Black-bellied god, come to PK!

Chapter 135 Hand Swipe 1

Chapter 135

Sheng Qianyu smiled with tears: "Thank you for your affirmation."

"So, don't underestimate yourself." Pei Jinghong reached out and gently wiped the water from the corner of her eyes, "Don't deny yourself just because of one or two scum."

"Okay!" Sheng Qianyu nodded, and turned his gaze back to the screen, "I'll go back to Xiaopingping."

Pei Jinghong let go of his hand and watched Sheng Qianyu typing and replying to Yu Linling: No, I have nothing to do to them.If Xue Anan had to die, she would be the one who regretted it.

[Secret Words] My friend Yu Linling said to you: Qianqian, how about I go to Jiangcheng to accompany you for a week?
Yu Linling's baby face unexpectedly appeared in Sheng Qianyu's mind. She slept together for four years in college, and the relationship was not very close, but during the darkest time of her life, they were inseparable and took turns taking care of her day and night.

It's just that she left without saying goodbye after graduation because she desperately wanted to escape, and never contacted them again.

I thought they would blame them, but after the reunion, they didn't, they were still full of concern.

Thinking of this, Sheng Qianyu's heart warmed up.

[Secret Words] You say to Yu Linling: Jing Ming is by my side, I'm fine.

The secret words were sent, but there was no movement from Yulinling's side.

Sheng Qianyu thought for a moment and clicked on the forum.

Pei Jinghong hurriedly pressed her hand on the mouse: "Qianqian, shall we fight the battlefield first?"

Sheng Qianyu looked at him sideways: "Jinghong, I'm fine, I'll see how their forums slander me."

"Qianqian..." Pei Jinghong disapproved.

Sheng Qianyu said, "Trust me."

Pei Jinghong sighed inaudibly, and withdrew his hand.

Sheng Qianyu glanced at Bing Xintang's posts, they were basically derivative posts about her.

She clicked on a post casually, looked at the remarks in it, and couldn't help laughing.

The people in Fengmanlou really spared no effort to black her out.

But when she comes and goes, she spreads rumors about her posting photos, chatting with others, equipment sent by thousands of miles, and other old stalks.

She browsed briefly and closed the forum.

"Let's go, let's go to the battlefield."

Sheng Qianyu sent the fog shadow to Liuyundu, she didn't want Pei Jinghong to worry too much.

"Want to play jjc (arena)?" Pei Jinghong's account also arrived at Liuyundu, and ran to the door of jjc incognito.

Sheng Qianyu flipped through the list of faction members: "It just so happens that there will be a national standard competition at the end of the year. Let's form a team to fight. I used to be busy fighting against you in the wild every day. I haven't tried this kind of national competition yet. Let's form a team of five to practice. Let’s have a tacit understanding.”

"Bring Big Tits, Er Dai, and Er Nian in?"

As soon as Sheng Qianyu finished speaking, Pei Jinghong called out to others.

[Influence] [Influence Lord] Jing Ming: Big tits, second thought, second stay, come to beat five jjc?
There was a moment of calm in the power channel.

[Power] [Shangshu] Three hundred thoughts with pulse: Is it because I went online in the wrong way today?The famous Jing Ming, who is notorious for his integrity and doesn't like false fame, wants to play jjc?

[Power] [Old Man] The handsome and beautiful young man: Tears filled his eyes, he felt that he had finally turned himself over and could jjc.

[Power] I want to rob today: Why do I feel the sadness of the two officials?
[Power] [Shangshu] Obsession: (beating the ground and crying) The boss does not allow us to participate in jjc. He said that if we dare to fight, he dares to tear down our account. You don't know how miserable we have been in the past two years, every day oppressed by him.

[Influence] [Influence Lord] Jing Ming: (squinting eyes) If I don't oppress you, do I still oppress you?Ugly!

"Why don't you let them jjc?" Sheng Qianyu asked with a smile.

Pei Jinghong looked helpless: "I want to fight with you because I have no distractions!"

Sheng Qianyu understood immediately, and couldn't help but blush a little: "That's why they will listen to you, and replace it with someone else, I'm afraid they would have left long ago."

The official national standard competition is held at the end of each year. The top 128 teams in the points ranking will enter the knockout round to determine the semi-finals. The finals will be held offline. The champion team will have an exclusive title, mount fashion, a lot of battlefield reputation and arena reputation , and 3w cash rewards.

Those like Big Tits, if they form a team, will definitely have the strength to aspire to the championship.Although Great Wilderness OL is not a popular game, no one doesn't like the glory of being number one in the country.

"I watched the live broadcast of the final two years ago, and the championship team is still very strong. At that time, I actually thought about pulling you into the team, but seeing you chasing us every day, I probably wouldn't agree, so I won't." Let them go."

"This kind of national competition, either don't play, or take the first place, who will remember who is behind No.1? And, I hope I can stand on the podium with you."

Pei Jinghong looked at her fixedly, and Sheng Qianyu's face gradually turned red with his fiery gaze.

"Do you have to be with me?"

"Well, I will fight only if I stand on the podium with you."

Sheng Qianyu's heart seemed to be watered by honey, it was cloyingly sweet, but very happy.

"Then let's stand on the podium together!" She stared fixedly at Pei Jinghong.

Pei Jinghong smiled.

Yu Linling, whose reflex arc is 800 meters long, kept whispering frequently on Sheng Qianyu's personal channel:
Fuck, what did you say?Jing Ming is by your side?

Wait, the amount of information is a bit large, and I can't react.

You live together?
Damn it, Sheng Qianyu, don't be stupid, do you know what kind of person Jing Ming is?
Just wait, I'll drive to Jiangcheng later.

School belle, can you be a little bit on guard, you silly girl?Jing Ming confessed his love just like that, and you were taken down?

Sheng Qianyu couldn't laugh or cry.

[Secret Words] You say to Yu Linling: Xiao Pingping, I am fine, and he is fine too. We don't live together, we just live upstairs and downstairs.

[Secret Words] You say to Yu Linling: Strictly speaking, you may have seen him too.

[Secret Words] You said to Yu Linling: No one is better than him, if you are worried, come back tomorrow, it is not safe to drive late at night.

Pei Jinghong happened to look at Sheng Qianyu's computer, and Yu Linling's secret words fell into his eyes verbatim.

So, someone spoke to Yu Linling with a blank expression.

[Secret language] You said to Yu Linling: You seem to have a little opinion of me?

[Secret Words] You said to Yu Linling: It's better to kill you or to think twice, choose one!

[Secret Words] My friend Yu Linling said to you: ...

[Secret Words] My friend Yu Linling said to you: Shameless, peeking at other people's chats.

[Secret Words] My friend Yu Linling said to you: Humph, did I get scared?

Pei Jinghong smiled and teleported directly to the old Yunlu Xianju sacred stone.

Yu Linling, who was squatting next to the sacred stone, lay black and white on the ground before she realized what was going on.

[Current] Yu Linling: ...

[Current] Yu Linling: Can you show some face?
【Current】Jing Ming: (Slanting eyes) Dissatisfied?Rise up and fight again!
Yu Linling immediately complained to Sheng Qianyu: That little bitch Jingming saw the secret words I gave you and came to kill me!
Sheng Qianyu turned his head helplessly: "Why did you kill Xiao Pingping?"

Pei Jinghong didn't look sideways, and said solemnly: "It's just a slip of the hand."

(End of this chapter)

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