Black-bellied god, come to PK!

Chapter 148 childhood sweethearts

Chapter 148 childhood sweethearts
[Team] Three hundred thoughts with pulse: I think a little too much.

[Team] Fog Shadow: Have you discussed this matter?Whether to be hostile to two forces, or to ally with one of them.

[Team] Three hundred with pulse: 10 more hostile forces will not ally with you even if you kill them in ten steps.

Sheng Qianyu smiled, very well, this is what she wanted too.

As war criminals, so that everyone has passion!
[Team] Fog Shadow: Bloody, I like it.

Three hundred with a pulse and withdrew from the team.

Sheng Qianyu: "..."

Sheng Qianyu looked at the newly transferred large-scale hero list on the list, and fell into deep thought.

Although the fighting power of ten steps and one kill is good, it is basically based on pink wings and braised sauce. These newly transferred larges are all Yanbing numbers, top-quality big wings.

If they are really hostile to Zhu Tian and Yunshang Ding at the same time, it will be very difficult to kill in ten steps in the wild.

The cohesion of ten steps and one kill is really good. When those old members who transferred away heard that the two major military forces were going to be hostile, they decided to transfer without saying a word, and at the same time brought many friends to support them.

Others expressed that they would call their friends from foreign servers over to fight together.

Sheng Qianyu said that they could charter the plane ticket, but was rejected.

In just half an hour, it was confirmed that two small groups with a total of 21 people would switch servers at their own expense.

There is also a team of self-destructing monsters, and several old players Sheng Qianyu is familiar with.

However, Pei Jinghong was probably busy and hadn't bubbled up in the power group.

After Sheng Qianyu cooked the perfect meal, he hung up the phone in the safe area, and discussed with members of the faction group about the two major factions.

After they discussed a rough idea, they went back to the game and saw that the personal channel was pink and full of secret words.

[Secret Words] My friend, I want to find my mistress and tell you: My friend from Mo Qing plans to transfer to this server, how much position do you still have in your power?
[Secret Words] My friend, I want to find a mistress to tell you: There will probably be a group, all with illusions.

[Secret language] My friend, I want to find a mistress to tell you: All at your own expense.

[Secret Words] Stranger Gu Fufu said to you: Do you want to join us in the Tianzhu Alliance to fight for the top of the clouds and impact this year's power show?

[Secret Words] The stranger Gu Fuhuo said to you: You can keep the number, and we will reimburse you for power wars and city wars.

[Secret Words] Stranger Gu Fufu said to you: Bing Xin, the number one on the top of the cloud, is Jing Ming's realistic pursuer, and she and Jing Ming are childhood sweethearts. You are willing to let Jing Ming be so close to her in addition to reality. ?
[Secret Words] The stranger Gu Fuhuo said to you: I heard that you have already rushed to the scene.

[Secret Words] The little surprise of the stranger said to you: Sister Wuying, are you the real person?
That little surprise at the end made Wuying's heart tremble.

She immediately replied: Power Lord?
[Secret Words] The stranger said to you with a little surprise: Ahhh, that's great, Sister Wuying, you still remember me, woo woo woo!

Sheng Qianyu immediately added the other party as a friend, and his calm mood became excited.

This little surprise is her power master when she entered Fengmanlou. She is a very cute girl who works hard every day to pull the power trumpet, bring Sheng Qianyu to the dungeon battlefield, and teach Sheng Qianyu to make money...

It can be said that he was the leader who brought Sheng Qianyu into this game thoroughly, but he only played with Sheng Qianyu for half a year, and because he was busy with graduation practice, he gradually had no time to play the game. Later, after handing over the power to Yun Zhishang, he was completely A.

Sheng Qianyu never expected that they would run into each other again.

After the two teamed up, Little Surprise came over and turned around in front of the female sprite.

[Team] Small surprise: Wow, sister Wuying has become a big girl, and she is still the number one female sprite in the wilderness.

[Team] Fog Shadow: Are you going to come back, Lord of Power?

[Team] Small surprise: Yes, I’m not so busy at work recently, I miss Dahuang very much, I just went to read the account, and I’m going to build a trumpet to buy, when I climbed up and saw a trumpet here, I clicked in See if anyone is still there, I didn't expect you to be here!

[Team] Little surprise: But sister Wuying, why aren't you in Fengmanlou?
[Team] A small surprise: I still want to play a book with you.

[Team] Fog Shadow: I was kicked out by Yun Zhishang, and now I am hostile to Feng Manlou.

[Team] Little surprise: (stares) Why?Didn't Yun Zhishang have been chasing you before?You are not married?
[Team] Fog Shadow: It's hard to explain in one word, it's a big gossip, you can check it out on the forum.

Little Surprise fell silent, probably because he went to browse the forum.

Sheng Qianyu also brought Jing Ming into the team, and the two numbers were passed to Yanqiu for horse racing.

After both numbers finished running, Little Surprise came back.

[Team] Little surprise: Damn, I'm going to scold someone, isn't Yun Zhishang too disgusting?I cheated on you first, and even slandered you as a liar hacking and demolishing your account!

[Team] Little surprise: I want to bring back Fengmanlou, it's too much!Anyway, you have been managing Fengmanlou all these years, he is just a nominal influencer.

After posting this, the little surprise left the team.

Sheng Qianyu felt that there was a high chance that the little surprise would be brought back to Fengmanlou.

After all, Fengmanlou has become a joke now, if someone is willing to take over Fengmanlou, Yun Zhishang should give up the powerful master.

As she expected, a little surprise soon told Sheng Qianyu that Yun Zhishang returned her power to her.

[Secret Words] My friend said to you in a little surprise: Sister Wuying, now I am the leader of the power, do you want to return to the power?
Sheng Qianyu declined her invitation: I'm now the master of power who kills every ten steps.

The little surprise was a bit regrettable, but she didn't force Sheng Qianyu to help her refer to the number she liked.

Sheng Qianyu took a look, it was an ordinary braised scenery account, and the price/performance ratio was not bad, a little surprise, he immediately happily bought the account, ready to switch servers.

Since she was in Wushuang, she asked Sheng Qianyu if she wanted to bring something back to Shuiyuedongtian.

Sheng Qianyu's account is already a finished product, and there is no need for it, so the little surprise happily compares the prices on both sides, and prepares to go all out to bring things back to earn money for server transfer.

Sheng Qianyu switched back to the game and received a new password.

This time, it was Yun Zhishang's trumpet, because the trumpet was blocked.

[Secret Words] The stranger wafer biscuit said to you: You asked Xiaohui to take back the power?

[Secret Words] The stranger wafer biscuit said to you: Is this necessary?
[Secret Words] The stranger wafer biscuit said to you: Do you still have wind in your heart?
Sheng Qianyu frowned, and pulled Heiyunzhishang's trumpet again.

Then reply to that cheap master.

[Secret Words] You said to me that I wanted to find a mistress: There are not enough seats, we can only divide forces, not alliances.

[Secret Words] My friend, I want to find my mistress and tell you: Yes, leave seventeen spots for me.

 Recommend a brain-hole pet article, the hero's soul possesses the husky in the early stage, and the sweet pet article that turns back later: Xiaobaitu "Airborne Hot Search: The Queen's Wife, Pampered to Heaven"

  Introduction: Three years ago, Ye Ning, who was about to win the crown of movie queen, was framed and a scandal broke out. At the peak of his life, Ye Ning quit the entertainment industry and married the powerful Han Yue in secret.

  Three years later, a car accident turned Han Yue into a vegetable. In order to save Han Yue, Ye Ning chose to come back.

  Tearing the white lotus with his hands and stepping on the white-eyed wolf, relying on his strength step by step to break out of the siege of the entire Internet and dominate the entertainment industry.

  As a result, it was revealed on the Internet that Ye Ning was a mistress and was taken care of by an old and ugly man.

  The smartest husky in history sits in front of the computer and fights all kinds of black people: I heard that someone called me old and ugly behind my back? 【Han Yue selfie jpg.】

  Heizi trembled: Dad, I was wrong!
  Ye Ning: What the hell, what if my dog ​​becomes a spirit?Waiting online, very urgent!

(End of this chapter)

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