Black-bellied god, come to PK!

Chapter 194 She is Undoubtedly

Chapter 194 She is Undoubtedly
[World] Jing Ming: Happy New Year everyone!
[World] Blue and White Porcelain: True Big Brother Series, wish 9999!

[World] Fanli: Wucao, it’s you, kid, you hid deep enough, you little one, come out and get beaten (knock on the head) @晶茶!

[World] Empty is color: (knocking on the wooden fish) The overlord is also secretly playing games.

[World] Elegy: (thumping the ground and laughing) Boss begging for cover.

[Tianxia] Gorgeous and beautiful young man: Is it because I stayed up too late that I hallucinated?What about my boss is my boss series?
[World] Fan Li: (slanting eyes) Prefect area, get over here @景茶
[Tianxia] Fenji: (stares) Boss, you are so unscrupulous, do you want to sell Jingming for a thousand miles and sell your influence?
[Tianxia] Especially you: (knocking on the wooden fish) jj you are the truth, it seems that the top of the cloud is about to break away from the alliance of extermination and enter the rhythm of King's Landing.

[Tianxia] Fen Liji: (squint eyes) From today on, all of you will stare at Jing Ming and kill hard. The one who kills the most times in a week will be rewarded with three Thunder Diamonds!


"Who is this Fanli?" Sheng Qianyu, who had been lying behind Pei Jinghong, asked.

"It should be someone who knows me, but I didn't guess who it is." Pei Jinghong said frankly, the account had already been spread to the Jiuli prefect area, and among the densely packed crowd, the jumping up and down on the steps of Fan Li was still conspicuous.

As soon as Jing Ming appeared, many conversation bubbles popped up in the crowd.

Most of the sleepless nights were probably caused by Pei Jinghong's marriage proposal.

Fan Li jumped in front of Jing Ming and circled around him.

Fanli wants Jingming to send out a PK application.

He is a heavy-hitting Yunlu, the kind of cloud god who was punished by heaven in the legend so that no grass can grow, and he is quite famous in the cross-server battlefield.

"Looking for abuse!" Pei Jinghong chuckled and accepted his PK application.

Sheng Qianyu pulled over the computer chair next to him, and sat aside to watch Jing Ming and Fanli compete.

Sprites and Yunlu were either killed in seconds or taken away by a set.

Obviously, Pei Jinghong's micromanagement was better, and after cheating Yunlu's Jianghu skills, he directly killed Yunlu in seconds.


【Current】Jing Ming: (slanting eyes)
【Current】Van Li: (turning the table)
【Current】Jing Ming: (the devil raises his fork)
"Are you guys going to use your expressions to decide the outcome?" Sheng Qianyu said with a smile, "I'm going to take a shower first."

"Go." Pei Jinghong turned his head and smiled at her.

Sheng Qianyu got up and left the computer room, Pei Jinghong looked at the game again.

[Secret Words] Stranger Fan Liji said to you: (Slanting eyes) I didn't expect you to engage in online dating!
[Secret language] The stranger Fan Liji said to you: (squinting eyes) I should have thought that Jing Ming was you, tsk tsk tsk, but I gave up this guess because I didn't believe you played the game.After coming back for so long and not coming out to get together, it turns out that I play games every day to flirt with girls.

[Secret language] Stranger Fan Liji said to you: (turns into a pig's head) Do uncles and aunts know that you are so depraved and addicted to games?
[Secret language] The stranger Fan Liji said to you: (turns into a pig's head) Pianruo Jinghong is Ding Rulan, right?
[Secret language] You said to Fanli: so, which rookie are you?
【Secret Words】The stranger Fan Liji said to you:  …

[Secret language] The stranger Fan Liji said to you: (turning the table) Pei!shock!Hong!
[Secret language] You said to Fan Liyu: (spreading hands) Bing Xin died on the battlefield, or he was killed in the wild, do you think you are good or bad?
[Secret Words] Stranger Fan Liji said to you: Come to PK with real people!

[Secret language] You said to Fanli: Hehe, have you ever won?
[Secret Words] The stranger Fan Liji said to you: friend, we can't talk like this.

[Secret Words] The stranger Fan Liji said to you: If I had known that Jing Ming was you, I would have switched to this server two years ago and chased you every day.

[Secret language] You said to Fanli: (spreading hands) Are you planning to enter and leave other people's alliances?

[Secret Words] Stranger Fan Liji said to you: I really can't continue talking today, you have already chatted to death!
[Secret Words] The stranger Fan Liji said to you: When will you come out and get together?Damn it, I've been playing games since I came back to Jiangcheng for so long and pretended to be dead!

[Secret language] You said to Fanli: Why, do you want to bribe me to perform military exercises at the end of the year?

[Secret language] The stranger Fan Liji said to you: (squinting eyes) What kind of person am I?
[Secret Words] The stranger Fan Liji said to you: Of course, if you are willing to let the water go, I, the top of the cloud, will be incorporated into your King's Landing Alliance.

[Secret language] You said to Fanli: It's late, wash up, wash up, go to sleep!
[Secret language] The stranger Fan Liji said to you: (squint eyes) Be careful Ding Rulan, she hates your girlfriend to the bone.Also, is that person named Bai Shu your former enemy? I always feel that Bai Shu is very familiar with Wu Ying!
When Pei Jinghong saw this sentence, the smile on his face gradually froze.

Those who were familiar with Sheng Qianyu, the first thing he thought of was Xue An'an.

Pei Jinghong immediately clicked on the list of members of the faction, and Qingya, Taixu, had indeed retreated.

He chatted privately about the obsession that was still online, and asked when Qing Ya quit.

It took me a long time to reply to him, Qingya quit for more than a month, saying it was selling a game with account A.

The timing was just right, coupled with Ding Rulan's series of operations, Pei Jinghong confirmed that Bai Shu was Xue An'an without a doubt.

Recently, he was so busy that he only rested for two or three hours a day, so he couldn't find time to teach Xue An'an a lesson. He didn't expect that this woman would not let her teach her away.It seems that it is time for Xue Anan to remember deeply that harming others has to pay a price!
[Secret Words] The stranger Fanli said to you: Where is the person?

[Secret Words] You said to Fanli: We will gather after the year-end military exercise. I'm busy recently.

[Secret language] The stranger Fan Liji said to you: (squinting eyes) Are you guarding against thieves?

[Secret Words] You said to Fan Li: You are the one to guard against.

【Secret Words】The stranger Fan Liji said to you: (Turn the table) (Turn the table) (Turn the table)
[Secret Words] You say to Fanli: (the devil raises his fork) Prepare to be beaten by me during the drill.

[Secret language] Stranger Fan Liji said to you: (Turn the table up) After chatting for a long time, will adding a friend kill you?

Only then did Pei Jinghong notice that there was a friend request.

After clicking on it, Pei Jinghong said, "..."

In this long list of applications, Fan Li's name has long been pushed to nowhere.So Pei Jinghong silently exited the friend request dialog box and sent a friend request to Fanli.

After Fanli agreed, he immediately went to the world to feel frightened again.

[World] Fanli: Jingming, you are finished!
Pei Jinghong finally understood, why this guy likes to gossip about people all over the world so much, did he use the Tianxia channel as a power channel?
Fortunately, such a prodigal thing is not killed every ten steps!
Big Tits, who usually goes offline at twelve o'clock, climbed into the game when it was close to two o'clock.

Pei Jinghong was about to ask him why he was online so late, but he sent an email first

[Email] Three hundred thoughts with pulse: Why didn't you answer the phone?Something happened to Ding Rulan!
(End of this chapter)

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