Chapter 81

A mention of land reform.

Although it didn't affect the interests of the rich and famous, the wealthy and the country gentry, it still reminded them.

Ying Zheng deliberately dismissed the court meeting again, just to hear what Li Yu could do to deal with these cancers that had become a hindrance to the development of the empire.

"I sent Mengqing to look for you, just because I was afraid that something might happen to the prince. You must know that Daqin needs you, Li Yu."

In the study, as soon as Ying Zheng's words came out, Li Yu couldn't help saying that Li Yu was a little surprised.

Seeing Ying Zheng's burning eyes again, it seems that he has rejuvenated his second life, and his desire for conquest has once again appeared.

Li Yu was not pretentious, nodded and said: "Your Majesty, the various ranks of the Great Qin military ranks represent the amount of land in each, and the amount of edible town tax, and these people can neither participate in farming, but can Relying on a large amount of land in hand and leasing it to the poor is tantamount to exploitation.

And the higher the status and title, the more land in their hands, and naturally, the more poor people will be exploited.

As far as Marquis is concerned, the feudal city has about 10 households and a population of [-]. Li Yu thinks he can't do it to exploit so many people. "

Ying Zheng's complexion was rosy, and there was not much disturbance. After listening to Li Yude's analysis, his face suddenly became a little surprised.

Then he asked: "Could it be that the prince already knew that today's land reform is going to happen?"

Ying Zheng had only just asked, and his astonishment had turned into shock.

Shocked when Li Yu was rewarded, Li Yu verbally rejected the reward from a county.

It turned out that as early as that time, Li Yu had seen through...

Li Yu, who already knew a lot, was determined by Ying Zheng to be a first-class land immortal.

Then again.

Li Yu is indeed quite resistant to this kind of behavior, which is tantamount to standing on other people's shoulders to eat and drink.

However, since Ying Zheng had doubts, he still had to explain.

"Your Majesty, how can a humble minister have that ability? It's nothing more than seeing a lot and thinking a lot, seeing through the system, and then deriving some opinions."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yusheng was afraid that Yingzheng would deviate from the topic, and said: "There are about seven or eight marquises in Daqin today, and all of them are big landlords who collect rent from thousands of households. Wang Ben and his son are the most prominent, and I think His Majesty knows better."

Wang Jian...

Wang Ben...

Yingzheng's expression changed slightly, these two people have made great contributions to their success!
Since Li Yu mentioned Wang Jian and his son, he probably wanted to use them as a model.

The two generals retreated bravely, and there is nothing wrong with being a landlord in the wild now.

On the contrary, Ying Zheng had some nostalgic thoughts, so he said, "Can I choose another..."

Seeing that Yingzheng hesitated, Li Yu frowned, and said bluntly: "Your Majesty, General Wang was only enforcing the land every time there was a war in order not to be suspected by His Majesty, and his son followed suit.

Now it can be regarded as one family and two marquises, with a bright lintel, but it is also conceivable how many fiefdoms and food towns there are.

It is no exaggeration for Weichen to say that the Wang family can be called the number one landlord in the Qin Dynasty.

If the old general Wu Chenghou Wang Jian can be persuaded to take the lead in returning the land to the country, then the first shot of land reform can be fired. "

Ying Zheng's expression changed, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Meng Yi who was beside him heard it clearly, and suddenly said: "Your Majesty, what you said is not unreasonable to me. If the respected and respected General Wang takes the lead, then Meng Yi and elder brother should follow suit."

Li Yu's heart relaxed, as long as Meng Yi let go, the matter would be half done.

Sure enough, after Meng Yi had finished expressing his loyalty, Ying Zheng's expression turned serious, and he said directly, "Since Meng Qing has also spoken, then it's up to you, Junhou, to persuade Marquis Wucheng and Wang Jian."

There was no surprise in Li Yu's heart. Except for himself, no one else could do this task.

Compared with convincing Wang Jian, the more important thing right now is to let Ying Zheng issue an edict to relocate the population to the south of Jianghe.

"Your Majesty, the empire has a vast territory, but the development of arable land is still inefficient. Apart from convincing the wealthy and nobles, it is necessary for Your Majesty to issue an edict to recruit civilians to develop the land."

Ying Zheng nodded and said, "The land of a thousand miles is less than [-]% developed. It is really necessary to develop land to prepare for foreign wars in the coming year."

Since Ying Zheng nodded, he didn't have to worry about how many people he would recruit to reclaim the wasteland.

Li Yu then cupped his hands, revealing a hint of his desire to leave, after all, Wang Jian's hometown is not too close to Xianyang.

After solving the serious problem in his heart, Ying Zheng waved his hand, and Li Yu left Xianyang Palace and went straight to Pinyang Dongxiang.

Wang Jian and his son fought countless battles back then, but now they have retreated bravely and lived a life in the countryside.

Li Yu made many inquiries, and finally found the Wang's house, an ordinary residence with two ears and one hall.

No one would have thought that the Wangs and their sons would be so low-key...

Looking at the unpretentious palace, Li Yu thought of the same unpretentious people in a certain province who collected rent by stepping on flip flops.

That's right, it's the spicy uncle who said that the ten buildings next to him belonged to his house and sold duck rice.

Today's Wang Jian and his son are even worse. They obviously live on the rent of 10,000+ people, but they live in an unremarkable homestead.

According to Li Yu's estimate, the population of this Dongxiang is only two to three thousand households, and the area of ​​hundreds of miles around it is probably all the real estate of the Wang family.

Although they have already reached the door, it is better to find someone to touch the temperament of Wang Jian and his son first. After all, Li Yu has never seen what Wang Jian and his son look like.

Li Yu glanced around the Wang residence, and saw an old man in his sixties or seventies lying under a tree to rest.

Li Yu got closer and asked, "Old man, I want to ask you about my brother's affairs."

The old man was looking up at the sky, when he heard someone disturbing his quietness, he couldn't help being a little annoyed, so he waved his hand and said: "Young man, didn't you see that the old man is resting?"

Li Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, the old man was obviously looking up at the sky with his legs crossed, what kind of rest was this.

What's more, it's afternoon now, people who come back from farming have to go here, coming and going bustling, can rest for a ghost...

Li Yu was puzzled, so he said: "Old man, do you choose a place where people come and go to rest?"

The old man sighed, and said: "This man, he had a good time when he was young, but he can't bear the loneliness when he is old and leisurely. It's good to just watch people coming and going every day."

As soon as these words came out, Li Yu became even more surprised and curious.

Not to mention, Li Yu took a closer look, and found that the old man was not stooped in the slightest, but he still had the muscularity of a young man.

The beard and hair are all white, and although the contours of the cheeks are loose and dry, they still reveal a bit of determination.

A strange feeling flashed in Li Yu's heart, so he glanced at the gate of the Wang's residence.

Could it be that this old man...

Thinking of this, Li Yu couldn't help being startled, so he was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect to see the famous Marquis Wu Cheng and General Wang Jian here, I'm disrespectful."

Li Yu's words just came out, and the old man straightened up suddenly, he didn't look like an old man.

The old man was a little surprised, a gleam flashed in his eyes, then he looked at Li Yu and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the old man has been living in the countryside for more than ten years, and there are still people who remember my name, hahahaha."

Following the old man's words, even though Li Yu had guessed and prepared, he was still shocked.

It's really the great general Wang Jian!
(End of this chapter)

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