Chapter 439 Arrival
Ling Feng also found that Yan Mingxin was more casual.

He was also happy to talk to this person.

Yan Mingxin said, and suddenly said: "Ling Feng, I think you have just stepped into the realm of kings, and you haven't thought about the true meaning you want to comprehend, have you?"

Martial practitioners need to comprehend their true intentions after entering the realm of kings. Without true intentions, it is difficult to advance in strength, especially from the breakthrough of kings to the legendary realm.

Ling Feng's heart moved, and he said, "Brother Yan, do you have any suggestions?"

Yan Mingxin smiled: "That's true. You see, we are on the Blue River Star now. This planet actually has something special."

After a pause, he continued: "On this planet, there is a place that is the best place to understand the true meaning of gold."

"Oh, where?"

Ling Feng frowned.

He is different from other martial arts practitioners. In the system, he needs to comprehend two true meanings, one golden true meaning and one wooden true meaning. He is still thinking about how to improve the true meaning these days, but he has never had a clue.

Comprehending the true meaning is not like improving the strength of the realm. He can directly devour those monsters and demons, and it doesn't take much time.

But comprehending the true meaning is different. Although there are some treasures of heaven and earth that can directly enhance the true meaning of a person, there are too few such things. I used that kind of water to hone my kung fu and slowly comprehended it.

This will slow down a person's cultivation speed a lot.

Ling Feng is also very helpless now.

Now that he heard that Yan Mingxin had a solution, he became interested.

Yan Mingxin didn't hide anything, and said, "It's just a place to the west of this planet, called the 'Golden Land'."

"Golden land?"


"But if you want to understand the true meaning of gold in this place, it will be very painful."

Yan Mingxin said with a look of fear on his face, and said as if recalling:
"The golden aura in that place is very strong, and I don't know how it was formed. The golden aura formed an extremely powerful sword aura, which can cut people's flesh and spirit, which is painful. People who understand the true meaning there , you have to come out of it every short period of time to recover from your injuries, and you must also be able to endure pain. In short, you have a strong body and the ability to endure pain, so you can comprehend the true meaning of gold there. Of course, it is also very dangerous there."

"Brother Yan said so, then I really want to have a look there."

Ling Feng laughed.

Others may still choose not to comprehend the true meaning of gold, and other true meanings are fine, but he can't, he must comprehend the true meaning of gold, and it must be complete.

"That's easy to say. When this matter is over, I'll take you there."

Yan Mingxin smiled and said:
"Brother Ling, I know that you are young, strong, and cultivated on the earth. I always feel that you are not simple, but I can't tell. I just don't know when you will surpass me?"

"Better than you, that's for sure, but don't be too sad when the time comes."

Ling Feng joked.

Yan Mingxin laughed "haha": "Brother Ling, then I will wait."

While speaking, Yan Ming suddenly said in his heart: "The Land of Wind Rock is coming."

Not for a while.

A few people arrived at the land of Fengyan.


The land of wind rocks.

It was a rocky forest.

The rocky mountains with rock structures are like knives and axes, straight into the sky, and some are upside down like a giant basin. These rocky mountains have different shapes, but it is strange that towering trees grow directly from these rocks. The inside props up the sky and stands upright in the sky.

In the land of wind and rock, there is not a trace of soil.

It is also a spectacle that the tree grows directly from the rock.

Ling Feng was also a little shocked when he looked at the stretch of rocky mountains.

Several people skimmed over these rocky mountains and landed in the center.

While in the air, Ling Feng saw a lot of shadowy martial practitioners on a mountain below, each with a very strong aura.

"The people who came to Fengyan Land this time, it seems that Dong Xinhai has also come."

Lan Xiaojin spoke at this time.

"Dong Xinhai, the King of Seven Stars, has comprehended the true meaning of gold. This person is very powerful. When he comprehended the true meaning of gold in the land of gold, he came out to rest and heal his wounds after three full months. Later, he stayed inside. The time is getting longer and longer, and in the end, this person can stay inside for half a year at a stretch, and after three years, his golden true meaning will be complete. Now as long as this person has enough energy, he can break through the legendary realm in a short time without any bottlenecks."

Fan Yingjie's face changed slightly:
"If this person is here, our chances will be much smaller."

"It is indeed the case. In this way, we can only gain benefits if we act carefully and find the right opportunity."

Yan Ming thought:

"Let's understand the situation first, and it seems that the ruins here haven't been opened yet."

Yan Mingxin seemed to be quite famous, as soon as he landed, people came to greet him one after another.

Ling Feng stepped back and looked at the people in front of him with a smile.

In fact, thinking about it, Yan Mingxin is the nephew of the head of the Tianhe Mansion, so his status is naturally extraordinary.

Tianhe Mansion is the most powerful force in the Galaxy District.

When these people saw Yan Mingxin, they naturally wanted to give him some face. Of course, there was another reason. Yan Mingxin had a more easy-going personality. Although his status was not low, he would not be arrogant, which made many people willing to associate with him.

Yan Mingxin shook his hands, but his eyes fell on a person in front of him, and he walked towards this person: "Dong Xinhai, you are indeed here."

Ling Feng is also observing Dong Xinhai.

He could tell the strength of this person at a glance, that he was indeed a strong seven-star king, and if he sensed it carefully, there was a sharp feeling on his body, as if he had become a peerless sword, which made people feel uneasy. Dare to approach, this is obviously related to his comprehension of the true meaning of gold.

He also observed Yan Mingxin, there was a slight wave of water rippling on this person's body, it would be difficult to detect it if one didn't feel it carefully, obviously, what Yan Mingxin comprehended was the true meaning of water.

"Do you think I can't come here?"

Dong Xinhai looked up at Yan Mingxin.

"Not this one."

Yan Mingxin smiled and said:
"However, I think you should stay on Tianhe Star. There are also many ruins there, and the treasures that appear are very good. If you are here, it would be a bit bullying to compete with us."

"Really, I don't think there may be people here who are stronger than me, and there is no reason not to take a look at the relics that appear."

Dong Xinhai said calmly.

Although his tone was not hurried or slow, it made people feel a sense of sharpness.

Yan Mingxin smiled and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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