I made Daqin a prosperous world

Chapter 30 The Divine Doctor Hua Tuo

Chapter 30 The Divine Doctor Hua Tuo
At this time, Li Yu had forgotten all the three things that were played earlier, and focused all his attention on the road.

Thinking of what the soldiers said before, Li Yu had some guesses. Zhao Yun drove the carriage very fast, and only a cloud of dust could be seen on Qin Zhidao.

After traveling for a long time, in a county town about a hundred miles north of Xianyang City, I found the army sent by Meng Yi to meet Young Master Fusu stationed outside the city.

Li Yu and Li Yu approached immediately, and revealed their identities and entered the city. Seeing the martial law in the whole city, Li Yu couldn't help but shook his head and said, "It seems that Fusu's situation is not optimistic."

After revealing his identity all the way, he entered the county magistrate's mansion. The county magistrate Lu Feng heard that His Majesty's most trusted person today, Li Yu, a national scholar and immortal monarch, came to the mansion and greeted him quickly.

Li Yu casually asked about the situation, but Lu Feng didn't dare to hide it. The situation of the young master Fusu is not optimistic, so Li Yu could have come here as the first emperor, and then said: "Young master's left arm was scratched by a poisonous arrow, and he has fallen into a coma at this time.

As many as 70 soldiers were poisoned in this attack, more than [-] of them died on the spot, and the rest of the soldiers were in the same condition as the son, falling into a coma. "

The county magistrate Lu Feng described his condition, while the old medical officer was running around anxiously.

Cai Miao brought his apprentice as his helper on this trip, and the medicine box was also equipped with various antidotes.

The old medical officer's face turned black like the bottom of a pot, he paced back and forth anxiously, thinking hard about detoxification, he couldn't help sighing secretly: My life is dead.

Medicine and poison are originally a family, and it is actually very simple to say, as long as you find out what kind of poison it is, and prepare the corresponding antidote according to the poison.

But this time is different, Lao Shizi's thief used mixed poison, and the old medical officer would not dare to dispense the medicine until he knew the ingredients of the poison.

Seeing that the old medical officer Cai Miao was at a loss, Wang Li hurriedly asked, "Medical officer Cai, don't be careless, I'll let you know if I can save you, I'm so anxious."

Cai Miao's old face was twisted into a ball, his haggard hands were trembling, and he stretched out a finger to gesture: "I'm only [-]% sure..."

After Wang Li became a famous family, he failed to inherit and carry forward the military talent of the old Wang family. Five hundred imperial soldiers were attacked by 700 people and almost succeeded.

Wang Li trembled, a thin layer of sweat quickly oozes from his forehead, and he said in a panic, "[-]%? Mr. Cai, you have to think about it again. The safety of your son is related to both of us, and even the lives of hundreds of people."

Just when the two surrounded the room where Fusu stayed, feeling helpless and at a loss.

Lu Feng walked in with Li Yu, the two of them thought that the visitor was a doctor's helper, but upon closer inspection, they turned out to be two brats, and they couldn't help being a little annoyed at the county magistrate's actions.

Now the situation is special, this kind of person Lu Feng who has never seen before is actually brought in, Wang Li said angrily: "Magistrate Lu, you may have forgotten what is going on now, if you want to receive others, it is better to find some doctors to come back."

Lu Feng was taken aback, what kind of anger was this Wang Li, and he immediately said in a strange way: "General Wang, who is he angry at? This is a fairy king, Lord Li, a national scholar. After all, General Wang has to pay homage to the Lord Hou." .”

Wang Li's expression changed, he had only heard about the name of the Immortal Lord, and had never seen it before.

Li Yuwen frowned. The county magistrate is not a good bird. He is glib and annoying, so he immediately waved his hand and said, "Hey, there is no need to be polite. The situation is urgent. I think this old medical officer is the one who will give me a hand. Describe your condition."

Several people present were taken aback, thinking that Li Yunai was sent by His Majesty to welcome the young master.

This implication, could it be that he came to ask a doctor?

That's right, Cai Miao heard some rumors from the palace that His Majesty Shihuang's illness was cured by the Immortal Lord, and that His Majesty had the grace to save his life, so he was favored by His Majesty.

Cai Miao seemed to be grasping at straws, regardless of age and status, she immediately cupped her hands and said, "Junhou, do you also know medical skills? I hope Junhou will take over. Thank you in advance, old man."

Li Yu doesn't know much about medical skills. Yingzheng was poisoned with mercury at the time, and he just happened to browse some descriptions of the disease and the methods of treatment and detoxification out of curiosity.

But he couldn't say that he was a blind cat who bumped into a mouse, so he immediately said, "This Marquis just knows a little bit, not as good as you, the old medical officer,"

Before Li Yu finished speaking, Cai Miao became anxious, and quickly shouted: "Your Majesty, my son's face is turning green now, if we don't seek the antidote, we will lose our lives."

Li Yu was startled by Cai Miao's shout, that's right, I touched it out of curiosity, and with Ying Zheng's thinking, I must feel that everything is safe for me...

If Fusu dies, few of the people present will be able to survive alone.

Not talking nonsense, I shouted directly in my heart: Summon Hua Tuo.

"The characters have been arranged in place."

At this moment, Li Yu only wanted the system to be more reliable, and Bie Te Niang would play with moths, and do less of entering the palace to purify herself.

And as if the system sensed it, a yamen servant outside the county magistrate's mansion rushed in and reported: "My lord, there is a white-haired old man outside the door begging to see him, saying that he is a guest of Lord Junhou."

Li Yu immediately opened his mouth to argue: "Hurry up and invite him in, this is the doctor who was invited by the Marquis to detoxify the young master."

As the saying goes: When you are in a hurry, you go to the doctor.

The faces of the few people present were overjoyed, not to mention that the words of Xian Junhou were naturally somewhat credible, and they had the right to grasp a life-saving straw, and at the same time urged: "Hurry up, invite the old doctor in. "

Li Yu was only surprised this time, just now the old medical officer said what the hell the young master's face turned green...

Poisoning can make one's face turn blue, purple, or black. Isn't this what is said in film and television works and novels, but it is really unheard of to turn green, and it may also be Li Yu's ignorance.

Opening the door and walking to the bed, I saw Fusu in white fur lying on the bed with his eyes closed, his lips were purple, but his originally handsome face was green.

Li Yu couldn't help muttering in his heart: Grandma's legs are really green.

I only heard that an old man walked in outside the door, carrying a medicine box on his back, with vivid eyes and a childlike face with white hair.

Li Yu scanned his eyes, and a row of values ​​jumped out.

Hua Tuo (characterized):

Force 21
Intelligence 99
Special Occupation: Doctor, titled Miracle Doctor.

Li Yu was immediately startled, could it be that such a special talent would have an extra job introduction?
Although the hair is a bit messy, it doesn't affect the famous doctor's name.

I saw that Hua Tuo didn't look around after entering the door, but walked directly to the bed and looked at Fusu, whispering to himself: "The green face is the liver with poison entering the internal organs, and the purple and black lips are the appearance of vicious stagnation."

He touched the scar on Fusu's arm lightly, and said in a deep voice, "This is a poisonous wound. It looks normal but with thick water coming out. It is actually a poisonous root and needs to be cured by scraping."

(End of this chapter)

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