Black-bellied god, come to PK!

Chapter 168 Scary Instance

Chapter 168 Scary Instance

[Influence] [Influence Lord] Jing Ming: Don't you understand that people are ugly?

[Influence] [Influence Lord] Jing Ming: There is no self-knowledge at all.

[Power] [Old Man] The handsome and beautiful young man: I have two thoughts in my heart (thumping the ground and laughing)
[Power] [Shangshu] Three hundred pulse readings: Don't talk if you can't speak, just talk about it all day long, just tell the truth.

[Influence] [Influence Lord] Jing Ming: Big Tits, half of my 40-meter-long knife has been drawn, do you know that?
[Influence] [Veteran] Overbearing president is in love with you: Ernian is too miserable, being oppressed by the powerful lord and the big tits, there is no room for turning over.

[Power] The concubine is fat and gangsters: Immortals fight, and mortals watch, it won't suffer, right?
[Power] [Shangshu] Obsession: (turning the table) The most handsome wild fire in the wilderness is here, who else?
[Power] Fog Shadow: (knocking on the wooden fish) I'm blind, I didn't see it.

[Power] [Old Man] Nothing is useless is the devil: (thumping the ground and laughing) I'm blind, I didn't see it.

Ten steps, one kill, multiple frequency: Blind, didn't see it.

The obsession drives me crazy.

Sheng Qianyu was overjoyed.

The world war is still going on, ten steps, one kill, and the bored crowd watching.

So Sheng Qianyu had a flash of inspiration and organized 75 real dragon temples.

The online rate of ten-step-one-kill members is very high. After shouting for a while, the group is full of 20 people. She has assigned the occupations of each team, and it is not surprising to see Taixu Qingya again.

Sheng Qianyu hated herself for being too fast, and didn't see clearly when she agreed to apply for joining the group.

In the afternoon, the shadow of the full push of 67 has not faded away. Thinking of 75 Zhen as the most difficult dungeon of Dahuang, Sheng Qianyu felt a little bit withdrawn, and didn't want to play this book with Qingya.

"Why did she come in again?" Pei Jinghong frowned slightly after discovering Qing Ya, "She didn't come to download the dungeon, but came to be a crap stick!"

"It's all here, 20 copies, there shouldn't be anything wrong with having her one more?"

"Did you forget Jun Wei?"

After being reminded by Pei Jinghong, Sheng Qianyu remembered that when he called Ben just now, he joined his elder brother by the way, and his elder brother is also a big killer!

"Did I form a terrible group?" Sheng Qianyu felt concerned.

Pei Jinghong pursed his lips and chuckled lightly: "So do you want someone T now?"

"I think powerful people can rescue this terrible team."

"Will do."

Sheng Qianyu brought the little Taixu group in, and for safety's sake, let all the people in the group go to YY.

The difficulty of the 75 authentic version is actually reduced for today's equipment level, but this version does not cooperate well, and it is easy to destroy the group.

After opening the dungeon collection, a group of people cleared out the mobs and arrived at the first boss.

The first boss is called Wen Ray, one red and one green. The thugs only need to attack one of them with all their strength. This boss will teleport the player to the trap on the table. The trap damage is very high, and the crispy skin is easy to kneel in the trap.

It was the first time for Sheng Qianyu to play Bing Xin Xia 75 real version, and it was the first time he felt what it was like to add blood and hand cramps.

As soon as the player was passed on to the stage to use the group healing skills, Sheng Qianyu, who had been playing as a thug for several years, couldn't help but shake his sore wrist when he knocked down the first boss.

"Let's change, you come to play Taixu." Seeing this, Pei Jinghong got up and changed places with Sheng Qianyu without saying a word.

Sheng Qianyu had seen Pei Jinghong's operation with Bing Xin, so naturally he couldn't ask for it, so he threw Bing Xin to Pei Jinghong.

On the steps before the second boss Zhang Kaifeng, there is a large group of mobs, and the attacks of these mobs are also very painful. Usually, players let Sandbag Bingxin go first, pull the mobs to the left, and other players go to the right.

Then Bing Xin went offline and re-logged, let the mobs escape, and ran to the right with the card protection time.

Originally, this was an extremely simple operation, but Qing Ya, who did not make mistakes in the first boss, rushed out first, pulling the mobs to the right.

Ten steps, one kill, many players are newcomers who have just transferred to the server, and they don't know the professions of the members of the faction so clearly, so they also followed Taixu to move forward.

The result can be imagined, it is difficult for a mob to fight, let alone a large group!

The domineering president of Da Tianji yelled in YY, and it was too late: "Fuck, what are you doing? Why are you rushing before the little milk bottle leaves? If you don't get caught, get out quickly!"

A tragedy happened just like this while the domineering president roared, 20 of the 14-member group lay down!
"I knew it, this is a terrible 75 authentic copy!" Sheng Qianyu covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly at him, "Xue An'an still thinks that he is Bing Xin with big wings, a mob who can handle this copy..."

Pei Jinghong was also helpless, no matter how powerful the operation was, he couldn't stand the collective death.

What's more, this kind of difficult copy is absolutely impossible to become a personal show, and teammates must cooperate with each other.

And in the Yinglong Temple, Bing Xin's ability to save people, the seven-star summoning soul, cannot be used. You can only use Yimeng Changsheng bought at the entrance of the dungeon to resurrect in situ, but the CD of this item takes 1 hour!
In other words, it can only be used once in the dungeon. Either Bing Xin goes offline and re-logs in with a bug to summon the soul with seven stars, or revives at the entrance of the dungeon.Either way, it's a huge waste of time.

Since it was only the second boss, the players all chose to resurrect to the entrance of the dungeon to re-enter the book and gather again.

This time no one rushed, Pei Jinghong drove the little milk bottle to pull the monster, successfully pulled all the hatred of the little monster to the little milk bottle, and then ran to the left.

But I don't know what's going on with Qingya, and I got three more mobs.

It was easy to beat these three mobs to death in groups, but Qingya's operation was very tricky, so he stood a little bit up the steps and started beating, so when the mobs who had escaped from the small milk bottle ran back to their original positions, they were lightly beaten again. Yala got the hatred.

Everyone is convinced.

"Qingya, move forward a little bit, pull the monster to the right and fight again!" The domineering president said anxiously in YY.

Then I don't know who said it: "Tai Xu is not in YY!"

"Damn it!" Da Tianji exploded again, followed by the crackling sound of typing.

[Team] The domineering president falls in love with you: Qingya, go to YY, and pull the monsters to the crowd! ! !
[Power] [Old Man] The domineering president is in love with you: Qingya, go to YY, and pull the monsters to the crowd! ! !
The bright red font and three exclamation marks clearly showed his impatience at the moment.

However, Qingya had already rushed to the street, and a few mobs rushed to the crowd again. Under the siege of the crowd, they finally solved the mobs.

However, Qing Ya was revived outside the dungeon again.

Just tossing back and forth like this, almost 10 minutes have passed.

Sheng Qianyu had never downloaded such a tormenting 75 real book. She was always worried about her elder brother who would make a mistake. Instead, the old god flashed his big wings behind him and followed the crowd. He didn't make a mistake even when he was almost wiped out just now.

Maybe for the sake of the same forces, everyone didn't say anything about Qingya.

[Team] Qingya: I'm here on the steps.

 Recommend a youth campus essay: Mu Yan Hualou "The Devil is by Your Side: Cute, a little bit dragging!" "

  Introduction: The school girl was rescued by accident, and he changed into a woman's dress on a whim, but was recorded in a small book.

  First be her boyfriend on the grounds of being responsible, and then force her to move under the same roof as repayment tuition!
  If you make a mistake in the spot check, you will kiss her, and if you fail the exam, you will have to confess.

  After repeated protests and failures, she fought back and invited him to a canyon duel, turned serf and sang.

  "What are the conditions for taking me to the top?"

  "I want to see the number one women's clothing boss!"

  10 minutes later, the No. [-] women's clothing boss went online strongly: Listen to your wife, losing points is not terrible!
  Mu Xingchen: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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