Urban Dragon God Evolution System

Chapter 444 Comprehension

Chapter 444 Comprehension
Ling Feng smiled, said a few words casually and ignored them.

As he entered deeper, the pressure on him gradually increased. The golden sword qi slashed at his body, and he also felt pain. If he advanced a little further, his physical body could not resist, and the sword qi sliced ​​through his flesh and blood. Blood was dripping, and in this situation, Ling Feng could only retreat back to repair the injury before moving forward.

It is also for this reason that few people who understand the true meaning of gold here can go to the deepest point. It is indeed a bit amazing that Li Hu can go as far as this.

Even now Ling Feng himself can't compare for the time being, but he didn't think about it. He only needs to understand the true meaning of Jin when he comes here, and he doesn't care about other things.

Putting his mind away, recovering from his injuries, Ling Feng continued to move forward.

Just like this, advance, retreat, and advance, not only to resist the killing of the golden sword energy, but also to resist the attack of consciousness.

Although this process is uncomfortable, it is very obvious for the improvement of martial arts practitioners.


There is no time in the mountains, and there is no time in cultivation.

Before I knew it, nearly a year had passed.

At this moment, he has gone very deep in the land of gold, and he has already surpassed Li Hu and left him behind. It was normal for Li Hu to be in front of him, not only that, Ling Feng now felt that he was about to comprehend the true meaning of gold, if he looked closely at his eyes, he could see subtle sword shadows.

All of a sudden, Ling Fengfeng yelled, and struck out a sword. There was a strong golden light shadow in the sword energy, and this golden light shadow actually showed his face. Under the sword, it seemed to be slashing from the void. Come out to a space.

At this moment, Ling Feng finally understood the true meaning of gold.

one year!After nearly a year, he finally comprehended the true meaning of gold.

This may be fast in the eyes of others, but it is very slow in his eyes.

You must know that when he was on Earth, he had advanced several levels of evolution in a year. It only took him a year or two to evolve from an ordinary person to the current tyrannosaurus, but it took him to understand the true meaning of gold. Such a long time, really a long time.

Ling Feng didn't mean to be happy at all.

Now that he has comprehended the true meaning of metal, he still needs to comprehend one true meaning, the true meaning of wood. Only by comprehending these two true meanings can he evolve again when he reaches the ninth level tyrannosaurus.

There is also a good place to understand the true meaning of wood, the god Jupiter!

This is what he found out from Yan Mingxin before.

In fact, he learned from Yan Mingxin that if one wants to comprehend the true meaning, there are other suitable places on the planets where various martial practitioners gather, but most of them are not natural places, but opened up by some seniors. The purpose of such a place of true meaning is to allow the younger generation to comprehend the true meaning faster.

Ling Feng left the land of gold after comprehending the true meaning of gold. He was almost watched by all the martial practitioners in the land of gold.

It took less than a year for a person to comprehend the true meaning of gold, and this level of comprehension is already comparable to many powerful geniuses.

Many people remembered Ling Feng.

And Ling Feng rolled around a few times, and arrived at the god Jupiter.

God Jupiter, the land of wood.

Looking from a distance, on the endless grassland, there is a huge pine tree in the center. This pine tree is more than 200 meters high, which is equivalent to the height of a [-]-[-]-story building. It is also Ling Feng that a pine tree can grow so long. It was the first time I encountered it, and the reason why this pine can grow so big is because a strong man exerted influence on this tree back then, injecting his own true meaning of wood.

As long as you get close to this giant pine, you will increase the chance of comprehending the true meaning of wood.

Because he has already comprehended the true meaning of gold, Ling Feng also has some understanding of the true meaning this time. Although the true meaning of wood and the true meaning of gold are different, they are both true meanings. They are still somewhat the same in some places, and the methods of comprehension are somewhat the same. .

This time Ling Feng quickly entered the feeling, and approached the giant pine in the center. There were quite a few people around this giant pine. These people came to comprehend the true meaning of wood. Nobody paid him any attention, but after five months there was hardly anyone who didn't know him.

Because Ling Feng was already standing under this giant pine tree at this time.

He has already comprehended the true meaning of wood. Originally, he thought it would take about a year. Even if he didn't, it would take eight or nine months, but he never thought that he would comprehend it in five months.

If he continues to evolve now, there will be no obstacles. If he has the energy, he can evolve to a first-level tyrannosaur, which is equivalent to a strong man in the legendary realm.

"There are still about half a year until the next knockout round. Although I have a certain chance with my current strength, it is still not safe."

Ling Feng pondered that he had to improve his strength a bit more, and then he didn't need to comprehend other true meanings before he evolved into a tyrannical dragon.

It's a pity that he doesn't have as much aura as he encountered last time, otherwise he could evolve a ninth-level tyrannosaur in a few days, but there are other ways, after all, he has the Dragon God system, which improves his strength compared to most martial arts practitioners It's all convenient, the most direct way is to swallow life, and among them, the most convenient is the monster.

Especially for more than a year, he has not only comprehended the true meaning, but also communicated with some martial arts practitioners. He knows that there are still several planets in the Milky Way area, and there are monsters everywhere. These monsters are different from ordinary monsters. , can be said to be fierce beasts, they are powerful, but they are different from monsters, they have no intelligence, only instinctive attack ability.

Devouring them will not bring revenge from the monster race.

Beast Samsung.

There are three beast planets in the Milky Way area, named Beast [-], Beast [-] and Beast [-] respectively.

Ling Feng had just arrived at the three-star beast, and as soon as he came out of the formation, he felt a dangerous aura of ferocious beasts. This planet is either a violent ocean or a continuous forest. The sounds of ferocious beasts come one after another. .

There was a smile on Ling Feng's face, this kind of place was simply a blessed place for him.

He can just devour the countless beasts and don't go too deep, so he can continuously improve his strength. After doing this, he can also quickly evolve to a more advanced dragon.


"Give me a hard swallow!"

Ling Feng directly transformed the dragon, and the beasts that were weaker than him did not need him to kill them at all, they could be devoured directly.

The ferocious beasts were swallowed by him one by one, and the dragon energy in his body was slowly increasing.

A month later, Ling Feng evolved again and reached the sixth-level Tyrannosaurus, but he was still not satisfied, so he kept devouring it here, simple and boring things, repeating and repeating, devouring one fierce beast after another...

(End of this chapter)

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