Black-bellied god, come to PK!

Chapter 192 I Believe In You

Chapter 192 I Believe In You
While talking, a kind old man with gray temples came down the stairs and was supported by others.

"Is this child Jinghong's girl?" Before finishing the stairs, the old man adjusted his glasses and stared at Sheng Qianyu carefully.

Sheng Qianyu got up when he heard the sound, and Pei Jinghong who was beside him had already walked over to help the old man, and said, "Grandpa, she is Qianqian, my girlfriend. Qianqian, this is grandpa."

"Hello, Grandpa!" Sheng Qianyu greeted quickly.

"Jinghong, don't bully others." Mr. Pei told Pei Jinghong with a smile.

Pei Jinghong helped the old man to the side of the sofa to sit down, and said with a smile: "You and your parents are protecting Qianqian, give me courage, and dare not bully Qianqian."

After all, Pei Jinghong looked at Sheng Qianyu and smiled.

Sheng Qianyu couldn't help but blushed, and secretly cursed Pei Jinghong in her heart.

When Mr. Pei saw this, the smile on his face became wider, and he was very satisfied with Sheng Qianyu.

The old man was talkative and funny, Sheng Qianyu gradually stopped being nervous.

Xiaobao, who came back from school, saw Sheng Qianyu, and was so happy that he threw his schoolbag into Sheng Qianyu's arms: "Why did you come to our house only now?"

"Little Treasure, don't be rude." A female voice reprimanded from behind.

"This is the elder brother and the elder sister-in-law." Pei Jinghong introduced to Sheng Qianyu a pair of handsome men and women who came in behind Xiaobao.

Sheng Qianyu greeted them one by one.

Pei Jinghong's sister-in-law smiled and said, "Xiaobao often mentions you in front of me, thank you for taking care of Xiaobao."

"You're welcome, Xiaobao is very cute, I like him very much." Sheng Qianyu said.

Xiaobao immediately hugged Sheng Qianyu tightly: "Mom, I didn't lie to you, my sister likes me very much."

"This child." Pei Jinghong's elder brother couldn't help laughing, "He always said in front of us that sister Qianqian is very good at craftsmanship, so let us urge my uncle to marry her back home."

"Yes, yes, sister, when will you marry uncle, then we can meet every day." Xiaobao hooked Sheng Qianyu's neck and asked eagerly, "From now on, I can eat French fries and fried chicken legs every day." .”

Pei Jinghong looked at Sheng Qianyu with a deep smile in his eyes.

Sheng Qianyu's face was as red as a burning cloud in the sky, but fortunately Mother Pei came out to rescue her: "Go, go, it's your uncle's job to propose, why are you just making do with it?"

"Then why are you marrying your sister, uncle?" Xiaobao threw the question to Pei Jinghong again.

Pei Jinghong smiled and patted his head: "My uncle is also working hard to get my sister to agree to marry my uncle."

The crowd suddenly laughed.

Sheng Qianyu's face gradually became less red.

Probably in order not to make Sheng Qianyu feel more comfortable, the members of the Pei family unkindly began to reveal interesting stories about Pei Jinghong's childhood and the origin of his name.

It turned out that Pei Jinghong's parents had always wanted a daughter after their eldest son was born.As soon as Pei's mother was pregnant with Pei Jinghong, the family began to prepare for the birth of a girl, hoping to give birth to a beautiful and well-behaved girl, so she named her Jinghong.

Later, another son was born, and Pei's mother cried when she thought about it. She was hospitalized for a week and refused to see the younger son. Later, the older son came to persuade her to accept the reality of having another son.The pre-production preparations are all useless, and the remaining name is just a way to talk about comfort.

When Sheng Qianyu heard this story, he looked sideways at Pei Jinghong and was overjoyed.Who would have thought that this proud son of heaven would be expected to be born as a daughter?Fortunately, Pei's mother didn't have a prenatal examination to determine her gender, otherwise there would be no Pei Jinghong today.

I spent the first time meeting my parents in such a harmonious and happy atmosphere.

After eating, when Sheng Qianyu went back, Pei Jinghong's grandfather and parents gave Sheng Qianyu gifts in addition to giving red envelopes to each other.

Sheng Qianyu refused, but Pei Jinghong helped her accept it. After returning to the car, he handed it to Sheng Qianyu: "Take it, this is their wish, and it proves that they are very satisfied with my future wife."

Sheng Qianyu squinted at him: "You didn't tell me in advance that I was frightened to death when I went to your house, so aren't you worried about my rudeness?"

Pei Jinghong smiled: "Don't worry, how could my wife be rude?"

"Who is your daughter-in-law, don't put gold on your face, okay?"

"There is no money, I just want to be a daughter-in-law!"

Sheng Qianyu had nothing to do with Pei Jinghong's scoundrel, but she felt flattered to be recognized by the Pei family.

"What have you been up to these days? It's more difficult to see you than the leader." Sheng Qianyu asked.

Pei Jinghong said: "There are many things at the end of the year. Besides, don't we still participate in the power competition? I have to arrange work in advance to spare time for competitions."

"After the power exercise is over, there will be national competitions and individual martial arts competitions. The finals of the national competitions will be held offline. Will you participate?"

"Go, why not go."

"Aren't you afraid of being recognized?"

"Playing games is not something shameful. If you recognize it, you will recognize it. It doesn't matter. At most the next day, the president of the Pei Group will be the headline of an Internet-addicted teenager. If you don't like it, I will find someone to suppress it."

"But I'm worried."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm worried that by then you will have a lot of rivals in love. After all, I'm so good-looking and playful, girls will definitely want to marry me."

Pei Jinghong laughed: "Then aren't you worried that someone will snatch me from you?"

Sheng Qianyu thought for a while: "It seems that it is not easy to snatch you away from me. First of all, you have to play the game better than me, and secondly, you have to make you fall in love at first sight. But you are good-looking and good at games, so what? Can it be found so easily?"

"So you're confident in yourself?"

"No, I have confidence in you, I believe you will not be snatched away."

Pei Jinghong took a deep look at Sheng Qianyu, then hooked her over, and kissed her tenderly...


new Year's Eve.

Pei Jinghong got off work early to pick Sheng Qianyu out for dinner.

In such a cold day, even though he was dressed tightly, Sheng Qianyu still wanted to turn back and use the heater to continue his life as soon as he went out the door.

Pei Jinghong grabbed her hand and put it in his pocket: "Why are you wearing so little when it's cold?"

"I'm already wearing long johns with fleece, two sweaters and a down jacket. It's still so cold today, maybe it's going to snow?" Sheng Qianyu complained, "The weather is so rascal, hands and feet are freezing!"

"We'll come back after dinner later, instead of counting down the New Year's Eve."

"No, it's cold and New Year's Eve. This is the first year we started, and there will be the second and third year after that. We have to keep checking in. I hope that every New Year's Eve will be with you in the future."

"it is good!"

Sheng Qianyu was enthusiastically planning how to spend the New Year's Eve in the future, Pei Jinghong listened quietly, and kept everything in mind.

Pei Jinghong looked at Sheng Qianyu's joyful expression, his eyes gradually filled with tenderness.

(End of this chapter)

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