Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 427 Tyrannosaurus {3 more}

Chapter 427 Tyrannosaurus
Duo Xiaobao smiled, then snorted: "What do you know, no matter how many demons there are, as long as I, Brother Feng, are enough, to be honest, it's useless for us to come, just pretend .”

The people behind all nodded.

In fact, this is also true.

They have all seen Ling Feng beheading the demons in the devil's lair, and his strength is even more terrifying than some powerful kings.

Wherever it passes, no one can live.

Duo Xiaobao said so, but the person from the Temple of Light did not believe it.

He was about to speak.

Duo Xiaobao's expression turned cold: "Is this how the Guangming Temple treats people? No matter how many people we come, we are all helping you. It's enough not to thank you. Instead, it's unreasonable to say that we are few."

The middle-aged man in the Temple of Light said: "What do you mean by helping us, you are also helping yourself. If the demons come out, they will also harm you in China. This is a matter for all mankind."

"Heh, you make sense. Our Huaxia Demon Cave appeared, and we didn't see any of you who would come to help."

Duo Xiaobao laughed angrily.

Not only him, but the other Chinese martial artists who followed were a little angry. Who are they?

"Let's go."

Ling Feng shook his head.

Comparing with such a person is meaningless.

With a wave of his hand, a ball of dragon energy rolled up more than 50 people and landed in the magic cave.

This kind of ability can only be achieved by his majestic dragon spirit, and it cannot be achieved by other extraordinary people, unless he is a strong king.

The middle-aged man stared blankly: "The king's sorcerer is nothing more than that."


The magic cave in Europe is similar to the Kunlun magic cave.

When Ling Feng and his group came down, they didn't advance five kilometers, and the naked eyes could see the Demon Cave fighting with the human martial arts practitioners.

The advance distance of these demons is a little further than in the Kunlun Demon Cave, which also shows that the human side is at a disadvantage here.

"Huaxia's martial arts practitioners have arrived!"

As soon as Ling Feng and the others arrived, other martial practitioners recognized them.

"Why are there so few of them?"

"There are more than 50, and there are two Transcendents. Although they are not weak, China is also a big country. Why are there two Transcendents?"

"This is too irresponsible."

"I also feel that way."


All the martial artists were a little dissatisfied.

But soon they were stunned.

at this time.

A dragon roar.

A pair of dark blue giant dragons more than 40 meters long appeared in the sky.

As soon as this giant dragon appeared, it opened its mouth wide.

Those demons who were approached seemed to be immobilized and swallowed directly into their bodies.

Almost dozens of demons entered Ling Feng's stomach like flowing water.

Ling Feng at this moment is dozens of times stronger than when he was in the Kunlun Devil's Nest.

He is already a strong man who is infinitely close to the realm of kings.

In fact, even a one-star king can fight now.

Less than 1 minutes.

More than 300 demons were swallowed by Ling Feng and turned into billowing dragon energy.

Regardless of whether he is the Great Demon King or the Demon General, in Ling Feng's eyes, he is almost like a little chicken at the moment.


"This... the dragon of the East, this..."


The other martial practitioners had expressions of disbelief.

When Ling Feng appeared, in less than an hour, everything in front of them was emptied, and there was no more demon.

A demon clan that they were difficult to kill before, now in Ling Feng's hands, it has completely become food at their fingertips.

They have never seen such a powerful character.

Ling Feng didn't care about this.

Goodbye Mozu, now he can only be happy and devour it to his heart's content.

All the demons, regardless of his strength, were swallowed by him and turned into dragon energy.

130003005 sell!
210004734 sell!
328389394 sell!

702023028 sell!

After two days and one night.

"Drip! The dragon energy value is 1137838380 Gu. It has reached the evolution condition. Do you want to evolve?"


"Evolving...evolved successfully!"

Lingfeng's dragon body exploded, and after reaching 49, a drastic change occurred. The dragon's body shrank to only one meter long, and its color became light red. Only.

Tier [-] Tyrannosaurus!
Ling Feng kept on for two days and one night, devouring one after another, and finally completed the evolution.

This time it's a big evolution.

There are also big changes.

A thought moves.

Host: Ling Feng

Race: Human (can transform into a dragon)

Level: Tier [-] Tyrannosaurus

Dragon energy value: 1

Supernatural powers: Water Control, Burning Blood, Fire Control, Wood Spirit, Yi, Golden Spirit, System Extraction
Skills: Dominion of Dragon Power, Devouring the Essence of All Things (including all life), Xiaolong Piyi Fist, Swimming Dragon Step, Mad Dragon Sword Art, Furious God Fist, Infinite Evolution, Powerful Dragon Claw Hand, Raptor Swimming Spirit, Sky Piercing Cloud Art , Tyrannosaurus Fist, Violent Flame Sword Qi

True meaning: Golden true meaning 0 (100), wood true meaning 10 (100)

Treasure chest: 2490030 directory
Dragon Palace: Gold Qi 7403 points

Ling Feng thought through all the information on the system panel.

After evolving to Tyrannosaurus, first of all, there are two more supernatural powers, one is the golden spirit technique, which needless to say, one of the five elements, and the other is the system extraction technique. This system extraction technique, he also knows the effect from the system, It is a system that can extract the owner of the system without devouring the person's life, and can also leave the person's cultivation.

In other words, he can devour those system owners in the future, but he doesn't need to kill them.

This is just right for Ling Feng to attack, like some people who have no grievances, there is no need to kill them, just extract their systems, so that there are not too many moral constraints.

But Ling Feng couldn't be happy.

He found that every time the system appeared, it seemed to be designed for his psychology.

Before he wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible, there was an Yi technique. Later, he didn't want to kill those system owners who didn't have hatred, so the system extraction technique appeared.

"What exactly is this system going to do?"

Ling Feng frowned deeply.

"I don't want to do anything to you. I'm doing it for your own good, for your safe evolution to the Nine Heavens Dragon. If the owners of these systems don't die, you may die in the end."

The sound of the system entered Ling Feng's mind.

"Is that right?"

However, Ling Feng would never believe in this system anyway.

In any case, we can only take one step at a time in the future.

In addition to two more supernatural powers, the skills also have a Tyrannosaurus Fist and a Tyrannosaurus Sword Qi. These two skills are used in the Tyrannosaurus Nine Changes. The remaining one is the true meaning. This true meaning has the true meaning of gold. , the true meaning of wood, only by comprehending these two true meanings, can one evolve to a higher level when the tyrannosaur is at the ninth level, otherwise, even if the dragon energy value is enough, it will not work.

In fact, the same is true for the strong ones in the King Realm. After they enter this realm, they also need to comprehend the true meaning. However, if they want to improve the great realm, they only need a true meaning, and they don't even need to complete the true meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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