Black-bellied god, come to PK!

Chapter 115 I Can't Bear It

Chapter 115 I Can't Bear It
"Are you rushing back to work?" Xue Anan was full of malice, "Xiaoyu, you don't go to work today anyway, why don't you go out with us for a stroll, so we can catch up on the old days."

"You don't know, men's aesthetics are sometimes too straight, and asking my boyfriend to choose clothes for me will drive me to death. What do you like, we buy it, and it's for you to go shopping with me How about a gift?"

"No, nap time is too precious to be wasted." Sheng Qianyu countered calmly.

"It's no big deal if you don't sleep for a day. Isn't shopping the most important thing for girls?" Xue Anan didn't want to miss this opportunity to trample Sheng Qianyu under her feet. Her boyfriend is Sheng Qianyu's boss!

"You are the first friend that An An let me meet, so let's go together. An An usually blames me for not helping me choose things. She will be very happy when you go." Han Lixuan followed suit.

"You may have misunderstood, I am not with her..." Sheng Qianyu wanted to say that they were not friends, but was interrupted by Pei Jinghong.

"It's kindly invited, so I have to go. Qianqian, I'll accompany you to go shopping with them." Pei Jinghong looked sideways at Sheng Qianyu and smiled slightly.

Sheng Qianyu frowned slightly, not knowing what Pei Jinghong meant.

"It's not good to delay your work, is it? It's okay. You can go to work. I can go out with Xiaoyu." Xue An'an is very considerate, "Work is more important. My boyfriend's family runs a company by himself. Nothing to do with work."

"Let's go." Pei Jinghong held Sheng Qianyu's hand and walked forward without even looking at Xue An'an, "The location."

Seeing this, Xue Anan couldn't help feeling angry.

But because of Han Lixuan's presence, she still had to keep a smile on her face: "Jiangcheng Central Shopping Plaza."

The surface looks glamorous, but how did it go to that place can be seen by comparison.With this kind of mentality, Xue An'an insisted on forcing Sheng Qianyu to make a fool of herself, so she was reconciled.

What's the use of being good-looking without money?Xue Anan secretly thought viciously in his heart, no matter what he can't compare to Han Lixuan!
"Why waste time with that kind of person?" After getting into the car, Sheng Qianyu disapproved, "And I don't know her well enough to go shopping together."

"She tried her best to invite you. Don't you look a bit petty if you don't go? Qianqian, isn't there me? No matter how you slap your face in the game, the reality is the same." Pei Jinghong chuckled.

Sheng Qianyu didn't see that Pei Jinghong's smile didn't reach his eyes.

"I don't care about this. I have a wonderful life, and it has nothing to do with others." Sheng Qianyu said.

"As a boyfriend, you can bear it, but I can't!" Pei Jinghong said sternly, "It's really not my style if I have to give in even if others come to provoke you. Qianqian, you are my girlfriend, no one can bully you."

Upon hearing this, Sheng Qianyu felt a burst of sweetness in her heart, "Then what if I'm wrong?"

"Even if kind people are wrong, they are forced out, so they are the ones who are wrong." Pei Jinghong said seriously, "In my heart, you are always right."

"Is it really okay for you to be so indiscriminate? Shouldn't you be glad that you are not an ancient emperor, or you are a foolish emperor, and I will become Daji!" Sheng Qianyu smiled.

"It's not bad to be a fool for you, we will be connected together forever."

"Let's drive your car, it's actually a dream for thousands of years."

Sheng Qianyu scolded with a smile, the trace of unhappiness in her heart disappeared.

Ten minutes later, the two arrived at the Jiangcheng Central Shopping Plaza.

The name of this place doesn't sound very good, but it is the gathering place of luxury goods in Jiangcheng, the top business circle.

Sheng Qianyu naturally knew that the purpose of Xue An'an inviting her to shop here was to show off Han Lixuan's boyfriend. Perhaps in Xue An'an's mind, she couldn't afford the things here...

After parking the car, Xue Anan also came over holding Han Lixuan's arm.

Compared to Xue An'an's act of pretending to be intimate with Han Lixuan, Pei Jinghong's holding Sheng Qianyu's hand seemed more natural.

Seeing the two clasping their fingers tightly, Xue An'an was not happy at all.

"I still don't know what your name is?" Han Lixuan was unwilling to be compared by Pei Jinghong, "I am the general manager of Bitter Winter."

"My surname is Pei." Pei Jinghong cherished words like gold.

"I don't know what Mr. Pei's job is? Maybe there is a chance to cooperate with our family Lixuan?" Xue An'an was indescribably proud.

Pei Jinghong looked calm: "Different industries."

Xue An'an is inferior to Pei Jinghong, "Lixuan often talks about changing careers and starting his own business. He is not in his father's company and likes to make troubles. How about you tell me that if it is worth investing in, he will definitely consider it, right Lixuan?" ?”

Han Lixuan was a little disgusted that Xue An'an was so brainless, but seeing Pei Jinghong's indifferent appearance, Han Lixuan was also very unhappy.In Jiangcheng, others fawn on him. Although the man in front of him has no expression, Han Lixuan feels that he is disdainful.

"Well, I thought about starting my own business, but I haven't decided which industry. If it's feasible, we can cooperate and make money together." Han Lixuan said.

Sheng Qianyu frowned: "For business, it's better not to find a partner. Brothers can get into trouble, let alone someone you don't know very well."

"I believe you, Xiaoyu." Xue Anan looked at her, "After all, we've known each other for so long, haven't we?"

"When shopping, it's better to concentrate on shopping." Pei Jinghong said calmly.

At the same time, the elevator had arrived, and he took Sheng Qianyu out first.

Xue An'an and Han Lixuan also came out. For some reason, looking at the pair of figures in front of them, both of them felt very glaring.

Xue An'an immediately hooked Han Lixuan up and overtook the two of them, feeling a bit more comfortable.

The Jiangcheng Central shopping plaza is full of world-class big-name counters, and Sheng Qianyu has not been to these places for a long time.

Xue An'an quickly entered the top bag brand counter, picked up those bags to try.

Sheng Qianyu knew that the bags of this brand cost hundreds of thousands. Thinking about Xue An'an's most expensive bags in the past, he was only willing to buy one or two hundred bags. level.

"Does this look good?" Xue Anan turned around in front of Han Lixuan.

"It's okay." Han Lixuan was perfunctory.

Sheng Qianyu felt that this bright red color was really not suitable for Xue Anan.

However, she chose to remain silent.

"See if you like it." Pei Jinghong whispered in Sheng Qianyu's ear, then pointed to the bag on the counter to Sheng Qianyu's right, "I think the one over there is very suitable for you."

Sheng Qianyu looked in the direction Pei Jinghong pointed, it was a very simple spliced ​​bag, but the color was too dark, Sheng Qianyu didn't think it was suitable for him.

(End of this chapter)

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