Chapter 124
"Does the game look good, or do I look good?" Warm breath sprayed on her face, and a deep and bewitching voice sounded in Sheng Qianyu's ears.

Sheng Qianyu only felt that his face was going to burn, and he was ashamed and annoyed for a moment, but he didn't know how to answer.

So she simply acted like a rogue, and pushed Pei Jinghong away: "You are too boring!"

Pei Jinghong took a few steps back with the chair, he laughed loudly: "But I think you are prettier than the game!"

Sheng Qianyu glared at him, "Can you be more serious?"

"Okay, okay, listen to your wife!" Pei Jinghong hurried over.

[Secret Words] My good friend Qinglian said to you: Brother Xiaoxiao, why are you ignoring me? (Acting cute)

[Secret Words] You said to Qinglian: Is it important that you have my girlfriend?
Qinglian stopped immediately.

Sheng Qianyu turned forward and backward with a smile: "Is anyone as direct as you?"

"Otherwise? Keep an absolute distance from anyone who intends to seduce me!" Pei Jinghong said righteously.

At the same time, many people were pk with smiles, and they were all abused by Pei Jinghong without any surprise.

[Power] [Power Lord] Yun Zhishang: As powerful as ever!
[Power] Assassination: Hahaha, I can't wait to see Xiaoxiaomao kill every ten steps.

[Power] Yun Zhiyuan: Wait for the dream organization to organize a wave, and kill him without leaving any.

[Power] 乄 smiled sweetly 灬: The operation is very unfamiliar, I'm afraid I can't fight well.

[Influence] Qingli: Every point of PK is abused, Yan Ran should not be modest (waving a handkerchief)


A group of powerful people praised Xiaoxiaoyanran, as if the arrival of Xiaoxiaoyanran could make Fengmanlou counterattack.

Of course, the Fengmanlou side is lively, and so is the Ten Steps One Kill side.

[Power] [Shangshu] Obsession: (stares) Damn, that wild fire lady is back, the only wild fire I can't beat in this server is a woman...

[Power] [Veteran] The handsome and handsome young man: (the devil raises his cross) Don't be sad, he is a man, why don't you use your charm and hook him up.

[Power] Yu Linling: (thumping the ground and laughing) Support and support, dig out the great wilderness fire, and join hands in the rivers and lakes to spend a lifetime together.

【Influence】Point: Have you touched your conscience by saying this upstairs? (thumping the ground and laughing) I am worried that Er Nian will become disabled from now on, and you will beat me!
[Influence] Yu Linling: (Squinting eyes) Am I that kind of person?
[Power] [Shangshu] Obsession: (waving a handkerchief) Not that kind of person, you are mine.

[Power] [Shangshu] Three hundred thoughts with a pulse: Didn't I say you in the second thought, are you a man?Haven't got a girl yet.

Seeing this, Sheng Qianyu turned his head and said to Pei Jinghong, "Er Nian is really a straight man with zero EQ. Isn't Little Apple's performance obvious? There is no further action."

"Let him die alone!" Pei Jinghong gloated.

The topic of power has successfully shifted from Great Wildfire to Obsession and Yu Linling.

These two are also lovers of joy, they are in love and kill each other every day, and they don't forgive each other.

But I don't know if the obsession has been enlightened today, and a world suddenly burst out.

[World] Obsession: Yu Linling, marry me!
[World] Obsession: From now on in the wilderness, I will fight with you!
[Tianxia] Gorgeous and beautiful boy: together together.

[Tianxia]Three hundred thoughts with pulse: My son has finally enlightened, it's not easy, Little Apple has worked hard for you.

Ten steps and one kill members and the world: together together.

Yu Linling didn't send it out to the world, but Sheng Qianyu said in secret: What should Qianqian do?Should I promise him? (stare)

Sheng Qianyu was delighted, looking at her bold and unrestrained, she didn't dare to agree?
[Secret Words] You said to Yu Linling: Although Er Nian is poor-mouthed and sometimes his IQ goes offline, he is still quite a good person. Anyway, it is not bad to find a playmate for the game.

[Secret Words] Your good friend Yu Linling said to you: (waving a handkerchief) I think his glib tongue is very unreliable.

[Secret language] You said to Yu Linling: Although we were hostile before, I have known him for several years, and I have never seen him marry or have an affair with anyone.

[Secret Words] My friend Yu Linling said to you: Then I agree?

[Secret Words] You said to Yu Linling: If you like it, go for it, don't be cowardly!
Obsession also swiped the screen to call Yulinling on the power channel for a long time, but Yulinling never responded. Just when everyone thought that obsession was about to cool off, Yulinling replied with a domineering world.

[The World] Yu Linling: You can marry me, but you must win me in a fight!

The disheartened obsession immediately revived with full blood.

[World] Obsession: Then you are married today, see you in the prefect district!

"Let's go, let's join in the fun." Sheng Qianyu happily sent the fog shadow to the prefect area.

Obsession is also a well-known player in Shuiyuedongtian, so the prefect area is quickly overcrowded.

Obsession is to hit wildfire hard, Yu Linling is Hun Nian Bingxin who can fight and carry, and Yu Linling has a good sense of operation, it is not easy for obsession to win her.

In fact, Obsession lost three games in a row.

Obsession cried!

The windy people seized the opportunity and began to ridicule and spray their obsessions.

[World] Assassination: (waving a handkerchief) Obsessed with a useless dog, you can't even beat pink wings, I'm really ashamed of you.

[World] Yun Zhiyuan: (thumping the ground and laughing) rubbing rubbing rubbing rubbing rubbish, rubbish wild fire is embarrassing.

[World] Half-moon: Hurry up and remove the drill, what game are you playing with your hands.

[World] Assassination: Dad is really worried, I can’t teach you how to operate, 18 diamonds can’t beat 16 diamonds (laughing)
[Tianxia] Yu Linling: Those who are disabled upstairs, please shut up your 20-plus-year-old mouths. You only know BB. When you obsess over your father stepping on your face until you wear the soles of your shoes, why are you still alive? You don’t need 20 plus guard's mouth?
[World] Yu Linling: Perseverance, are you convinced?
[World] Yu Linling: Will you marry me?
[World] Obsession: Queen, I will marry you!
[Tianxia] The handsome and beautiful young man: (thumping the ground and laughing) The 20 protective mouth is too apt to describe hostility, the 8 diamond protective wings, how can it be as powerful as the 20 protective mouth!
[Tianxia] Daohuaxiang: (thumping the ground and laughing) No wonder I was always harmonized by the master of the system. It turns out that the mouth is too strong, and it has become a bug in the game!
Feng Manlou was out of breath.

I can't beat it, I can't spray it, I can only greet other people's parents and certain organs.

The words are unreadable.

Sheng Qianyu minimized the number of Nobody Likes Me, and concentrated on playing Wuying.

Pei Jinghong still had a smile on his face. After all, a person who just returned needs time to 'familiarize' with the game.

And Qinglian never harassed Pei Jinghong again.

Instead, it was Yun Zhishang who swiped the screen and asked Pei Jinghong to join the WeChat group.

Pei Jinghong asked Sheng Qianyu: "Should I join?"

"Join, you will find this faction group very interesting!" Sheng Qianyu said meaningfully.

So Pei Jinghong added Fengmanlou's WeChat group with a small account.

As soon as he joined the group, Sheng Qianyu discovered that the profile pictures of the Qing family had all turned into super beauties who were completely different from the previous photos.

It's true that birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, it's not silly and sweet!

 Trying to resume the update... a bit out of rhythm!
(End of this chapter)

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