I made Daqin a prosperous world

Chapter 230 Cotton Out, Great Qin Sheng

Chapter 230 Cotton Out, Great Qin Sheng

The next day, outside Longxi County.

Dozens of officials, big and small, all followed an old man, and then he heard the old man say passionately:

"The scenery on the frontier is rather lonely, not the yellow sand is better than the yellow sand."

"It's so golden and white, it doesn't look like a scene."

The speaker was none other than Wang Jian, a veteran who had been sent by Li Yu to reclaim wasteland in Longxi County for several months.

Seeing the cotton vegetation with white flowers and half a person's height growing in the field dug out by hoe after hoe, the veteran Wang Jian couldn't help himself.

This is much more nervous than when he first entered the battlefield.

If, as Li Yu said, cotton is a good material to keep out the cold, then the value of the clusters and individual cotton in front of you will be immeasurable.

In the winter of Daqin, especially in Yanmenguan and Shangjun, countless soldiers and civilians died of cold waves every year.

If all this is true...

Although Wang Jian is old, his vision is still as vicious as when he was young. He sees the hope of expedition.

"Hurry up, hurry up and recruit some civilians to help with the picking." Wang Jian said excitedly.

Tong Mao, as the parent officer of a county and the governor of Longxi County, was deeply touched by the old general Wang Jian's expression.

Longxi County does not produce grain or raw materials, and it relies on the tax revenue brought by animal husbandry every year. If it is said that the tax goes to the national treasury, it is almost equivalent to nothing.

Aside from the existing and thriving animal husbandry industry, Longxi County under his rule has a new industry, cotton planting.

Then he, Tong Mao, followed Wang Jian happily to watch and study, and was always ready.

Now witness the successful trial planting of the first cotton.

When he heard that Wang Jian needed to recruit civilians to pick cotton, Tong Mao immediately stood up bravely, and then hurriedly led several subordinate officials towards the city.

In Tong Mao's view, this batch of cotton cannot be lost, and he has to personally check the cotton picking civilians.

Veteran Wang Jian held the cotton in his hand carefully, and peeled off the cotton seeds one by one like a cocoon.

"A cotton flower has seventeen seeds."

This is the exact number of seeds that Wang Jian obtained from a cotton flower.

"This is only the first trial planting of dozens of acres. If we calculate the number of seeds produced by each bud, it will be hundreds of acres next year."

Wang Jian said with his own words, and Wang Ben, the tiger next to him, had bright eyes and said excitedly: "It's very cold in the north, and our Great Qin soldiers have been suffering from the cold for years. Now that we have cotton clothes, wouldn't our Great Qin's iron hooves be useless again?" Danger to stop it?"

Wang Jian and Wang Ben looked at each other, and then narrowed their eyes slightly.

Wang Jian said with a smile, "I heard that a wave of foreign troops came to Beijing recently, and they are being used by the prince to train our Daqin army."

"Now that the cotton has matured again, after it is picked, it can be sewn with other materials to make warm clothes, which is enough to support an army of 10 people across the north of Dragon City."

Both Wang Jian and Wang Ben, father and son, have served the Qin Dynasty for decades, and they were both good leaders in battle. Naturally, they can see through the huge energy hidden behind this little cotton.

Today's Great Qin has no internal and external troubles, advanced armaments, abundant food and horses, sufficient treasury and taxation, medical care, and people, everything is prosperous.

Now that there is something that can withstand the severe cold, it is enough to see that Daqin's new hegemony is about to start.

Wang Jian is over seventy years old and has no heart.

But Wang Ben was different. He was only in his forties when he retired like his father Wang Jian, and he was only in his forties when he retired to the farm, and he is not even in his fifties now.

And now Daqin is different, to be exact, Yingzheng is different.


Beijing, Xianyang.

The textile workshop in the south of the city has long been built and covered.

The bustling merchants and vendors on the main road, from west to east, were all cleared to both sides of the street.

clang clang~
"Today, Daqin will bring important supplies to Beijing. I hope that the people in the city will understand and cooperate with law enforcement." The sound of gongs was accompanied by shouts.

Riding the allotted Xiongnu BMW, Zhao Youting, the governor of Gyeonggi, who is in charge of security in Gyeonggi, smiled.

Originally, Zhao Youting, who had never dared to imagine that the local security forces could one day ride a first-class horse, felt like he was dreaming at this moment.

Not only did he distribute Xiongnu BMWs to the civil officials of the internal history, but dozens of security forces in the internal history government behind him were also equipped with the best horses produced by the Xiongnu.

No, Zhao Youting accepted the security task specifically assigned by Li Yu, so he simply assembled the team and personally led the team to the streets to maintain law and order.

He knew that the supplies that were about to arrive came from Longxi, and that they were personally escorted by Wang Ben, the former general of the Great Qin Dynasty and the Marquis of Tongwu.

Coupled with the fact that autumn has turned cooler recently, a large number of textile workshops have been expanded in the south of the city.

Combining the two things together, Zhao Youting has guessed that this important material refers to the raw material 'cotton' for clothing.

After all, ever since he hurriedly touched the padded jacket that Li Yu brought to the court that day, he, Zhao Youting, dreamed of having a decent thing to keep out the cold to survive this cold winter.


At noon, the sun is on the club head.

The sound of gongs outside the west gate came to mind, and a huge convoy from Longxi County slowly drove into Xianyang City and into the south of the city.

There is a saying that goes, the early bird catches the worm, and businessmen don't get early if they can't make a profit.

The tree that Li Yu planted by himself, now that the fruit is ripe, Li Yu naturally wants to take the first bite.

Therefore, Li Yu, the righteous master, waited early in the south of the city, in a textile shop called 'Daqin No. [-] Workshop', waiting for the cotton he was thinking of to arrive in the workshop.

This first workshop is not Li Yu's private property.

He came because of the face of his father-in-law, Ying Zheng.

Because Ying Zheng agreed to Li Yu, he could get [-]% of the bonus every year.

Li Yu should come and take a look at this good thing about falling pie in the sky and counting money lying down, whether it is public or private.

Although, I know that this is the helpless move of my father-in-law Yingzheng, and it is a money offensive that I thought up to tie myself firmly.

But Li Yu considers himself an unavoidable ordinary person, so the money offensive against the old man is very useful.

Seeing boxes of cotton filling the warehouse, Li Yuxiao's ears almost burst.

In the eyes of others, the box is filled with white cotton, which is something to keep out the cold, but in Li Yu's view, it is innumerable real gold and silver, which is the future of Daqin.

After unloading the cargo, seeing that Wang Ben seemed to have something to say, Li Yu immediately stepped forward and asked, "The general seems to have something to say to me?"

Seeing that Li Yu took the initiative to ask, Wang Ben immediately smiled, clasped his fists slightly and said, "I resigned to serve the people like my father, and now I only have one title left. You should speak out my name, Mr. Taiwei."

"Huh?" Li Yu couldn't help being surprised, Wang Ben was willing to hide in the countryside for a craftsman woman, but now it seems that he wants to be an official again.

Li Yulue understood what he meant, and immediately smiled and said: "The prosperity of the Great Qin Dynasty is beginning to appear, and the hegemony will also rise again."

"If the general is willing to re-enter the barracks and contribute to the prosperous hegemony, then His Majesty will be delighted."

A look of joy appeared on Wang Ben's face, he cupped his hands and said, "Back then, I resigned from office and lived in seclusion in the countryside. I was ashamed of the first emperor, and now I still hope that Lord Taiwei will make the decision."

Wang Ben knew that the past scenery would not be the same with the passage of time, and if he wanted to join the army again, he only needed Li Yu, who was a captain, to nod his approval.

Wang Ben simply took his father Wang Jian's instructions before leaving, and lowered his head to Li Yu.

"The general is serious." Li Yu was startled, and then he stretched out his hand and said: "Daqin's current grand occasion cannot be separated from the general's ability to lead the army in the past, and it is also an outstanding feat that time will not erase.

Although I, Li Yu, are highly valued by His Majesty, and I shoulder the post of Taiwei, I can't be compared with the general's loyalty and bravery. "


is the day.

Tong Wu Hou Wang Ben re-entered the army, the news spread, and the Great Qin Empire was restored with a handsome man.


next month.

An 80-year-old man entered Xianyang and recommended himself to the Junhou Mansion.

This old man is called the God of Army Array by later generations.

At the end of the same year.

Li Yu summoned Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, who were not enlisted in the army as generals.


Qin Huangli 40 years, spring.

The first emperor Yingzheng retreated behind the scenes, and the crown prince supported Su Qinzheng in the front.

Taiwei Li Yu personally led an army of 20 to Longcheng...

(End of this chapter)

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