I made Daqin a prosperous world

Chapter 84 Every family has a hard-to-read scripture

Chapter 84 Every family has a hard-to-read scripture
"Why is General Wang Ben at Carpenter Zhang's house..."

Seeing that Dongyang Village next door was in the distance, Li Yu slowed down and asked.

Wang Jian's body swayed from side to side following the horse, and also slowed down.

Wang Jian shook his head helplessly, and said: "People like us are born for war. If we are suddenly idle, we must have something else to attract our attention."

Li Yu couldn't help nodding his head. After decades of horseback marching, it was a torment for Wang Jian, Wang Ben and his son to be idle all of a sudden.

But I really didn't expect that Wang Jian, the mighty Marquis of Wucheng, was so lonely that he lay in front of his house to pass the time, while Wang Ben, Marquis of Tongwu, became a carpenter's apprentice...

It's like Zhang Fei lost his eight-foot spear, but he wanted to learn how to embroider.

However, Wang Ben, who was once a great general of the Qin Dynasty, now wants to pick up a carving knife to carve flowers, while Li Yu wants to see and see.

When Li Yu and his party stepped in, they could see through the end of the village at a glance, Dongyang Village with a population of no more than a hundred households at most.

Except for seeing some bare-backed kids, squatting on the ground and playing with mud, or chasing and playing, there is no one else to see in the whole village.

Wang Jian didn't speak, and went straight to a house with a big tree in front of it.

There is a wooden sign hanging on the tree, and the four big characters of "Zhang's Woodcut" are written on the sign.

Li Yu couldn't help but shook his head, grinned and said, "This brand is a good one, but the handwriting is too delicate..."

Wang Jian glanced at the house number, then waved his hand, and said angrily: "The old man is waiting outside, little friend, you can do what you want."

Li Yu couldn't help being a little surprised, what happened to Wang Jian?
Could it be that he didn't deal with this carpenter's family?
Li Yu stepped into the door of the carpenter's house with doubts.

In front of the eyes is a three-foot-wide front yard. The ground is filled with all kinds of wood carvings, and some are even unplaned wood.

But here there was a creaking sound coming from the house...

Li Yu couldn't help frowning, and thought to himself: You said it's broad daylight, what are you doing with the door closed while making a wood carving.

dong dong dong~
Li Yu had no choice but to knock on the door, three times in a row, the creaking movement in the room stopped abruptly.

Then, a loud voice came: "Who, don't you know the rules here? It's closed on a single day, so you can go."

hey, that's weird...

Are the old people living so casually?
Since Li Yu and Wang Bensu had never met or spoken to each other, they naturally did not know whether the speaker was Wang Ben or Zhang Carpenter.

With doubts in his heart, Li Yu knocked on the door again.

The door of this room was opened from the inside, revealing a palm-width crack.

I saw a face with unshaven beard and sweat dripping from the forehead looking out through the crack of the door, seeing a young man, the man then said: "What are you knocking for? Do you understand the rules here?"

Li Yu's heart moved, and he said apologetically, "Brother, I'm looking for someone."

The man suddenly opened some cracks in the door, and Li Yu took the opportunity to look, only to see that the man was shirtless, with only a pair of mattress pants on his lower body.


Could it be that he ruined other people's good deeds?

But isn't this the carpenter's house?

In addition to Wang Ben and Zhang Carpenter, at most there is Zhang Carpenter's wife, so Wang Ben is not in it...

Li Yu was a little dumbfounded for a while, it was broad daylight, no wonder the door was closed.

Then, the man frowned and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

At the moment when the man frowned, Li Yu seemed to see the feeling of not being angry and arrogant.

Li Yu became more and more curious, and said with a smile: "I wonder if there is a person surnamed Wang here who was once a general of Daqin?"

The man was taken aback when he heard the words, then he was a little surprised and said: "Why do you want him?"

Obviously, if the man answered this way, he had it.

Li Yu said again: "I heard from Old General Wang that Marquis Tong Wu was at the carpenter's place in the next village at this time, so the boy came here."

The man's expression changed when he heard the words, he pushed open the door with both hands and took a step, he was a little shocked and said: "What did you say? Have you been to Father?"

The man's words and deeds have obviously revealed his identity.

Li Yu never expected, never expected, that the slovenly, topless man in front of him was actually the famous Tong Wu Hou Wang Ben?
What a long time to see...

Not waiting for Wang Ben to be shocked, Li Yu was also extremely shocked, so he said in a bit of astonishment: "So you are Wang Ben, Marquis of Tongwu, General Wang."

When Wang Ben heard Li Yu's title, he couldn't help being taken aback, and then smiled wryly, "Whether it's Marquis Tongwu or General, that's all in the past, and now I'm just a carpenter."

Li Yu was puzzled, did Wang Ben hide his name until now?
Just when Li Yu thought that Wang Ben changed his surname to hide his name and become a carpenter in order to better bid farewell to the court.

But a weak voice came from the inner room, "Old Wang, who is it? Come here and give me a hand."

Hearing this, Wang Ben looked at Li Yu, then at the door, hesitantly said: "How about waiting for a while, my friend? I still have some work to do..."

Li Yu couldn't help being amazed, if he heard correctly, the voice just now was obviously a woman's voice.

Could it be Wang Ben's wife?Wang Li the fuck?

But if Li Yu's guess was like this, then Wang Jian wouldn't be unable to get through the door.

Even though there are many doubts in his heart, since he has found it, he is not in a hurry.

Then he opened his mouth and replied: "General Wang, I will wait for you outside the door."

Hearing this, Wang Ben showed a rare smile, and said, "Okay, wait a moment, my friend, and I'll be fine soon."

After speaking, without waiting for Li Yu to respond, Wang Ben closed the door again.

Then, there were creaking noises in the house again...

Li Yu couldn't help but shook his head in self-mocking, this Wang Jian is over 70, and Wang Ben should be in his fifties.

Seeing Li Yu coming out alone, Wang Jian was a little surprised, and asked casually, "Why did you come out alone, is that little bastard not in the house?"

The Wang family's father and son are actually exactly the same as well as their titles, one child after another.

Li Yu couldn't help grinning and said, "That's not true. It's probably because General Wang hasn't finished his work yet. Let me wait for a while."

"Grandma's a leg, this kid has turned the world upside down, there's no reason for me to wait for my son."

When Wang Jian heard this, he immediately blew his beard and stared, cursing with anger on his face.

Li Yu could see clearly, but he just couldn't guess what happened to the father and son.

But just now, it was obvious that he did not tell Wang Ben that Wang Jian was outside the door, causing Wang Jian to misunderstand.

Li Yu had no choice but to say: "Well... Old General Wang is wrong to blame General Wang. The junior didn't say that you were waiting outside the door."

After finishing speaking, Wang Jian's expression did not change at all. Li Yu finally understood that it had nothing to do with whether he said it or not.

After a while, Wang Ben put on some clothes and came out of the house, holding a pair of vivid ponies in his hands.

And behind Wang Ben, there is actually a woman in her 30s, who can be called exquisite in Li Yu's eyes.

"Father, why are you here?"

Before Li Yu could speak, he heard Wang Ben's voice raised an octave, shouting with a face full of shock.

Wang Jian frowned, looked at Wang Ben, then looked at the beautiful woman behind him, and said angrily, "Look at you now, you don't have a trace of my son's demeanor back then, you are so angry!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Jian waved his hand and was about to leave...

(End of this chapter)

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