I made Daqin a prosperous world

Chapter 62 2 Army confrontation

Chapter 62
While Jieying was speaking, Chen Qingzhi ordered the soldiers to form a shield formation again, and stopped about three or four hundred paces in front of Kuaiji City.

Chen Qingzhi didn't agree with Li Yu's previous thoughts, and said immediately: "Master Hou, the people of Yue have crossed the sea and far away, and they must be exhausted at this time. It may be detrimental to our army to rest and recuperate."

Previously, Li Yu had preconceived ideas, and he didn't want to cause casualties to the soldiers, so he imagined that way.

Listening to what Chen Qingzhi said now, there is indeed some truth. If Yue has [-] people, if he recovers from rest, he will be the defender of the city, so it should not be underestimated.

He couldn't help laughing at himself: "This Marquis took it for granted. I don't know what good strategy you have."

"On the contrary, my subordinates feel that Lord Hou's idea is feasible. If the Type 99 Liannu can be transported, one is enough to break through the city gate."

Zhao Yun's sudden opening aroused everyone's curiosity.

And Zhao Yun has always played the role of Li Yu's guard on weekdays, as silent as a little transparent, now that he speaks on his own initiative, it is normal for everyone to be surprised and curious.

Li Yu couldn't help thinking: Could it be that Zhao Yun was buried with him?

Then Zhao Yun said again: "Master Hou wanted to unload the Liannu from the ship in the shipyard, because he was afraid that the ship would run aground here, but this time he chose to stay far away."

Li Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked, "But what good idea did you think of, Zilong tell me quickly."

Zhao Yun clasped his hands and said, "It's not really a solution, it's nothing more than using the boat that sent us ashore just now, and then transporting the ballista ashore."

Zhao Yun's words fell, and the method was so simple that it made people feel ashamed.

collective silence...

Then I saw Liu Bang slapped his forehead, and said with a self-deprecating face: "I turned a blind eye to the method that is right in front of me, and these tricks were in vain."

"It's like looking for a book even though you have it in your hand."

As soon as Li Yu said this, the metaphor could not be more appropriate, and everyone laughed.

Say it.

Chen Qingzhi hurriedly sent someone to dismantle a Liannu, and took it to the gate of the city with a small boat, waiting to attack the city.

At the same time, the Yue people's generals were condescending, and every move of Li Yu and others could be seen clearly through the city wall.

The leader, Huang Zhang, pointed at Liannu and said in surprise: "Look, leader, what kind of thing is the black bump that the Qin army is messing with on the shore?"

Jieying narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at it for a while, only to feel that this thing looked familiar, and Qin Jun's siege crossbow suddenly flashed in her mind.

Although the black pimple in front of him looked different from the Qin Nu he had seen before, he was quite sure in his heart.

Jieying's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly called out to Huang Zhang: "The Qin army is going to attack the city, you should take people to the city gate quickly, and block the entrance of the city gate with the wooden and stone carriages in the city."

Huang Zhang's expression changed, and he hurriedly led people to rush.

Jieying then said: "Panyu, where is Luqu?"


Only two people came out and responded in unison.

"Order the two of you to take 5000 people to detour from the east gate. When the Qin army attacks the city, they must kill the generals of the Qin army."

Seeing the two of them leaving, Jieying didn't relax in the slightest, her expression fluctuated, but she said, "Amu, go and collect two thousand clansmen, replace all the armors of the previous defenders, and wait for my order."

"As ordered."

After ordering everything, Jieying looked at the Qin army who was getting closer, suddenly smiled, and said casually, "Push this Qin official to the city wall."

Li Yu was concentrating on the siege battle that was about to start, and his eyes were fixed on the top of the city, wanting to see if there were any old acquaintances, but unfortunately he could only see half of his head moving around.

Suddenly, the top of the city moved, and a man who was tied up was pushed to the wall and half hung there.

Li Yu didn't know this person, but Zhu Cong beside him had sharp eyes, and he recognized him at a glance, and quickly shouted: "That person is Lord Sheriff."

Li Yu frowned, and was about to ask a question, only to hear someone screaming from the top of the city: "Listen, Qin Jun below, if you want your county guard to survive, you should quickly withdraw from the Taihu Lake, and from then on across the river, you will see each other. non-aggression."

As soon as these words came out, Li Yu was overjoyed. He wanted to preach, but the volume was not loud enough.

So he divided the matter aside and asked Zhao Yun to help him shout: "It is useless for you to wait for the Yue people to collude with the remnants of the Chu State to rebel, and now they sneak attack and occupy our Daqin city. Catch the thief without a fight, otherwise your lives will be in danger once the city gate is breached."

As soon as the words fell, the hearts of all the people present were shocked. They did not expect Li Yu, a gentle and gentle gentleman, to say such vulgar words.

For a while, you looked at me and I looked at you, which made Zhao Yun's face red, as if he had been roasted by charcoal.

Liu Bang, on the other hand, felt that he was kind, so he grinned, scolded him well, and stopped talking.

Although Jieying is the leader, she is also a woman, how could the people in the city speak so vulgarly and shamelessly, like Zhao Yun, she turned red in the face.

After a while, Jieying laughed back angrily, and refused to let his subordinates speak, she showed herself and shouted: "Shameless Qin people, since ancient times, the south of the river has been the residence of our Yue people for generations, you Qin!" Human First Emperor was cruel and merciless, he ordered 50 troops to conquer, kill our people, and occupy our land. It is ridiculous to say this now.

There are tens of thousands of people in the city today, if you want to save their lives, you should retreat quickly. "

The voice was a bit sharp, reaching Li Yu's ears, Li Yu couldn't help being taken aback.

I rely on...


The leader of the Yue people is a woman?
Afterwards, Li Yu muttered in a low voice as if he had discovered a new continent: "I didn't expect the leader of the Yue people to be a woman. Is there no man in the family?"

Zhao Yun was so close that he was at a loss for words, so he asked, "Master... do you want me to say this?"

Li Yu smiled when he heard the words, quickly waved his hands to signal, and then said: "Speaking of which, this female leader is quite powerful, and she even knows how to use hostages to threaten her."

Chen Qingzhi smiled when he heard the words, showing a bewildered smile, and said: "Your Majesty, don't be fooled by this woman. I'm afraid this is Yueren's delaying strategy. It seems to be delaying time."

As soon as Chen Qingzhi said this, Li Yu nodded immediately, and had no choice but to believe it.

After all, among the people in front of him, when it comes to leading troops to fight, the person who has the most say is Chen Qingzhi, followed by Zhang Liang.

But judging from Li Yu's experience, women are not easy to mess with.

Then he said: "The Marquis is really afraid that this woman is a cruel and merciless person..."

Zhang Liang smiled when he heard the words, and there was a special taste in his smile, he might as well give way to the beautiful woman in the city.

Said: "Your Majesty is worrying too much, but Liang feels that this woman must not be like this."

Li Yu was shocked when he heard this, Zhang Liang still has the ability to read people's hearts?
Then he asked, "If Zifang has any insights, I might as well tell you about it."

Zhang Liang looked calm, and said: "The [-] Yue troops in Liangguan are all recruited by this woman, and none of them are dissatisfied, and they are dispatched well, obviously this woman has a certain prestige among the Yue people.

Seeing that she did not kill the guards who commanded the city, although she intended to blackmail Lord Hou, it could be seen that this woman was not someone who killed for no reason.

Based on these two points, Liang felt that the meaning of this woman's words was to delay the time. Perhaps at this time, she had already sent someone to wait in the dark for an opportunity to attack our army. "

Chen Qingzhi's expression changed, he looked at Zhang Liang and said, "So, there must not be many defenders at the east gate here."

Seeing that Zhang Liang nodded, as if he had something to say, Chen Qingzhi then asked, "Brother Zifang, it's okay to say."

Then Zhang Liang said again: "Looking at the surroundings of Kuaiji City, the left side is the beach, but there is a small hill not far from the right side of our army."

As soon as Zhang Liang finished speaking, Chen Qingzhi couldn't help saying in admiration: "A person who can win the appreciation of the king is not an ordinary generation, I admire it."

Apparently, Chen Qingzhi had guessed the meaning of Zhang Liang's words, and then, Chen Qingzhi's expression turned serious, and he said: "I ordered 2000 people from the left army to break through the city with crossbows and capture the west gate. .”

(End of this chapter)

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