I made Daqin a prosperous world

Chapter 123 Wild King Han Xin Online Job Search

Chapter 123 Wild King Han Xin Online Job Search
"Could it be that the sky is going to kill me, Zhao Tuo?"

After losing his soul for a long time, Zhao Tuo raised his head and looked into the air, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Shuai Zhao, it's impossible to..."

Unexpectedly, just as Lin Ling opened his mouth, Zhao Tuo suddenly got up and drew out the long sword around the waist of the guard beside him.

Lin Ling only felt a chill on his neck, and the long sword had already arrived at the sound, touching his own neck.

"Isn't it?"

Zhao Tuo looked angrily at Lin Ling, the county guard, and asked back.

As the saying goes, when the knife rests on the neck, it will either come back after 18 years, or kneel down and beg for mercy.

With a muffled sound, Lin Ling chose the latter without hesitation.

"The last general thinks he didn't let anyone who can enter the city, so I ask Zhao Shuai to show mercy..."

"How many times has this commander explained that food and grass are the most important thing when the two armies are facing each other, and you have allocated [-] troops to you for city defense and military affairs. Now the granary is on fire, and you let our army starve to fight against the Qin army?"

In such a special period, Zhang Han's army threatened the city, and the granary in the city suddenly caught fire.

At this juncture, when such a thing happened, Zhao Tuo could only suspect that Zhang Han sent spies to sneak into the city and set fire to it.

Otherwise, relying on Lin Ling's behavior style, there are [-] troops in hand to defend the county and city.Even if a sparrow wants to fly over the city, as long as the defenders move their fingers, they can shoot it down, let alone a living person.

During this time, Lin Ling couldn't argue with his own words, no matter how much he thought about it, he still couldn't figure out which link went wrong.

At this moment, the fire in the granary had already spread. In order to avoid Zhao Tuo's suspicion, Li Yu asked Peng Xi to order thousands of soldiers to rush to the scene of the fire.

Just when he arrived at the fire site, Li Yu felt a wave of heat rushing towards his face, and the gray night sky was burned red by the fire.

Li Yu couldn't help being a little shocked, the kerosene he had someone find was so powerful?

Li Yu didn't allow Li Yu to think too much, but Peng Xi found hundreds of water buckets from nowhere and shouted loudly to put out the fire.

Li Yu originally thought that Peng Xi did all this just to put on a show, to prevent others from associating himself with the fire in the granary.

But I never thought that Peng Xi was really directing the fire extinguishing...

Li Yu looked around, and quickly reminded: "General Peng, don't work so hard."

Peng Xi's expression was a little unnatural, so he said: "Your Majesty, the fire is too big. If it is not controlled at this time, I am afraid that the fire will eventually spread to the surrounding people's houses."

Thinking that Peng Xi has lived here for many years, he naturally thinks more about the people here.

Li Yu quickly said: "The fire is indeed bigger than imagined. In order not to hurt the innocent people in the city, you hurry up and direct the fire, but don't extinguish it too quickly."

Seeing that Li Yu didn't stop him, Peng Xi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you for your understanding."

Li Yu nodded, then turned his gaze to the north of the city, and said to himself: "It's such a big fire, Zhang Han should have an idea."


As Li Yu thought, the fire was too great.

Even if Zhang Han's army is stationed fifty miles away, the patrol team can clearly see the fire in the direction of Hainan County City by taking advantage of the hilly terrain.

The patrol team didn't dare to delay, and quickly reported what they saw to Zhang Han.

This time Zhang Han summoned a group of subordinates, many of Li Yu's followers, such as Zhang Liang and Liu Bang, were present to participate in the discussion.

"According to the report from the soldiers on patrol, the direction of Hainan County is on fire, what do you think?" Zhang Han, who was the chief, asked.

Zhang Liang's expression moved, he had a conclusion in his mind, and then he cupped his hands and said: "In Liang's opinion, it must be Lord Hou who sent someone to set fire to send a signal for us."

As soon as Zhang Liang finished speaking, Xiao He asked with doubts on his face: "Zifang said that the fire in Hainan County was caused by Lord Hou. This is understandable, but what is the relationship between the fire and the release of the signal? If there is any relationship between the two , so how do you understand the signal released by Lord Hou?"

Before Zhang Liang opened his mouth to explain everyone's doubts, Han Xin, who always had his eyes above his head, suddenly stood up and interjected, "Brother Xiao, everyone, Mr. Han is not talented, so I would like to clear up the doubts for all the adults sitting here..."

It was Han Xin who had just joined Li Yu's sect, had been famous for a long time, and was not even qualified to take the seat, which really made Han Xin feel aggrieved.

Now hearing the question from Xiao He's soul, everyone was puzzled, and Han Xin thought he had seen through everything, so he volunteered to show his talent.

Han Xin recommended himself, which seemed normal to Xiao He and others.

Because none of Li Yu's subordinates had anything to eat, and Li Yu was able to accept Han Xin because he felt that Han Xin was superior.

Zhang Han, on the other hand, was shocked. Although Han Xin hadn't heard his opinion yet, he dared to recommend himself, which in Zhang Han's view was a sign of confidence.

So much so that Zhang Han felt a sour taste in his heart, how could a random guard under Junhou's hands come out and be able to solve people's doubts?

Zhang Han took a look at Han Xin, and saw that Han Xin was tall and long-armed, with a white face and a beardless face, and a long sword on his waist. A closer look made people feel that he was extraordinary.

While Zhang Han was shocked, he was also a little curious, wanting to see if Han Xin was a real talent.

Then Zhang Han said, "The people in the tent can speak freely."

Han Xin was overjoyed when he heard the words. He knew that his chance to perform had come, but he stepped forward without hesitation, bowed his hands towards the crowd, and said, "Thinking of the king's strategy of cheating and attacking, because Zhao Tuo The barbarians were recruited and forced to infiltrate into the city of Hainan County, and the fire in the city happened not long after the Junhou entered the city, so it is not difficult for you to guess that the fire is most likely caused by the Junhou."

When Han Xin said this, he did not forget to glance at the people in the seats.

Seeing that everyone couldn't help agreeing, Han Xin said again: "And it is confirmed that this fire is related to Junhou, then it is not difficult to guess what Junhou intends to do next..."

People like Liu Bang and Xiao He who don't understand why listened to Han Xin's analysis with some insights, but they didn't want everyone to be excited when they heard it, but Han Xin suddenly gave up.

Xiao He, who knew Han Xin very well, didn't want Han Xin to be too ostentatious, so he offended everyone, and quickly said: "Brother Han, go ahead, don't be a fool."

Liu Bang twitched the corner of his mouth, and echoed: "That's right, time is very tight now, what are you trying to do here?"

Han Xin originally wanted to use this to make people ask questions, to make himself more critical, but he didn't expect it to be counterproductive, making everyone roll their eyes.

This is awkward...

Han Xin didn't speak up, and it didn't matter if he didn't speak up. Fortunately, Zhang Han didn't have much opinion, so he said, "Han Guard, go ahead."

Hearing that Zhang Han called himself a "guard" on the spot, Han Xin couldn't help but turn dark, and asked himself: Do I look like a guard?


Could it be that I have a sword on my waist and I am taller, so that the general misunderstood me?
In the blink of an eye, Han Xin had many thoughts in his mind, and everyone's eyes were refocused on him.

Han Xin coughed and continued: "My lords are all the generals of the empire seeking talents. Before answering the question, Han asked you a question."


(End of this chapter)

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