings, and they will not come in with so many people to grab the opportunity.

Therefore, here, Li Yi is the well-deserved overlord.


In the spiritual domain, the aura is rich.

Here is like a paradise, with green mountains and green waters, green grass, and aura.

At a glance, Ling Feng saw no less than dozens of alchemy medicinal materials, some of which were very rare.

A gust of wind swept over, and several rare medicinal materials arrived in the Dragon Palace.

At the moment, he is alone.

Linger and the others have already dispersed, each looking for their own opportunities.

Ling Feng walked in the sky, and picked any rare medicinal materials in the Dragon Palace when he saw them. As for other medicinal materials, he still didn't like them.

Rampage all the way, almost no one dared to stop.

Of course, not all of them.

Just when Ling Feng rolled up a plant of medicinal herbs, at this moment, a figure soared into the sky, and a sword fell towards him.

This sword seems to cut off the sun, moon and stars, and divides the sky and the earth into two. It is a shocking sword and an extinct sword.

Ling Feng reckoned that with this sword, except for those who came from the king realm, it would be difficult for anyone to make such a sword.

The person who appeared was an extraordinary top master.

A nine-star extraordinary powerhouse.

Although this strong man attacked suddenly, Ling Feng had already sensed that someone was hiding here, so he was already prepared.

"'Life and Death Impermanence' Chang Wuchang, the person who ranks second on the Martial Arts Wanted list, his strength is only one step away from the king's realm, very powerful, and now he is actually doing a sneak attack, which is a bit interesting. It seems that, In your heart, you still think that you are not my opponent."

Ling Feng recognized this person.

This person actually has a system, an impermanence system.

"Tobu's Ling Feng has the blood of the dragon. I have seen it before. So many demons have been swallowed by you alone. You will not be swallowed by the demonic energy, and you have improved your own strength."

Chang Wuchang spoke:

"If I kill you and refine your dragon blood, maybe I also have this ability. When the time comes to devour the demons, then I will be promoted to the king just around the corner."

"Imagination is wonderful, but reality is cruel. You may not have that chance."

Ling Feng displayed a raptor's swimming aura, which shattered the sword aura.

Chang Wuchang's gaze narrowed slightly.

It seemed that Ling Feng had not thought that Ling Feng could easily block his own sword.

This is his sneak attack lore sword.

"Didn't expect that I would be so powerful."

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's face:

"You actually set your mind on me, just right, I devoured you just like that."

A sword appeared in Ling Feng's hand, and he slashed out.

Raptor Youshen Qi was released with the spirit sword, but it was much stronger.

He didn't pay attention to this impermanence at all.

Brush brush!
He slashed three swords in a row, each of which was stronger than the lore sword that the opponent used just now.

Chang impermanence how to take it down.

He barely managed to receive two sword strikes, and Chang Wuchang only resisted a little in the third strike, and the sword fell on his body, breaking one arm.

Ling Feng made two more sword strikes.

"How is it possible, how can you, an eight-star extraordinary martial artist, be my nine-star extraordinary opponent? With my strength, even a king-level powerhouse can make another move with one blow."

Chang Wuchang roared wildly, retreating again and again, as if he wanted to escape.

But in his current situation, can he escape? He can't.

"There is a way to heaven and you don't go, but you come to hell if there is no way. Aren't you courting death?"

Ling Feng sneered.


Two swords fell, one severed Chang Wuchang's other hand.

The last sword split his body in two.

Ling Feng turned into a dragon, devouring this person in one bite.

The Dragon Qi value gradually increased.

58003245 sell!
Ling Feng let out a long breath and laughed: "It's better for the owner of the devouring system to improve his strength quickly."

"Yes, that's it, devour them, devour them all, and you can evolve into the Nine Heavens Dragon!"

The voice of the system rang in my mind.

Ling Feng ignored it.

One move, continue to explore the spiritual realm.

No one has developed the spiritual domain before, so there are a lot of natural materials and earth treasures, and Ling Feng has collected a lot, but he doesn't care much about it. He came to the spiritual domain mainly because he wanted to find some relics. Lingshi would be very good.

According to his understanding, in some ruins, the probability of Lingshi appearing is still very high.

after one day.

Ling Feng suddenly sensed a violent energy fluctuation in front of him.

It seems that someone is fighting again.

With a move in his heart, Ling Feng flew towards the front.

He didn't hide his body. With his current strength, he didn't need to hide. He quickly saw the scene ahead.

There was indeed a fight, but it was over when he came over.

It was Ling Zaitian who shot and killed a martial artist. He didn't know who this martial artist was, and Ling Feng had no interest in paying attention to it.

His eyes fell on a bag that Ling Datian was holding.

In his induction, this pocket is full of spirit stones!
(End of this chapter)

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