Chapter 24
The Shipbuilding Department is under the jurisdiction of the Shaofu, and has handovers with the Yanjian, Zhilicao, and many prefectures.

"Lord Feng, don't worry, although His Majesty has dumped the shipbuilding department to Ben Hou, it is still under the jurisdiction of your young mansion."

Hearing Li Yu's words, Feng Yansheng's face softened, and he nodded helplessly looking at the palaces outside the door.

Seeing that Feng Yansheng changed his talkative attitude before, Li Yu was hesitant to speak, and then asked, "Master Feng, are you still leaving?"

Feng Yansheng looked at Li Yu and waved his hands, and said with a smile, "It's all right, I'm just having a headache for tomorrow morning."

Li Yu was a little suspicious, but since Feng Yansheng didn't say anything, it was hard for him to ask, so he left Xianyang Palace immediately.

Seeing Li Yu leave, Feng Yansheng felt distressed.

Even though I got on the warship of the Junhou Mansion, there will definitely be a lot of quarrels in Xianyang Palace tomorrow morning, especially the two old men Zhi Li Nei Shi Liang Yong and Yan Supervisor Tan Weishan...

Thinking of this, Feng Yansheng, who is used to seeing big winds and waves, couldn't help but get a headache, sighed and shook his hands away.

From the perspective of Li Yu's two generations, he can still guess why Ying Zheng, who is an authoritarian, suddenly became a shopkeeper.

This change may be regarded as a signal released by Ying Zheng.

Lao Zhao is about to start preparing for the reserve!
Apart from this reason, Li Yu couldn't think of anything else that could make Ying Zheng lose power.

For example, in the Three Dukes and Nine Ministers of the Great Qin Dynasty, only the position of Taiwei has been vacant for many years. Anyone with a discerning eye can easily understand why the highest position in the military power has been vacant.

Although the matter of asking for the shipbuilding workshop is for shipbuilding, Li Yu also has other plans.

As the land of fish and rice in the south, and even in Southeast Asia, wouldn't it be a waste if such a super granary is left undeveloped?
But if you want to develop the south of the empire, you must conquer the Baiyue kingdoms.

At this time, Baiyue was beaten by General Tu Ju and Deputy General Zhao Tuo, and two counties were ceded, but Qin State also paid a heavy price.

The 50 mixed army (prisoners, coolies) attacked Baiyue in five ways. In the end, the general Tu Ju died under the poisonous arrows of the Yue people, and the army was reduced to 21. They could only be stationed in the Lingnan area. Can't get in.

From this point of view, conquering Baiyue really gave Li Yu a headache.

Finding an opportunity to contact Zhao Tuo, the current deputy general of the Lingnan Army, is Li Yu's other plan.

Although he said that there was no injustice or enmity, and he didn't even know him, Li Yu couldn't pretend that Zhao Tuo didn't exist because he was able to take advantage of the chaos at the end of Qin Dynasty and claim to be Emperor Wu.

When I think of Zhao Tuo, I think of Liu Bang who is the head of the pavilion in Peixian County, Xiang Yu who has returned from a violent run, and Xiang Liang who is hiding in the dark.

Li Yu couldn't help but rubbed his temples, and looked at the 20 people who were practicing in the courtyard and muttered to himself.

"Grandma's leggy, neither of these are fuel-efficient lamps."

Waiting for the bright moon in the sky, Li Yu wrote a memorial in the study, and then turned back to the bedroom, and fell asleep with his clothes on.

From the fifth watch to the third watch...

Li Yu suddenly opened his eyes, his heart skipped a beat, he got up, put on his shoes and went out the door with a roar.

This is the first time for Li Yu to experience the morning court. It is somewhat similar to a weekly meeting, roughly three or five times a month, but getting up at three in the morning is really unacceptable.

"Xuan Baiguan has an audience~"

Li Yu hurried to the Xianyang Palace, and heard Lao Yinyang's loud announcement coming from the palace, followed by a group of dark shadows slowly entering the Xianyang Palace.

"How are you dear ladies these days?"

It is rare for Ying Zheng to be in a good mood this month, with a clear mind, and he has become kind and amiable when facing all the officials, saying hello.

But if anyone really thinks that he is kind and amiable, he will definitely feel what it means to kill with eyes.

All the officials praised him one after another, he ate well, slept well, and was in good health, and even the operation of the empire became better and better.

But at this moment, a person suddenly stood in front of the hall, who looked like an old man, with a haggard face, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to announce."

Ying Zheng saw that it was Zhi Su Nei Shi Liang Yong who stood up, and he knew what was going on in his heart, but he still said calmly: "What's the matter with Liang Qing, just say it."

Zhi Su Nei Shi Liang Yong is sixty and four years old this year, his figure is a bit hunched, and his expression is stern, he said: "I heard that Your Majesty wants to privately own the shipbuilding department?"

Ying Zheng nodded and said, "Exactly."

Liang Yong's expression changed when he heard the words, and he said with a smile: "That's the case, Your Majesty wants me to hand over the food to smugglers and pay the freight to private individuals?"

Before Yingzheng could speak, Li Siwen raised his eyebrows immediately, and said with a smile, "Master Liang is sleepy, the shipbuilder is in charge of the transportation of the imperial ships, but both public and private belong to Daqin, so even if you have to pay the freight, you will naturally pay it." treasury."

Liang Yongwen was at a loss for words, and the well-thought-out rhetoric seemed to be useless, so he looked at Yan Supervisor Shi Tan Weishan.

Tan Weishan was a little younger than Liang Yong, he glanced at Feng Yansheng who was standing still and bowed his head, stepped forward two steps and cupped his hands and said: "What Xiangguo said is not appropriate, Your Majesty, this shipbuilding department is concerned with the basics of people's livelihood such as salt and grain. If it is handed over to private management, it is tantamount to enfeoffing the land, which is one of them;

As we all know, whether it is grain transportation or salt transportation, the ships transported must be escorted by imperial sergeants. Previously, they were escorted by the local army of the county and county, and then changed to the jurisdiction of the Shaofu army. Regardless, the formation of the army should be placed under the jurisdiction of the Xianjunhou, this is the second;

If it was under the supervision of Master Feng, the supervisor of the Shaofu, one of the dignified nine ministers should have been governed by Lord Xiangguo on behalf of His Majesty, but now he has become a subordinate of the Junhou Mansion, which is really against the rules. "

Most of the officials at the scene understood the principle of being wise and protecting themselves, and they were not concerned with their own affairs.

But he never thought that Tan Weishan, the salt supervisor, could speak so well, as if he was talking about everyone's sleepiness.

Ying Zheng seemed to be calm and calm, sitting on the dragon chair, but his heart was full of resentment.

Granny with legs!
Earlier, I wished to criticize my monopoly as worthless, and preaching and enfeoffing is the kingly way; now I want to decentralize power, and it is against the rules to keep my mouth shut.

When Liang Yong saw Ying Zheng, Li Si's expression was indifferent, and he frowned and said, "Master Tan's words are very true. If you let the princes take care of this, it's not appropriate to have a private army."


Baiguan said silently: These two old guys can really sing, can they sing quickly and go back to sleep?

Thinking about thinking, Tan Weishan cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Master Liang's words are reasonable, and I second my opinion."

The two reeds in the hall became more and more violent, Li Yu stopped for a moment, leaned against the doorpost, closed his eyes and waited for the good news.

Only at this moment did Li Yu understand why Feng Yansheng was hesitant to speak yesterday, he must have guessed that there will be a scene in the courtroom today.

Setting up a stage and singing is also a delicate skill. As an emperor, Yingzheng has the essence, and immediately said: "Feng Qing, what do you think?"

Before the words fell, all the officials were cheered up, and the main character appeared on the stage, and the good show came.

Feng Yansheng was unmoved before, just waiting for the signal from Yingzheng.

Feng Yansheng and Yanjian lived under the same roof, both were officials from the Shaofu, but the two had always been at odds.

Seeing Yingzheng's kiss now, Feng Yansheng took two steps forward, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty Qizuo, my young mansion has a very wide jurisdiction, ranging from money, silver, salt and tax, to everything as small as a hundred craftsmen, what Master Tan said is also true." Not without reason."

Feng Yansheng, who had never dealt with him before, would actually speak to him. Although Tan Weishan was surprised, he was overjoyed.

Tan Weishan was about to clasp his hands to agree, but unexpectedly Feng Yansheng changed the subject and shouted: "Your Majesty, it is inappropriate for the shipbuilding department to be used for both people's livelihood and military affairs. Since salt and food are the foundation of people's livelihood, it is not appropriate to arrange Master Liang and Master Tan again." With such a tacit understanding, I feel that there is nothing wrong with the two becoming one family."

The faces of Liang Yong and the two changed drastically, and they said in unison: "Your Majesty, you must not listen to it."

Feng Yansheng didn't care about it, and said: "Now the people can recuperate and live, and the salt and food are not separated so that the operation can be better, and it is convenient for the people.

From now on, my young mansion will only focus on casting gold and stone armor, ships and chariots, and concentrate on the imperial crafts to take off. "

Everyone knows that the Shaofu has set up a first prison and a second Shaofu, and one of them is still vacant. Now this is an attempt to kick off Tan Weishan and stand on his own.

Baiguan couldn't help but gasp, this Feng Yansheng usually doesn't show mountains or waters, how can he be so sharp now.

Tan Weishan's face was red, and he hurriedly shouted: "Your Majesty, this plan will definitely not work, the salt mine should be under the management of the Shaofu..."

Li Yu saw clearly that Feng Yansheng was one of his own, and it would be more beneficial for him to monopolize Jiuqing's young mansion. The corner of his mouth twitched and he shouted loudly: "I think Master Feng's words are reasonable, and I agree with you."

The palace was already a little dark, and Li Yu had kept the Huangmen secret before, but Yingzheng was a little surprised when he opened his mouth at this moment.

Baiguan thought that there were not many plays today, and they didn't eat anything before going to court, but Liang and Tan had been singing on the stage for a long time, and now they are already hungry and their legs are numb.

Even if Li Si's face-to-face kung fu has been cultivated to a high level, he couldn't help but roll his eyes, and secretly said angrily:
Damn, I've seen a ghost. If a prince doesn't have a military position, he doesn't need to go to court. What kind of trouble is going to happen with this fairy prince...

Li Yu didn't care so much, walked up to Li Si swaggeringly, held a memorial in both hands, and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, I have something to announce."

In fact, there were not many court affairs in the Qin Dynasty. They were basically just a formality. Most of them were usually submitted to the memorial, and Yingzheng and Li Si divided the labor and handled it privately.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Ying Zheng's stomach growled...

"Cough cough~"

Zhao Gao came to his senses and coughed quickly.

Yingzheng's face darkened under the dim light, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "You don't need to go to court, since you are here... then submit the memorial."


Ying Zheng...

 Happy holidays everyone, big chapter sent.

(End of this chapter)

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