I made Daqin a prosperous world

Chapter 216 Soldiers return, Qin land expands

Chapter 216 Soldiers return, Qin land expands

In the autumn of the 37th year of the Qin Emperor's calendar, Li Yu, the Great Qin Taiwei, personally led an army of [-] cavalry in the Northern Expedition, defeating the Huns and returning home.

For this reason, the First Emperor Yingzheng went [-] miles north of Xianyang to meet him. It can be seen that Li Yu's achievements are enough to shock the whole country, and his name will go down in history.


At the same time when the report on the battle situation and the request for meritorious service were sent to Xianyang, the Xiongnu Shanyu Maodun, the national teacher Fan Zeng, and Zuo Xianwang Yiweilu were all taken to Xianyang Prison.

It was also these three people who appeared in the Qilin Hall in the form of captives, which made Yingzheng Longyan Dayue decide immediately to let all civil and military officials accompany him to the north of Xianyang for thirty miles to personally welcome Li Yu, the Huns who won the Northern Expedition teacher.

Civil and military officials were shocked on the spot.

For nothing else, you must know that Xianyang City is more than a hundred miles long and wide, and there is no city wall around it.

Under Ying Zheng's arrangement, it was equivalent to taking all the civil and military officials all the way north for about [-] miles to welcome Li Yu back.

Such a situation of laboring teachers and mobilizing people is unique in the history of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Even counting the dynasties throughout history, I have never seen any monarch or emperor do this to his subjects...

But the words of the first emperor Yingzheng are now the truth, as long as Yingzheng said it, it is correct.

Think of Zongzheng Zhaopu, who often challenged Yingzheng, returned to his hometown and turned into a cup of loess shortly after Li Yu led the army to go out.

And the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms who secretly challenged the first emperor were reduced to grasshoppers after being emptied by Li Yu, and it can be said that they were at the mercy of Ying Zheng.

All of this has a great relationship with Li Yu.

And Ying Zheng paid so much attention to Li Yu, as a civil and military official who lived a long time and saw a lot.As long as you don't want to follow in Zhao Pu's footsteps, then you can only silently follow the mainstream and follow the steps of Shihuang Yingzheng.

Even if it's an old stubborn who didn't understand it for a while, when he looked back and saw the current situation of Xiangguo Li Si, he might think twice.

In today's Great Qin, the first emperor is respected, and Li Yu is respected.

Those who criticize Li Yu have already been included in the ranks of villains who have alienated relations by Ying Zheng's small books.

North of Xianyang City, Ying County.

At this time, Ying County was extremely quiet inside and outside, the gold-encrusted black dragon flag was swaying in the wind, and the exclusive dragon chariot of Shihuang Yingzheng was also quietly displayed in the rustling autumn wind.

Civil and military officials followed closely behind, one by one clasping their hands in circles, bowing and waiting for something.

All the counties and counties in Daqin have already announced the good news of exterminating slaves.As Qin Min, as local residents of Ying County, they also endured the ecstasy and excitement in their hearts, put down their work one after another, and waited quietly in the autumn wind.

When the sun was high in the middle and a breeze blew up outside the north street, the imperial guards lined up there suddenly waved the black dragon flag in their hands.

At this moment, Meng Yi, who had been waiting outside the dragon's carriage for a long time, suddenly said to the dragon's carriage: "Your Majesty, the Taiwei has arrived."

Inside the dragon chariot, Long Yanxiang swayed slightly, and Ying Zheng, who was a little fat, suddenly opened his eyes, then got up and said, "Order the music officer to play a triumphant music."

After finishing speaking, I saw Meng Yi lightly waved his hand towards the music officer beside him, and then a burst of chime bells played melodiously.


Li Yu was a little confused, although he knew that the Xiongnu returned from the Northern Expedition in a big victory, and Ying Zheng would definitely express something.

But he never expected that Ying County, which was still two hundred miles away from Xianyang City, would suddenly appear guarding the street, and it was even more unexpected that the court music exclusively in Xianyang Palace would appear in this small Ying County at this time.

The chime bells are melodious, and the silk and bamboo are crisp. This is the second piece of music that Li Yu heard after the continuation of Zhang Liang's Song of Chushui.

The music reveals Xiao Sha, majestic, and finally turned into passion, even a novice in music theory like Li Yu can feel it, this is a triumphant song composed of victory.

Just as Li Yu felt, this song of Kaile is a new work by Ying Zhengming's palace musicians recently, and it is specially composed for Li Yu's army that has returned in triumph.

With the street in sight, Li Yu was mentally prepared. After all, the imperial army, the black dragon flag inlaid with gold, and court music are all standard equipment for Yingzheng. If Yingzheng is not here, Li Yu naturally does not believe it.

The familiar dragon chariot, the familiar gold-encrusted dragon robe, and the familiar court uniforms of civil and military officials.

At this time, Li Yu was moved to tears by the atmosphere here.

Seemingly seeing its former owner, the Shenhuo horse neighed along with the music like it was having fun.

Li Yu patted the Shenhuo horse's neck lightly, then got off the horse and walked straight towards the familiar figure in front of the dragon chariot.

"My humble minister Li Yu, pay homage to His Majesty the First Emperor."

"Good! Good! Just come back!"

Seeing Li Yuren and hearing Li Yu's words, Yingzheng's Gujing Wubo's face was so excited that he said three good words again and again.

The emperor through the ages, in this situation, Li Yu, who was supported by Ying Zheng, couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart.

At this moment, all the civil and military officials behind Ying Zheng also shouted together: "Master Gong Taiwei has returned triumphantly, and the territory of the Great Qin Dynasty will never be disturbed again."

As soon as these words came out, no matter how serious Li Yu pretended to be, he couldn't help grinning.

After the sound of happy music stopped, Li Yushi withdrew his arm from Yingzheng's hand, and then cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty greets you like this, it makes me feel ashamed and terrified, and I don't know what to say."

Ying Zheng looked at Li Yu's surprised and inexplicable look, and couldn't help but smiled happily: "The Taiwei personally led [-] cavalry to the Northern Expedition, which instantly disintegrated the century-old trouble of the Huns, and even laid down a large territory for me to sweep away. It is also right to greet each other on the couch, not to mention that Lord Taiwei will be my future son-in-law, hahahaha."

No matter how thick-skinned Li Yu was when he heard the word son-in-law, he couldn't help but blush when he heard this word in front of civil and military officials and ordinary people.

After a while, Li Yu was able to respond to Ying Zheng with the words "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your generosity".

Yingzheng knew that Li Yu's first contribution to this great victory was due to Li Yu's first contribution, but the generals and advisers behind Li Yu should treat them equally, so he said: "The building will fall, and the ministers who will be supported; The tiger will protect my rivers and mountains. The soldiers are lucky."

The Minister of Zai Fu mentioned by Ying Zheng is Li Yu, and the counselor Tiger General obviously refers to Li Cunxiao and Zhang Liang who are behind Li Yu.

Seeing that his family's recruiter was beaten by Ying Zheng's words, his blood surged up, and there was an aura of loyalty and dedication to the country, Li Yu could only sigh secretly: "Sure enough, the imperial technique is more popular."

Don't look at Liu Bang, Zhang Liang's favorability has broken through one hundred, and he followed him sincerely.

But after all, it is like investing in later generations. Li Yu bought his own future, which is incomparable with Ying Zheng, the top leader of the dynasty.

After all, as long as Shihuang Yingzheng is still alive and Daqin continues to turn so well, it will be nice for Yingzheng to fart.

But then again, Li Yu didn't intend to replace him, he just wanted to be jealous.

After Yingzheng finished communicating with the soldiers, he beckoned and brought Li Yu onto the dragon chariot, and the laborious welcoming ceremony came to an end.

The civil and military officials who followed the dragon chariot to eat ashes also knew in their hearts that the young man who was the head of the official at the age of [-] and who had been sitting on the dragon chariot several times with Yingzheng, in the next few decades of the Great Qin Dynasty, I am afraid No one can shake his position.

"Master Feng's eyesight is as sharp as the forging knives of your casting department. I admire you."

After this incident, civil and military officials who couldn't get Li Yu's flattery, instead flattered Feng Yansheng's.

(End of this chapter)

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