Black-bellied god, come to PK!

Chapter 127 Descends from the sky

Chapter 127 Descends from the sky
Pei Jinghong looked at her quietly: "You are domestic violence."

"Is it my fault that the health bar is not enough?" Sheng Qian smiled.

Pei Jinghong suddenly rushed over and kissed Sheng Qianyu fiercely on the face: "Well, that's enough."

After Sheng Qianyu came back to his senses, his face was flushed.

Pei Jinghong was satisfied: "When the CD arrives, don't blow yourself up again, I promise not to dodge."

Sheng Qianyu glared at him, blushing and looking at the screen.

[Power] [Shangshu] Three hundred thoughts with a pulse: The self-destructing sprite is my father.

[Power] [Shangshu] Obsession: Dad!
[Power] [Old Veteran] The handsome and beautiful boy: Dad, please cover me!
[Power] Yu Linling: Dad loves me again.

[Power] Don't ask me to borrow money: (thumps the ground and cries) You are my father.

[Power] I'm Yunlu: (thumps the ground and cries) Dad, the operation is really cool!


After the wind-filled Dahuanghuo knelt down, it was difficult to hold on any longer, and they all evacuated from the Danzhu Divine Stone.

Taking advantage of this time, Pei Jinghong memorized Fengmanlou's coordinates in a wretched way, and took several heads secretly.

Next, Feng Manlou's morale was exhausted, and the power challenge failed!
The group of obsessive trolls seized the opportunity to ridicule Yun Zhishang.

Han Lixuan couldn't hold back his face, and angrily quit YY and turned off the game.

Xue An'an's phone call followed, and every time he remembered that Bing Xin, who was so big as Tsing Yi, didn't even spit blood, Han Lixuan became angrier, and directly threw the phone aside, letting it ring until he hung up.

When playing with Wuying back then, with the configuration of Yunlu plus sprites, whether it was on the battlefield or in the wild, he had never tried to die like an emperor like now.

Now with a big Bingxin, but being killed by a monster, Han Lixuan didn't know why he played the game so aggrieved!
Moreover, when going shopping during the day, Han Lixuan looked down on Xue An'an even more, and even started to annoy this woman a little.

When Han Lixuan didn't answer the phone, Xue Anan felt aggrieved, and then restrained his anger and sent two WeChat messages in a gentle tone:

Lixuan, what happened?
If you're done, give me a message back, I love you.

Normally, Han Lixuan replied to WeChat in seconds, but now, there was no news from him.

Xue Anan slammed the phone angrily: "If I can't beat the enemy with my hands, I will be glass-hearted! Don't I want to increase my blood? That bitch is staring at me to kill, what can I do?"

He smiled sweetly but didn't see the heart of glass, and took so many heads!
Xue An'an grabbed the phone, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the game icon on the task bar. When he looked up, he found that the person who killed him in ten steps was beating him.

She was angry, and felt aggrieved, so she didn't resist or shout at anyone, and when the character died, she resurrected on the spot and let the enemy continue to fight.

It's all her fault anyway!
Obsession saw her get up, but she was not polite, and with a hammer, Xue An'an's name became black and white again.

Xue An'an lit the nearest god stone to revive, ready to send it infinitely.

At this moment, Xiao Yanran descended from the sky, stood in front of Xue An'an, and started fighting with Ten Steps One Kill.

There were four people killed in ten steps. Smile and Yanran carried them to attack, and killed the obsession.

And the obsession has been revived, and he rushed over to continue fighting.

[Influence] Yan smiled sweetly: +++++
Only then did Xue Anan come back to his senses, and quickly went to his main channel to add blood to him.

With the addition of Bing Xin, Yan Ran smiled like a god, and took all four heads.

[Power] Yan smiled sweetly: Withdraw!
After sending the message, Dahuanghuo moved on his horse and teleported away.

Seeing the back of the wild fire wearing the panda skin disappearing from the sacred stone, Xue An'an's heart skipped a beat.

After thinking about it, Xue Anan sent a secret message: Thank you, Yanran!
As a result, the master of the system coldly reminded that the other party did not accept the secret language.

Xue Anan: "..."

[Power] [Shangshu] Tsing Yi: Yan Ran, thank you!

Wildfire didn't reply.

Xue Anan clicked on the list, found Huanghuo, and checked that his location was in the Imperial City of the Central Plains.

So, she immediately applied for the battlefield.

It was probably arranged by God, after the battlefield opened, they actually separated her and Xiao Xiaoyan to one side.

Xue An'an immediately sent a team application, and the other party accepted it.

Xue Anan was ecstatic in his heart.

[Team] Qingyi-Shuiyuedongtian: Coincidentally, you are also on the battlefield.

[Team] Tsing Yi-Shuiyue Dongtian: Thank you just now, your operation is really good.

[Team] 乄smiling sweetly 灬-Shuiyuedongtian: It's okay.

Xue An'an was overjoyed to see Xiao Yanran responding to him.

After the preparations were over, several more Bing Xin applied to join the team, but Xue Anan chose to ignore them.

Since Han Lixuan was already somewhat dissatisfied with her, she naturally had to find a way to find a way out.Xiao Xiaoyan can afford the Hall of Fame, which shows that the actual conditions are definitely not bad!

With such thoughts in mind, Xue An'an chased wild fire and increased blood.

Sheng Qianyu squinted at Pei Jinghong: "Patience is really good, to bring such a rookie to the battlefield!"

Pei Jinghong hurriedly flattered her: "I didn't take her with me, she followed by herself. Although her hand is disabled, she can add some blood anyway, so it's not completely useless."

Sheng Qianyu was not stingy enough to suspect Pei Jinghong.

She looked at the time and it was not too early, so she got up and said to Pei Jinghong: "I'm going back first, I have to start work tomorrow, and I have to go to bed early tonight."

"Okay, I'll take you back." Pei Jinghong immediately dropped the game.

Sheng Qianyu glanced at the battlefield where the regiment was starting in Lidao: "You should finish this wave first, I'll wait for you."

"Death is death, and I'm not the only one on the battlefield." Pei Jinghong didn't even look at it, and went out holding Sheng Qianyu's hand.How can games compare with girlfriends?Although it's just going up and down the stairs, what if something unexpected happens?

Following behind Pei Jinghong, a trace of sweetness flowed through Sheng Qianyu's heart.

Pei Jinghong sent Sheng Qianyu to the door: "Go back."

"Okay, then you should go to bed earlier, and don't play games too late." Sheng Qianyu opened the door and turned around.

Pei Jinghong nodded, bowed his head and kissed Sheng Qianyu lightly on the forehead, then backed away: "Go in."

Sheng Qianyu blushed slightly, lowered her head and closed the door, then leaned behind the door and took a deep breath, suppressing Xiaolu's pounding heartbeat.

Falling in love with a man like Pei Jinghong is really terrible. Sooner or later, she will die because her heart rate exceeds the load.

Pei Jinghong, who was outside the door, looked at the closed door with a dazzling smile, turned and walked towards the elevator.

When he got home, Wildfire had already been sent back to the pigsty to be revived.

Tsing Yi has been swiping in the team, asking him what's wrong.

Pei Jinghong directly pressed F10-close the game-OK.

For this woman who hurt his family Qianqian, it would be disgusting to look at it for a second.

The ten-step-one-kill channel is still very lively, and Obsession has been expressing dissatisfaction in the influence, but was killed by Xiao Yanran.

[Influence] [Influence Master] Jing Ming: Sprinkle a handful of rice on the keyboard, even a chicken can single out you!
 I will try my best to update this article recently, but I can’t get back the feeling. It is estimated that there is only one update per day. I apologize to the little cutie who has been waiting for this article, and thank you for waiting for me where you are!
(End of this chapter)

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