Black-bellied god, come to PK!

Chapter 142 1 Group of Garbage

Chapter 142 A group of garbage

[Tianxia] Three hundred thoughts with pulse: I'm sorry, local tyrants are not blind!
[Tianxia] Three hundred thoughts with pulse: This is the worst time for a local tyrant to be hacked.

[World] Yu Linling: Big tits are right, bow your head to big tits.

The world of the people who eat melons: Can you not come out and shame yourself?I feel ashamed for you all. I have never seen a face as powerful as yours. I am not kind at first, and then accuse others in turn, what the hell!
Feng Manlou was jumping around, eating too ugly, which successfully aroused public outrage.

[System] The luxurious bridal sedan that I am riding with Xiao Xiao Yan Ran and Nobody Likes me will set off in the Jiuli prefect area in 10 minutes, and prepare to sprinkle 52000 gold wedding candy along the way, everyone, get up and congratulate them.

Sheng Qianyu: "'re prodigal again!"

Pei Jinghong smiled brightly: "I am willing to spend money for you."

Sheng Qianyu was heartbroken: "But we have already been married once in the game, and you still sprinkle so much wedding candy!"

Pei Jinghong said: "As long as you want, no matter how many times you get married in the game, it can be the first time."

"However, the meanings of Jingming and Wuying are different, so the treatment of marriage in the future cannot be compared with those two numbers."

After all, it was the game characters they met and knew each other!
"What if people who are full of wind come to pick it up?" Sheng Qianyu hit the nail on the head, "Didn't you take advantage of them by spreading so much?"

At this time, the world is being exploded because of the wedding candy sprinkled by wild fire.

People who eat melons: I thought that I would never see such a grand wedding in Shuiyuedongtian in my lifetime. I never thought of the series. I wish God Yanran and his girlfriend a long life and grow old together.

Pei Jinghong returned to the world in a serious manner.

【天下】乄笑笑笑灬灬: Thank you for your blessings, and thank you for coming to our wedding.

[World] Yan smiled sweetly: At the same time, I hope that those who sprayed me all over the building just now have a bit of backbone and don't open the trumpet to grab the wedding candy, and don't make me look down on you rubbish!
Then, without any psychological burden, he switched the sprite to send out the world's essence.

[Tianxia] Jing Ming: Bless Huanghuo Niang and her girlfriend, be more hostile, don't be ashamed and use the trumpet to snatch it, otherwise the man will not have a jj, and the woman... will be on her period for half a month!
Sheng Qianyu sprayed.

[World] Obsession: Sure enough, he is the boss, mighty and domineering.

[Tianxia] The handsome and beautiful young man: (thumping the ground and laughing) This curse is harsh enough, bow your head to the boss.

[World] Yu Linling: (thumping the ground and laughing) The scene of the collapse of the large-scale human setting, what about your aloofness, Boss Jingming?

[World] Fog Shadow: (knock on wooden fish) Jingming, you should say, four times a year, three months at a time!

People who eat melons: You are amazing, my god, one is more ruthless than the other!
Pei Jinghong couldn't help laughing: "How did you come up with it?"

Sheng Qianyu snorted arrogantly: "When it comes to cursing, I'm no worse than others, I just disdain it."

"It's a good thing you didn't scold us like that when we were hostile back then, otherwise they would probably start a group to study how to refute you."

"Thank you for being able to hold back those slobbering chickens in Fengmanlou."

"How can we care about poultry barking?"


Sheng Qianyu was deeply convinced.

Probably because of being attacked by a group, the people who are full of wind really haven't continued to bubble up in the world.

As for the densely packed people in the prefect area, it was even more difficult to see if there were a few scumbag trumpets who were all over the building to grab the wedding candy.

After spreading the wedding candies, Jingming invited Huo Huo and Bing Xin to make ten steps and one kill.

The ten-step-one-kill players were not alienated because they were once hostile. On the contrary, they were very excited to welcome them. The most exciting thing was obsession, jumping up and down to invite Wildfire Niang to PK.

[Influence] [Influence Lord] Jing Ming: (Slanting eyes) Don't bring yourself to be humiliated if you think twice, you couldn't beat it two years ago, and you will end up in the same way two years later.

[Power] [Shangshu] Obsession: (turning the table) Power pig, don't look at people through the cracks!

[Influence] [Influence Lord] Jing Ming: Are you kidding me, did I open my eyes and see you?
[Power] [Shangshu] Three hundred thoughts with a pulse: (knocking on the wooden fish) Second thought, why do you always fail to recognize the reality.

[Power] [Shangshu] Three hundred thoughts with pulse: Did you ever exist in Jingming's eyes?You are a brick-moving foreman who directs the power battle for him.

Powerful people: (thumping the ground and laughing) Fighting between gods and gods is so interesting, Er Nian is being teased by the boss every day!
[Influence] 乄 smiled sweetly 灬: I just came back, and I'm not very familiar with the operation yet, I guess I can't beat the obsession.

[Power] Yan smiled sweetly: By the way, where is the best place to send Lily? A has been playing games for two years, and I only know you guys when I come back.

[Influence] Yu Linling: Influence station!
[Power] Yu Linling: God, if I hand over my obsession to you, will I get extra red envelopes?
[Power] [Shangshu] Obsession: (beating the ground and crying) Why does my wife want to exchange red envelopes with me? I must have married a fake wife, right?
The powerful people laughed wildly.

Everyone went to the power station to snatch Lily, obsessively jumping up and down in front of Huanghuo Niang, if it wasn't for the power station not being able to PK, I'm afraid he would have planted flags with Huanghuo Niang long ago to prove his strength.

After picking up the lilies, everyone coaxed Huang Huo Niang to try to influence her. In order to avoid revealing her secrets, Pei Jinghong refused without hesitation. The reason was that there was an elderly person at home and it was inconvenient.

The crowd had to give up.

If you are obsessed with disobedience, you must point to the wild fire mother to PK.

As a result, every game was lost without accident.

Obsession cried in grief and indignation in the power: why, why?You agreed to A and haven't been familiar with it for two years?
[Power] 乄 smiled sweetly 灬: Maybe it's because I abused it too much, it's just a habit, I haven't forgotten it for two years.

Obsession burst into tears again.

"Are you hungry?" Pei Jinghong looked at the time and found that he had spent almost six hours in the game.

Sheng Qianyu rubbed his belly: "It seems a little bit."

"Then let's order a takeaway, what do you want to eat?" Pei Jinghong asked.

"Let's grill it, I haven't eaten it for a long time." Sheng Qianyu didn't hesitate, and said what he wanted to eat openly.

So Pei Jinghong ordered food with his mobile phone.

Sheng Qianyu spread the word to Hebo Bridge to see if there was anyone in the building.

As a result, as soon as she finished reading the picture, she saw that 79 Xiao Bingxin who had talked to her at the beginning was restrained by Fengmanlou's people, Qinglian was adding blood next to her, and the other person was pumping with a fishing rod.

This is the disgusting trick of Fengmanlou before ten steps and one kill. I didn't expect Fengmanlou to bully a life player without equipment.

And he also humiliated Yiwu Yaoluo with obscenities, saying that the person who was killed by ten steps would throw away after playing, break his shoes and so on.

Yiwu enchantingly and stubbornly let them beat him, and did not log off the assembly line.

Sheng Qianyu instantly remembered what happened when she was kicked out of Fengmanlou, and the people in Fengmanlou also tried their best to spread dirty water and spread rumors.

While Sheng Qianyu was thinking about these things, she rushed forward and killed Taixu and Yunlu who were controlling Yiwu's enchanting, and then turned Qinglian to the ground. The rest of them also died in her arms. Under the knife.

The sexy female sprite stepped on the corpse, and an aura-filled bubble popped out of her head.

[Current] Fog Shadow: A bunch of garbage!
 Fog Shadow: Don't vote?Look at my double knives!

(End of this chapter)

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