Chapter 119
Pei Jinghong knew that Sheng Qianyu was laughing at his killing in a game last time.

He stretched out a pair of jade-like hands, spread them out in front of Sheng Qianyu, solemnly: "Here it is!"

Sheng Qianyu laughed, and nodded his hand: "Good boy, call me one."

"Meow~" Pei Jinghong was as good as a follower of kindness.

Sheng Qianyu was taken aback, and after a while laughed.

Seeing Sheng Qianyu smiling like a flower, Pei Jinghong's eyes also filled with smiles.

"Are you really not going to work in the afternoon?" Sheng Qianyu looked at Pei Jinghong after laughing and asked seriously.

"I won't go, I will accompany you." Pei Jinghong said.

Sheng Qianyu blushed slightly: "Is it really okay for you to skip work all the time?"

"The company is mine. No one dares to speak of me whether I go or not." Pei Jinghong said, "Or how about I take you to visit our company?"

Pei Jinghong couldn't wait to let Sheng Qianyu know everything about him.

"Next time, I usually don't want to go out when I go home. If you said it just now, I have no objection." Sheng Qianyu politely refused. Judging from Pei Jinghong's generous handwriting today, Pei Jinghong's conditions are far ahead of hers. beyond imagination.

Sheng Qianyu didn't want Pei Jinghong to misunderstand anything, and was more willing to proceed step by step.

Seeing this, Pei Jinghong felt a little regretful, but he didn't insist. He respected Sheng Qianyu's decision.

Anyway, this little woman will definitely be his, and it doesn't matter if he finds out sooner or later.

Sheng Qianyu was not used to being alone in this space with Pei Jinghong, so he asked Pei Jinghong, "How many computers do you have at home? Let's play games!"

"Come with me to the study." Pei Jinghong naturally pulled Sheng Qianyu to the study.

Sheng Qianyu took a look at the study room, both bookshelves were full of books.

In addition to the desktop on the desk, there is a double computer desk against the wall on the left, with two computers placed on it.

"Have you read these books?" Sheng Qianyu was curious.

"Well, I've finished reading them all." Pei Jinghong nodded, "The study room at home is bigger, and these are all temporary additions by me, but I've finished reading all the books."

Sheng Qianyu's eyes widened: "You are busy with work and playing games every day, do you still have time to read?"

"Learning is endless, I will read it when I have free time." Anyway, for Pei Jinghong, who has a long-term memory, these books are remembered after reading them, and it is not difficult to read them.

"I haven't read a book for a long time, and I almost forgot what kind of experience reading is." Sheng Qianyu said frankly that after leaving the campus, he didn't read anything except the necessary books.

"Okay, we're here to play games, not to read books. In the future, if you have nothing to do, you can come here to read books. These books are quite useful, so it's okay to read." Pei Jinghong stepped forward to turn on the phone.

Sheng Qianyu went to the computer and sat down. She was a little surprised why Pei Jinghong had three computers in one study.

No matter how smart Sheng Qianyu was, it was impossible for her to think that Pei Jinghong specially prepared this for her.

Sheng Qianyu didn't go on the Monster, but on Nobody Likes Me.

Seeing this, Pei Jinghong also changed his account: Hit me as a little pig, it's a braised braised Taixu who is in leisure power.

Sheng Qianyu glanced, the name almost made her spit: "Do you like being cute when you're free?"

"The highest level of precision is to never let people see who it is." Pei Jinghong was serious.

Sheng Qianyu snatched the mouse, clicked to open it, I am a little pig to see the attributes, it is just an ordinary braised number.

"I thought you made another super braised."

"I don't play it often, just smash a braise."

Sheng Qianyu sat back, finished reading the picture in the game, and as soon as it went online, Fengmanlou's power channel began to brush the emoji of waving a handkerchief.

Sheng Qianyu also returned a cute expression.

[Power] Yun Zhiyuan: Will the little apprentice come to write the book?
The invitation to form a team was sent out.

Sheng Qianyu hesitated for a moment and accepted.

Seeing this, Pei Jinghong also applied to Nobody Likes Me to join the team.

As a result, he was rejected by Yun Zhiyuan.

Pei Jinghong: "..."

Sheng Qianyu couldn't help laughing, the great god will also be rejected from joining the team one day!
[Influence] No one likes me: let Taixu join the team, he is a friend I met two days ago.

[Power] Yun Zhiyuan: (stares) Oh, good.

Having said that, when Xiao Taixu applied to join the team again, Yun Zhiyuan directly chose to ignore it.

The system prompted Yun Zhiyuan to ignore Xiao Taixu's application for joining the team.

Pei Jinghong once again: "..."

[Power] Yun Zhiyuan: Little apprentice, someone from our power has come, and there is no place for your friend, can you bring him next time?

[Power] No one likes me: Oh, okay, I won't go either.

Sheng Qianyu directly quit the team, rejected her boyfriend, and gave him what he could.

She is not really a gamer, she can tell what Yun Zhiyuan is up to at a glance.

A beautiful and rich female player is still Bing Xin, which thug doesn't want to turn her into a bondage milk?

[Power] Yun Zhiyuan: ...

[Power] Qinglian: (thumps the ground and laughs) (thumps the ground and laughs) (thumps the ground and laughs) The baby is dying of laughter, someone really wants the whole world to revolve around her.

[Power] No one likes me: Yeah, are you jealous?

[Influence] Qinglian: Heh... I've never been jealous of PS stars, what is there to be jealous of?After all, PS masters can turn a piece of shit into a beautiful woman.

[Power] No one likes me: just be happy.

Qinglian immediately hit the cotton with her fist.

[Power] Yun Zhiyuan: Alright, it's just the next book, Qinglian, don't speak too much.

[Power] Assassination: A power, isn't it good to be kind?You have to be so provocative and mocking.

[Power] Half-moon: Women's war, it's really scary.

[Influence] Qingli: Hehe, are you helping that woman talk about us?

[Influence] Qingcha: Is being rich a big deal?Do you really regard yourself as a goddess just by playing with a pink wing?These days, pink wings are worth a few bucks, so those who don't have any quality will take them out to dry them all day long.

[Power] No one likes me: just be happy.

The Qing family made it clear that they wanted no one to like me and confront them, but Sheng Qianyu didn't fall for the trick, instead, a light and fluffy sentence made them furious.

[Power] [Shangshu] Tsing Yi: Alright, what's the fuss, it's happening every day.

Tsing Yi suddenly appeared.

Sheng Qianyu immediately remembered Xue An'an's embarrassed appearance just now, so he recovered so quickly and continued to be a goddess in the game?

However, because of Tsing Yi's appearance, the Qing Clan stopped.

[Email] Tsing Yi said: In the future, little apprentice, don't be as knowledgeable as Qinglian and the others, you can't beat them.

Tsing Yi sent another message to appease Sheng Qianyu.

Sheng Qianyu smiled coldly.

[Email] No one likes me and said: Master, I won't tolerate people I don't like. Qinglian and the others target me everywhere. I didn't care about them before for your sake, but now it's absolutely impossible.

As long as Tsing Yi is on her side, there will soon be suspicions with Qing Lian.

With a suspicion, what can't Qinglian do?

(End of this chapter)

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