Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 437 Yan Zhiwen {2 more}

Chapter 437 Yan Zhiwen {Second Update}
Tianhe City Lord's Mansion.

The mansion owner is a middle-aged man around 40 years old, with a scholarly air, his name is Yan Zhiwen.

According to Li Shan's words, this Palace Master is a strong man in the Glory Realm, and his strength is very terrifying.

However, listening to his tone, Ling Feng's seven people felt that Li Shan's strength did not seem to be weaker than Yan Zhiwen's. During the period, Wang Xueyao asked tentatively, but unfortunately Li Shan did not say anything.

Ling Feng and the others followed Li Shan to the City Lord's Mansion and met Yan Zhiwen together.

The two also seem to know each other.

As soon as he knew Li Shan was coming, Yan Zhiwen went to the door to greet him in person.

"Brother Li, you're back so soon!"

Yan Zhiwen obviously knew that Li Shan had gone to Earth, so he glanced at Ling Feng and the others, and said with a smile.

Li Shan nodded: "Yan Zhiwen, I brought these seven people from the earth through hard work. You should take care of them first under appropriate circumstances."

Yan Zhiwen smiled and said: "Naturally, the earth is the hometown of the Tianlong Emperor. There are geniuses coming out. Although the spiritual energy there is a little thinner, as long as they get here, they will make rapid progress and soon surpass us. Wasn't Tang De just like that back then?"

Li Shan said: "It's good that you know."

Li Shan turned his attention to Ling Feng's seven people again: "From now on, you will stay here. If any of you can finally become one of the 49 seeded contestants, then we can still meet again in Tianlong Continent."

Li Shan looked especially at Ling Feng a few more times.

Among these seven people, Ling Feng has the best talent and the most opportunity to go to Tianlong Continent and enter Tianlong Academy.

After saying a few words, Li Shan took Ling Xiaojie and Ling Xiaoxia left.

"Palace Master, you will come to us in the future."

"Yes, you two should pay attention to safety."

Ling Feng laughed.

The two children were brought up by him alone, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are his children.

As for Li Shan, it was only later that Ling Feng found out that this person was from Tianlong Academy, and he left Tianlong Continent just to pick up the seven of them on Earth. This shows how special Earth is in Tianlong Academy. Of course, All this is because of the Heavenly Dragon Emperor.

Ling Feng became more and more curious about what kind of person this Heavenly Dragon Emperor is.

"Ling Feng, Zhong Hui, Wang Xueyao, Shangguan Yinger, Yang Zhifeng, Jiang He, Ling Sudan."

Yan Zhiwen's eyes fell on Ling Feng's seven people. He already knew the names of the seven people from Li Shan. As for their cultivation, he could see clearly with a glance:
"Congratulations on coming to Tianhe Star in the Galaxy District. You will stay here for three years. During these three years, there will be two knockout rounds. One will be two years later to select the 49 strongest players. The other will be three years. Afterwards, [-] players will be selected, and they will go to the Qinglong District for the next round of knockout rounds."

Yan Zhiwen continued: "In the first knockout round, you will have nearly 49 competitors, and the strongest one has entered the legendary realm. Except for Ling Feng, the seven of you now In the current situation, there is no chance, but the people who come out of the earth are still somewhat different after all, and there is a great chance to become one of the [-] people, it depends on your ability."

Yan Zhiwen explained again, and finally said: "These 2000 people have already left the City Lord's Mansion. We will not interfere with your actions within these two years. As long as you come to the City Lord's Mansion on time to participate in the knockout round, it will automatically be considered as a match if it expires." If you abstain, you have no chance."

Ling Feng and the others listened carefully.

Ling Feng also understood the general situation.

In the next two years, they can do whatever they want, go anywhere, as long as they come back to participate in the knockout round within the stipulated time.

Li Feng didn't think of this, but it was good for him. He could find a way to improve his strength by himself. In that way, few people would discover some of his secrets.

After thinking for a while, Yan Zhiwen smiled again: "I see that you just came here, and you may not know much about the situation here. It just so happens that one of my nephews also participated in the seeding contest this time. What's the matter, you guys You can talk to him."

As Yan Zhiwen said, he called a person, and this person went out, and after a while, he came in with a young man.

This young man is somewhat similar to Yan Zhiwen, with flowing hair, handsome looks and bright eyes.

"Second Uncle, what do you want from me?"

asked the young man.

After coming in, he also saw people like Ling Feng, which was a little strange.

Yan Zhiwen looked at Ling Feng and the others, and said with a smile, "This is my nephew Yan Mingxin."

After speaking, he said to Yan Mingxin: "These seven children are from the earth, Mingxin, you can show them the situation here."

"The people from the earth are the hometown of the Heavenly Dragon Emperor?"

Yan Mingxin also looked curiously at Ling Feng's seven people, three women and four men, all three women are very beautiful, but everyone's cultivation base is very low, except for one young man who is a bit powerful, unexpectedly young Into the kingdom of kings.

He heard that the aura of the earth is very thin, not even one-fiftieth of the concentration of the aura of Tianhe Star.

In such an environment, with this level of cultivation, he is actually quite talented.

"Several, let's go out for a walk together."

Yan Mingxin nodded, and smiled at Ling Feng and the others.

Among the seven people, Ling Feng was vaguely at the center.

That's right, Ling Feng is the strongest among the seven people, and people always like to cuddle together when they are in strange places.

"It's work!"

Ling Feng smiled.

He felt that the two uncles and nephews were relatively friendly to the seven of them, and now he didn't feel any malice. First, the two people seemed to have a relatively decent temperament. Second, with Li Shan's instructions, Thirdly, as people from the earth, they do have some special identities. The last one is that the talents of the seven of them are no worse than those here.

Just for a while, Ling Feng clearly sensed that his own strength had actually increased a bit, not only him, but also Ling Sudan and Wang Xueyao.

At this speed, their strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

The chances of entering Tianlong Academy in the future will be much greater.

As long as he enters Tianlong Academy, Yan Zhiwen will also benefit greatly.

Tang Zheng told him these things, and he doesn't know where this person got the news from.

Ling Feng and the others left the City Lord's Mansion with Yan Mingxin, and Yan Zhiwen even arranged for them to live, that is, the City Lord's Mansion operates some real estate, each of them has a small courtyard, and the environment is not bad.

Because Ling Feng and the others didn't go anywhere on the first day, they got some relevant information from Yan Mingxin under a pavilion in the small courtyard.

What Ling Feng cares about is the distribution of forces on Hexing. Just like in China, when going abroad, he must know which country he is in and what customs he has, so that it will not easily cause some conflicts and uneasiness.

As long as these are clear, wherever you go, and you know what to do, you will know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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