Chapter 176
However, Ding Rulan's wealth made Xue An'an envious and jealous.

Originally, Xue Anan didn't want to get involved in the grievances between Ding Rulan and Sheng Qianyu, so he hid the account he was currently playing, and said that he no longer played games.

Unexpectedly, after she gave Ding Rulan the game information of Pei Jinghong and Sheng Qianyu, Ding Rulan immediately asked her to come over and teach her how to play the game.Ding Rulan was still unwilling to play a new account, so she directly asked her to pick out the best Bing Xin in Zangbao Pavilion and buy her a Double Eighteen Bing Xin.

Ding Rulan said that this account should be Xue An'an's reward for playing games with her. 10,000+, without blinking an eye, as a reward...

"She has always been scheming and good at calculating. Even if her true face is exposed, a large group of people will help her speak out. Anyone who disagrees with her will be sprayed with blood." Xue An said calmly, closing his eyes.

Ding Rulan sneered: "It's just a game, no matter how skilled she is, can she still turn the clouds and rain? I just don't believe in evil, and the game is so good that the money can't hold it down? Didn't you say that you used to fight in the game? Why? How to play? What do you mean by thugs?"

Xue An'an's mind suddenly became active, the Sheng family put pressure everywhere, and now she can't even find a job.If Ding Rulan wants to spend money in the game to form a hostile war force, ten steps and one kill, mixed management can get a lot of benefits.

However, Xue An'an didn't show his thoughts. Instead, he persuaded Ding Rulan: "Right now, being hostile to Pei Jinghong is the number one or second force in this game. We can just pick a force and add it. The best Bingxin won't go anywhere. Too much."

"You mean to let me be directed to go east and west every day?" Ding Rulan glanced at her dissatisfied, "You form a faction for me, and I will be the boss myself."

Xue An'an was overjoyed in his heart, but he didn't quite agree on the face: "To maintain a war force, besides manpower, money is also necessary. You have to book air tickets for people, reimburse the expenses of fighting, and hold some activities from time to time to win people's hearts... I think You should go to other people's forces, it takes time and effort to manage war forces."

"I can't afford to play the game?" Ding Rulan lost her temper, "You think that giving you 10,000+ is just to tell me how to play the game? I can't search online by myself, so it's up to you?"

"Stop talking nonsense, build up power for me now. You manage as you used to, now manage as you want, find anyone you need, and take care of the money." Ding Rulan said impatiently, "I'm looking at Sheng Qianyu now. I wish I could tear her apart, you bitch!"

"Okay." Xue An couldn't help but chuckled, and immediately spread the news to the Jiuli prefect area to establish a force, "What name do you want?"

"Mie Sheng!" Ding Rulan blurted out, "Mie Sheng Qianyu, so as not to be troubled by seeing her."

[System] [Baishu] applied to create a faction [Miesheng], and sincerely invites the elites of the Great Wilderness to join and fight for the Great Wilderness.

"Pfft..." Sheng Qianyu sprayed the computer screen with the boiled water he had just swallowed, and was choked up and coughed non-stop.

Hearing the sound, Pei Jinghong quickly put down the game and patted Sheng Qianyu on the back.

It took a while for Sheng Qianyu to recover, his face flushed from coughing.

"How much do you hate me? To build a power is called Mie Sheng." Sheng Qianyu sighed.

"Then let's destroy it first." Pei Jinghong didn't take this new force seriously.

"He's your childhood sweetheart." Sheng Qianyu teased, and suddenly, she remembered something, "Jinghong, when Zhutian just transferred to him, that Taixu named Gu Huohuo once told me in secret that their powerful The First Bing Xin is also your little green plum, specially transferred for you."


"It seems to be called Whale Fall."

"do not know."

"It seems that it is rare to see this big Bingxin online. Basically, it seems to be boosting or operating the account."

"That has nothing to do with us."

After thinking about it, Sheng Qianyu put the matter aside and ignored it.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Pei Jinghong's game. The big sprite Jing Ming had already knelt on the battlefield and returned to the pigsty.

"Why have you started to play the battlefield again recently?" Sheng Qianyu remembered that he had abandoned the battlefield for a long time after he played the same battle with his brother last time, and was afraid of meeting his brother again.

"Because Junwei's big killer doesn't go to the battlefield to harm people, the battlefield is still worth it." Pei Jinghong said that he discovered a long time ago that Sheng Junwei seemed to be obsessed with digging treasures and fishing, and he was often seen on the battlefield. A system that is a monster or something.

After observing for a period of time, Pei Jinghong has concluded that his brother-in-law is not interested in the battlefield, and every day he takes a fishing rod and a small iron catalpa to destroy the ecology of the wilderness.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's really not ordinary waste to use the Limin sword to dig treasures and fish, and kill chickens with a sledgehammer.

"Can your dislike be more obvious?" Sheng Qianyu gave him an angry look. Although it is a reality that her brother's hand is disabled, she doesn't want others to dislike him.

Pei Jinghong immediately changed his words: "It's definitely not disgusting."

Sheng Qianyu didn't bother to pay attention to him, so he drove the phone and passed to the south gate incognito, to see if there was any single enemy to catch.

She hopped around the south gate for a while, and walked around the stalls, and suddenly found that there were two small IDs who seemed to know each other: Mr. Zhang next door, and Mr. Li next door.These two numbers are both at level 30, turned into haystacks and set up a stall at the small stool at the south gate.

She clicked on it and saw that one was selling some lightness kung fu materials and buying daily groceries such as Lihuo Jing Ri Zang Ming Drilling Five Elements Essence, while the other was buying materials and props produced from boxes in the mall.

Her brother, actually started to set up a stall in the game and be a businessman?
"By the way, these two small stalls belong to brother, right?" Sheng Qianyu bumped into Pei Jinghong who was beside him, and pointed to the two haystacks at the south gate.

Pei Jinghong gasped in surprise: "Jun Wei started messing around in the game without going to the battlefield? He is in charge of a big company like Shengshi Group, so he wants to start a small business in the game?"

"I think it's pretty good, I'm optimistic about him becoming a profiteer!" Sheng Qianyu felt a little interesting.

Where there is a market, there are merchants, and those merchants who control a large market are also existences that cannot be underestimated in the game.

"I don't think it will be long before Mr. Wang next door will become the opponent of those big businessmen." Pei Jinghong can already foresee the future of the game market in the Great Wilderness.

"I don't know who influenced my brother to be like this, hey, he's actually digging treasures, and the system is letting go of demons."

"Ahem, he still goes fishing from time to time."


So my brother is tired after playing games for a while, and thinks that the life of an elderly person like digging treasures, fishing and setting up a stall is more suitable for him?
[Force] [Shangshu] Obsession: Whose reinforcements is the new force that was just established?They even directly set us as hostile. Do you know the power master Baishu?

 There will be three more later

(End of this chapter)

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