Black-bellied god, come to PK!

Chapter 198 Offline Party 2

Chapter 198 Offline Party 2
As soon as Jing Ming finished speaking, the rest of the people introduced themselves one after another.

Sheng Qianyu greeted them one by one, and his eyes stayed on the faces of Da Nai and Tao Zhiyao for a moment.

The big tits are handsome and feminine, extremely outstanding, and they are two types of Pei Jinghong, but they are not far behind when they stand together.Tao Zhiyao has a delicate baby face, at first glance, she looks as bright as a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

After Mojun and Panda settled their luggage, Pei Jinghong sent a message in the group, asking everyone to gather at Yipin Restaurant first.

When the group arrived at Yipin Restaurant, they found that there were already a dozen people waiting there.

Although it was the first time they met each other, after introducing themselves to each other, the awkwardness at the beginning was gone, talking and laughing like chatting on the power channel.

Of course, everyone's topic basically revolved around Big Tits and Pei Jinghong. After all, Big Tits once publicly admitted that she was Jing Ming's mistress, and Sheng Qianyu joined the ranks of making fun of her boyfriend unkindly, causing Pei Jinghong to pinch her frequently. touch her palm.

After getting familiar with each other, everyone finished laughing at Pei Jinghong and Big Tits, and then turned their guns on Sheng Qianyu and Pei Jinghong.

Under everyone's unanimous pressure, Pei Jinghong admitted with a smile that he entered the game for Sheng Qianyu, had a crush on Sheng Qianyu for many years, briefly told the story with Sheng Qianyu, and of course skipped all the unpleasant things.

While joking, everyone who signed up for the party has already arrived.

After the food was served, the men began to fight for wine. Fortunately, the girls all remembered that there was going to be a power battle, so they persuaded them.

The people in the management who wanted to get drunk all gave up resentfully.

The meal was very happy, and everyone was like friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, and there were topics of talking or not.

After eating, everyone went to an Internet cafe.

Seeing this, the network administrator and the people who surfed the Internet trembled in fright. They thought they were going to mess things up, and they almost called the police.

Fortunately, the cashier's response was quick to avoid misunderstandings.

Pei Jinghong originally wanted to sit with Sheng Qianyu, but the girls grabbed the seat too quickly, and all the people next to Sheng Qianyu were occupied, so Pei Jinghou had no choice but to choose another seat to sit down.

Obsessed with gloating: "Boss, do you have a strong sense of crisis? It feels like after this gathering, you have a lot of rivals in love."

Pei Jinghong glanced at him anxiously: "There are not many talismans in the treasury. As a minister, I hope you fill it up as soon as possible."

Obsession immediately stopped laughing.

The beautiful boy laughed loudly: "Er Nian, until today you are still trying to die, I really admire your courage."

Obsession glared at the beautiful boy: "Come on, come on, don't talk nonsense in one-on-one!"

The beautiful boy also shut up, he can't beat his obsession, what can he do.

Zhuan Nian is a big northern man with a height of 190. He is very handsome, but his skin is a little dark.As the name suggests, the handsome young man is gentle and fair. If one does not know his age, one would think he is a high school student, but this guy is already an executive of a listed company.

After everyone boarded the game, those who couldn't come to the party began to ask those present to share the party situation on the power channel.

Sheng Qianyu boarded both Yaoyao and Bing Xin, and deeply felt that the experience of spending money to play games is really different.

Elegy, who grabbed the position on Sheng Qianyu's left, leaned over: "It's not yet time for the power battle, goddess, quickly find a PK, I want to see the operation of the first female sprite!"

When the other girls heard the words, they all got up and gathered around, wanting to witness Sheng Qianyu's operation with their own eyes.

Sheng Qianyu generously agreed, and looked towards Pei Jinghong: "Which one of you wants to PK with me?"

"Me." The big tit said leisurely.

"Come to the prefect area." Sheng Qianyu said, and sent the fog shadow over.

The big milk has two sets of equipment, one poison and one mind, both of which are big wings. He wears a poison set and points Sheng Qian to PK.

Poison doctor beat sprites, a job that cannot be defended against, is very painful. Basically, the three poisons can kill sprites in seconds.

However, the poison doctor is as crispy as the monster, but the operation of the big tits is very powerful, and he is a well-known poison doctor in the whole server.When they were hostile before, Sheng Qianyu had sneaked up on Big Tits in the wild, and when he was wearing the condom, Sheng Qianyu would not miss him in a second, unless he blew himself up.

"Wuying, I think you should bow your head to Big Tits, there is no sprite that Big Tits can't deal with."

"Hahaha, that's right, the operation of the big tits is not covered."

"If you lose to Big Tits, will Boss come back to help you fight back?"


Before it even started, the boys started booing.

Girls here are not to be outdone:
"Our family's Wuying operation is not blown out, so there is no Bing Xin that cannot be killed. Have you been killed by Wuying?"

"Don't look down on girls anymore, Wu Ying is the number one female sprite, half and half PK with the boss."

"If Fog Shadow wins, what will you do?"


The two sides were arguing, which also attracted the attention of other Internet cafes.

Some curious ones also ran over to watch.

Sheng Qianyu and Da Nai ignored them and looked at the game screen seriously.

As the screen counted down, Wu Ying had already disappeared behind the big tits.

The big milk walks around with Xuanxiu skills and keeps sprites from getting close. This kind of PK is a test of micromanagement.

However, Sheng Qianyu's sprites played very insignificantly. After cheating the skills of the big tits, he rushed up three times. The big tits reacted very quickly, and the big poison opened the distance in seven steps, and the mist shadow still had dozens of points left. Blood, but the big tits have already been lost.

"I didn't even see how you press the skills!" Elegy was shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

"I lost." The big tit raised her head and looked at Sheng Qianyu.

Pei Jinghong smiled and gave Sheng Qianyu a thumbs up.

So the others refused to accept it, and ordered Sheng Qian to PK one after another.

In the end, they were all hanged and beaten by Sheng Qianyu.

Everyone howled.

A girl secretly took a video of the PK and sent it to the power group.

Everyone has to admit that Sheng Qianyu's hand speed is really too fast, and what's more, she is still playing the extreme output stream, she doesn't second anyone.

So far, ten steps, one kill, both male and female, have been convinced by Sheng Qianyu.

After the PK is over, it's time for the power battle.

The experience of sitting together and fighting was very novel for the people present. Everyone laughed and scolded to grab the power and fight for the head.

Probably due to the high morale, after the end of the power battle, ten steps and one kill actually took down 4 sacrificing platforms in the Jiuli area.

After a routine exchange of greetings with the enemy, everyone happily went offline to sing K and fight wine.

In the end, except for Big Tits and Pei Jinghong who didn't fall down, the other boys were drunk by the two.

I wanted to ask Xiaosan to perform the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss for everyone after drinking too much. His wife couldn't stop her, so the first offline party passed in such a jovial atmosphere.

Sheng Qianyu, Elegy and Yu Linling went back and forth three times before successfully sending the group of drunk cats back to the hotel.

After delivering everyone, Sheng Qianyu came back to pick up Pei Jinghong.

Pei Jinghong actually drank a lot. After arriving home, Sheng Qianyu helped him onto the bed, but he dragged him onto the bed, and that handsome face slowly enlarged in front of her...

(End of this chapter)

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