I made Daqin a prosperous world

Chapter 60 Meeting on a narrow road

Chapter 60 Meeting on a narrow road (please subscribe! Thank you for your support)
In Central Fujian, as a place where many tribes once gathered Yue people, more than [-]% of its population is Yue people, and the remaining [-]% ​​are survivors of the six countries who fled here to escape the war.

Now Minzhong County is occupied by Xiang Liang and Jie Jun, and they meet to recruit terracotta warriors wantonly.

Jie Jun's Baiyue army responded frequently, with an estimated 3 people, but very few joined the Xiang family army, less than one-tenth of them. The significance of this is worth cherishing.

Jie Jun is in the first place, Xiang Liang is next.

Looking at the people sitting there, Xiang Liang couldn't help being very annoyed, his eyes flashed, and he thought: Is it true that you really want to be a minister to Jie Jun?
Now his subordinates are like a cloud of fierce generals, except for the lack of eloquent counselors and terracotta warriors.

Here I thought of my father, Fan Zeng. If Fan Zeng was here, he would definitely have a way to deal with it. Unfortunately, Fan Zeng traveled far away and did not know when he would return.

Xiang Yu, who is still a young dragon and a hero, probably doesn't have much thought about recruiting soldiers and lobbying the people.

As for Zhong Limei, Han Xin and Han Xin who came here for refuge, Xiang Liang saw that their faces were white and needless, and they didn't like it, so they ignored them.

Jie Jun saw it in his eyes, thought for a moment, and then said: "In my opinion, General Xiang has [-] children who can fight well, and there are several generals, so the recruitment is not urgent."

Xiang Liang's expression changed, he didn't know what Jie Jun was thinking, and immediately asked, "What does the leader Jie Jun say?"

A hint of cunning flashed in Jie Jun's eyes, and he said: "As far as I know, Ying Zheng appointed Zhang Han as the general, leading 20 troops across the river, and divided his troops into two groups to point directly at Zhao Tuo. You and I."

Xiang Liang was startled, and said, "20? Where did it come from?"

This requires recruiting 20 troops, and even without training, it will take at least one or two months.

Xiang Liang then asked suspiciously again: "The matter between you and me is so secret, and there is no warning, how could he, Ying Zheng, know?"

"It's been half a year since Daqin withdrew, and I think I've planned to start another army," Jie Jun shook his head and smiled wryly, with suspicion in his words.

Xiang Liang remained silent for a long time, but Jie Jun sighed: "The arrow is on the string, and we have to shoot it. You and I need to be of the same mind."

Xiang Liang's face softened, and he clasped his fists together and said, "Of course."

"Calculating the time, the [-] sailors I sent will arrive in Kuaiji in a day or two."

Seeing Xiang Liang's Eshou, Jie Jun expressed his intention.

Xiang Liang was shocked again when he heard the words, and then reacted, sneering: "The leader Jiejun is really a good trick, and Xiang doesn't even know about it."

Jie Jun smiled and said: "For the first time to cooperate, I have to be careful. Now I have 6 people under my command, and General Xiang also has more than [-] people. Careful planning will surely lead to future success."

People are really more popular than people...

Xiang Liang couldn't help but sighed, and said helplessly, "It should be so."

Jie Jun, who was able to fight the Qin army for many years without a single hair loss, was obviously superior. Xiang Liang couldn't help but nodded, and said, "Leader Jie Jun, please make arrangements."

Jie Jun was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "Since I have told the follow-up, I also hope that General Xiang can help me take Lujiang County.

As long as Lujiang County is taken down, the Poyang area will naturally be dominated by our Yue people's navy. "


Three days later.

A farewell to Hengshan County, Chen Qingzhi's destroyer crossed the river (Yangtze River) and pointed directly at Kuaiji.

According to the mountains and rivers map of Daqin, where the rivers and the East China Sea meet, there is a water area called Zhenze, also known as Taihu Lake.

Taihu Lake is in Kuaiji County, and entering the East China Sea from Taihu Lake can save Li Yu nearly two days' journey.

More importantly, this Kuaiji is the resident of the shipbuilding department that manufactures iron-clad ships.

The eight building boats in front of me were rebuilt here and launched to Hanzhong County.

Seeing the ship sailing slowly from the river into the direction of Taihu Lake, Li Yu pondered for a moment, and said, "Ziyun, enter Taihu Lake and head towards the shipyard."

When a ship travels on a river, it must have a ferry if it wants to dock, but when traveling to the sea, not to mention the rough waves, it is only because of the invisible reef that it is easy to not get close to the shore.

I think Li Yu is planning to go to the shipyard to resupply the first boarding ship.

Chen Qingzhi nodded and said, "Master Hou is thoughtful, Ziyun admires it."

Li Yu couldn't help laughing and said, "This Marquis doesn't want to be buried in the belly of a fish."

As soon as the words fell, an unexpected voice sounded, but it was Liu Bang who watched the scenery of the river and mountains from the side, and said casually:

"Baiyue people are good at water, will they not take the usual way, come from the sea, and raid Kuaiji..."

Li Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he was startled. What Liu Bang said was true. There are only [-] troops stationed in Kuaiji now, and they are still here for the purpose of escorting salt and food.

Thinking of this, Li Yu couldn't help but said anxiously: "Grandma has a leg, she won't really come to attack Kuaiji."

During the speech, I saw a small boat galloping towards, and one of the people on the boat was holding a flag in his hand, waving wildly.

The moment he saw the semaphore clearly, Chen Qingzhi's face changed drastically, and he said anxiously: "Master Hou, I'm afraid the ship has to speed up."

Li Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked, "Why?"

Chen Qingzhi replied: "The boat waving the flag means the semaphore used by the Daqin Navy. He was telling us that before the incense stick, an unknown fleet attacked the entrance of Taihu Lake, and he was going to ask for support."

Li Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, then glanced at Liu Bang and said, "Grandma has such a leg, what do you really say?"

Liu Bang's complexion changed when he heard the words, and he explained in embarrassment: "Ji just said it casually, I didn't think..."

Before Liu Bang finished speaking, Li Yu was happy instead, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, the blind cat has encountered a dead mouse, so hurry up and get close to the boat and let him board the boat to discuss."

In the blink of an eye, four or five people came up from the boat, the leader was a middle-aged man wearing a government official, and the rest were all wearing water transport uniforms.

As soon as the leading official boarded the ship, he was shocked and happy when he saw that the ship was full of soldiers.

Then he glanced around, looked at Chen Qingzhi who was wearing an officer's uniform, and hurriedly shouted: "This general, my ancestor, go and save the county guard."

Chen Qingzhi smiled when he heard the words, and said in a leisurely manner: "No hurry, just tell me the situation quickly."

Middle-aged officials are subordinate officials of the sheriff at any rate, and there are still some of them.

Just then he was in a hurry, ready to go to Hengshan County to ask for help, and happened to bump into the navy of this building.

Only by taking a look from a distance, he knew where these buildings came from, so he hurriedly signaled the accompanying guards to wave the flag.

Now that his mind was settled, the middle-aged official let out a long sigh of relief, and then introduced himself: "The villain Zhu Cong, the subordinate officer of Zhao Hongming, the prefect of Kuaiji, and Mr. Zhao."

Hearing this, Li Yu glanced at Zhu Cong. The change in Zhu Cong's tone made people look up to him.

Then he heard him say: "Half an hour ago, a navy of unknown origin suddenly appeared at the mouth of the sea, then entered Taihu Lake, and pointed directly at Kuaiji.

Master Zhao saw that the enemy was approaching fiercely, there were at least [-] people, so he sent a villain to Hengshan County to ask for help, and then he took [-] water transport sailors to close the city gate. "

Is this a plan to use [-] water troops to resist [-] enemy troops?
Everyone present was shocked, and a sense of admiration spontaneously emerged.

Li Yu couldn't help but said, "You know where the enemy came from."

Zhu Cong was taken aback when he heard the words, then saw Chen Qingzhi nod his head, thinking that the young man in front of him might not be simple.

Then he didn't dare to be negligent, and said: "My lord, when I went out of the city earlier, I saw from a distance that the enemy soldiers were wearing very little clothes, and all of them were carrying bows and arrows, and most of the boats they drove were small boats."

Dressed like this, recalling the Yue people's information Zhang Han had collected before, Li Yu's expression turned serious, and he already guessed who the person who raided Kuaiji was.

Li Yu narrowed his eyes, looked at the shouts coming from the shore in the distance, and couldn't help muttering: "I just don't know if Xiang Yu has followed..."

(End of this chapter)

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